Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: In Regards to the Bloodfaith
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So a few things have come to my attention, and it would be very inconsiderate of me not to pay attention to them simply because I don't feel as though they should be legitimate factors concerning RP. The OOC and IC worlds are inherently separate (I.E is real and one is not) and should have a very difficult time influencing one another. That said, the OOC and IC world influence one another in 95% of cases, so far as I can tell.

Put plainly, I'm asking generalize server permission to 'retcon' (You know, I'm still not sure what 'retcon' stands for. Anyone want to help me with that, on a side note? ^.^) the whole business. That is to say, as I'm almost always only almost saying what I mean to say, that I am altering the entire thing, and disapproval by the community for whatever reason will simply mean I entirely axe involved character and guild rather than alter them for ease of playing.

The reasons for the requested (suggested, warned) alteration is very simple. It's not the fault of anyone, and that is not the point of this post. In fact, if anyone is at fault it was entirely myself---I have this habit of disregarding qualms when they seem frivolous. Numbers don't lie, though. Despite the fact that the group exhibits a very...Sin'dorei set of view points, as far as where a firm faith among their culture might stand, there has been a notably hostile response.

This is because, while the Sin'dorei have ways...they are only an IC entity. The people behind the characters can't really be asked to condone something they would not, if they do not wish to. It's complicated, convoluted, but a bit of thought on it had me decide it's a needless source of friction. Four IC instances of someone 'saving' the only other currently involved character. Three translated into OOC confrontations.

The issue is not the first four, it is that the translation into OOC hostility speaks very clearly: It is not, for numerous reasons, an aspect that can be responded to very well by the faces behind the faces. We all preach of separation between IC and OOC, but because of that understood separation the effect of 'crossover' moments is inverse to what one may lean to at first.

Rather than me just saying 'pah, well it dun madder IC so neeeeh!', I'm obligated to acknowledge OOC discomfort as a rational and compassionate individual. In short, I am apologizing for discomfort caused by IC portrayals of actions and should have done this when I first noted the tone rather than dragging it on for another two days.

In closing, the floor's open for suggestions of how to change the portrayal of the faith, or polling on if axing the entire project (which is my vote) is the best course of action. Again I apologize for and moral discomfort resulting, and hope it was in no way damaging to a degree of permanence (or permanently damaging to future interactions between myself and others).

Looking forward to feedback,

I would personally suggest that you keep doing as you are, really. Perhaps tone it down a bit, though.

It shouldn't garner OOC dislike, but OOC dislike shouldn't have to translate into IC dislike, either.

Edited in note: Of course, said IC dislike is wanted. So it should be the opposite way around. IC dislike shouldn't be caused by, or cause feelings of the same persuasion in reality.
Toning it down defeats the purpose of the guild. I'm sad to hear that people were being childish enough to bring it OOC and argue about it, and I understand your reasons for retconing it, if you chose to.

For everyone else that -was- making this an issue OOC, shame on you, really. I'm getting sick of this childish bullshit where people have to make others come to this.
Rensin has a point, actually. Don't tone it down. Keep doin' like you're doin', and if someone gives you any serious trouble OOCly, either try to work it out, or send a PM the GM's way.
As everyone before me has stated you should not stop what you are doing.

The people who need to stop are those who will take something ICly and translate it to OOC. People, we are ROLEPLAYING! If my character yells and curses you out it does not mean I am cursing you out does it? No. This is one of the things that really gets me as a Roleplayer... We are taking on another person, another personality... Another everything! Anyone who makes you want to not RP because of an OOC dislike that they developed because of a roleplay are not okay with me and really should learn to seperate real life and our little server.


I apologize for the rant but as I said that is something that really gets me going as I have been subject to it. I really hope you do not give into them and continue doing what you want.
It's a shame when things like this happen to the point where someone doesn't feel they can RP. All I can say is that you should do what you feel is right if you don't feel comfortable playing your character anymore then that's what you should do. I for know I can expect another great character from you soon enough so you should do what you got to do.
General response has been either apologetic, neutral, or neutral-encouraging. This being relatively likely to be in the ballpark of how people really feel (I figured taking 70% of an apology and 70% of an encouragement and going with that puts me in the honest range) I suppose a massive change isn't as necessary as I may have thought.

However, I'm not stupid. And getting my own way wasn't the point of this. As subject closer (please lock/delete thread after this comment) I'll make changes anyway. The faith will be portrayed with a higher emphasis on the pre existing concentration on discipline. The questionable features of the group being pushed farther into the background.

The new angle doesn't change much of the face value of the group. They're still out for the same things... however, the elements in question will only be a part of their activities in the terms of an 'offering' or something of the sort if a large lapse in discipline is seen. Isiesi still does, pertaining to herself, but that's simply built into the character and can be implied rather than openly portrayed.

There are bright spots everywhere---the Zealot class within the guild has more a place then, as enforcers of disciplined action. And peace of mind that no one is made uncomfortable is always a bright spot worth reaching for. So that counts too.

Changed to more...Vulcans than a twisted religious fanatic group. From where I stand, I can already see room for far less inflammatory but very interesting interaction resulting from that. a radical Vulcan an oxymoron? Probably. It'll also be fun.

Thanks all for this being moderately painless,


(>.> yes, Vulcan is a Star Trek reference. They like logic and self control. With a dash of realism, absolutely strict moderation of self indulgences is likely to cause enough of a commotion to be worth playing in its own right, and still move toward the Bloodfaith's goals. Same candy, different flavor ^.^

I like candy.)
I <3 AmyT's logic, just keep with what you are doing.