Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cataclysm
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Maulbane Wrote:Hm. I'm still gonna make it so Maulbane comes back after Cataclysm as a super-powered robot Tauren with a part of Sargeras inside his pet pig. And he's going to get a plus over 9000 modifier.

It's gonna be so cash.
I am not sure why, but I am very scared of your character now... O_o;;
About all this Pandaren stuff thats going on

Blizz can most likley NOT include Pandaren into the game as they treid to before. The general response was:
Rest of world: naww the ky00t panaz is playing wif uz
China: If pandarens com out we will stop playing because pandas are sacred ( or something along those lines)

Wich is why Blizz will not release any pandaren playables only pets or possible neutral NPC's
Thats a very good point. And they are about (if not already) reopening and upgrading china servers.
But I think Blizz should include Pandaren in their future expansions, I mean, what if they include Pandarens in US/Euro Region and in China Region they replace it with a different playable race. This is what other gaming companies do in WW2 games, in US or in other parts of the globe, they can use Swastika Flags, but in Germany, they use different flag.

I hope Blizz do it also. :D
This has deviated from it's original post, so, locked.
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