Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: cseptr99's introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
(This can be anything. We like to get a feel for those that will be integrating themselves into our community.)
I'm usually quest focused, but like to immerse myself in the world and generally explore and interact with other players. I'm always ready to help other players, in both quests and the odd unexpected pvp.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
(We ask this, as we take this into consideration with players that do not primarily speak English.)
The United States, and primarily English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I started off with Starcraft and was pretty active in that community, although I had only played warcraft a few times when WoW came out I was intrigued...I've been hooked ever since.

What made you seek our server over others?:
The roleplaying aspect initially, but seeing the care and thought put into the rules and community really clinched it.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
(Some enjoy relaxing tavern roleplay. Others enjoy fighting, action and danger. Some in crowds, some in pairs. What appeals to you the most?)
I like a mix of rp types. I love when a story kind of builds between a handful of players, and what starts in a tavern conversation leads to a raid into Alliance territory. (or horde, as may apply)

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Right now I'm really into Blood Elves and Paladins. The Blood Elf history and attitude really is cool, and I've always liked the holy champion type since my days playing D&D.

What are your expectations of this server?:
A fun place to play and engage with other players without being griefed or spammed incessantly.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
(Feel free to review our rules listed here.)
Respect is the one I like best, it covers a lot of ground.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Galathrane craned his head up, steadying his mare on the edge of the wood. "Here," he whispered, knowing the sharp Trollish hearing of his companion. Upon a mottled green lizard, Kurduk the Razor, found the edge of the clearing. "I be smellin' them from here, mon! It's a human town, sure, but is it the right one, eh?"

Galathrane's brilliant green eyes flashed up and down road that was all the separated them from the outskirts of Goldshire. "I paid good coin for the information. They brought his body here, secure in the knowledge that their cowardice would be protected by their proximity to Stormwind and it's soldiers."

"Then let's do this, before the sun rises and it will be two against thousands."

"Don't worry my blue-skinned friend, just clear the way between me and our Orcish brother and once I've layed hands upon him and restored him to life, it will be three against thousands..." The troll laughed quitely, thinking of the bloodshed to come.

"Ya, mon. Good odds on any day."

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
(This can be anything. Questions/Comments are always welcome.)
Nothing really at the moment, just that it looks like a lot of work you guys put into this.
You should really expand on your answers! Don't be afraid to go into detail, you can never make them too long! :D I loved the colors. LOL

Welcome to the server!

Remember to /join chat in-game, because that is the kewl place where all the kewl people talk! :D Also, feel free to PM if you have -any- questions. And yeah, do...

...have fun and enjoy CotH!