Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Protocol for Complaints and other suggestions
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I decided to sit back and see if I could put my copious amount of free time into helping out around here with some productive suggestions. Here's the results of an afternoon of mulling over it and looking over the notes for the other server.
The GM's aren't gods. (Le gasp!) They can't be every where all the time and suffer from that whole mortal spirit thing. They have bad days! And get burnt out and over whelmed! On top of them not being omnipotent machines, they've also got varying methods of handling conflicts/issues. With all these variables, and the mentioned-somewhere distrust of authority and we get to the roots of the problem. I have two suggestions to help with this. I expect them to be fully massacred, but I at least want to try.

One: We make a form on the website with explicit instructions about what needs to be submitted. Personal account of the event, what was done to try and solve it before Gm involvement, screen caps etc. Along with this, we also come up with suggestions on how people can deal with issues on their own. A kind of Conflict Resolution How-to. It trusts people to read, I know. But we live in a text world. I, likely naively, think once people know it's there they will make use of it.

Two: Allow for players to apply as guards. It will take a lot of strain off the GM's who keep getting dragged into brawls and what not. Yes there will be abuse. Some characters will take some gold or a favor to let people go. But those kinds of things can be handled through rp by GM's. Who could/should be the officers of said guards.

That is all I have for now, though there is this vague notion that how we distribute 'punishments' needs to be more public. Some kind of forum or page that has the reasons a certain ruling is made. All right, have at it folks.
Gricca Wrote:Two: Allow for players to apply as guards. It will take a lot of strain off the GM's who keep getting dragged into brawls and what not. Yes there will be abuse. Some characters will take some gold or a favor to let people go. But those kinds of things can be handled through rp by GM's. Who could/should be the officers of said guards.

This won't be happening because we used to allow that pre-restart and it led to a lot of problems. And I'm not just saying that. This causes many, many, many issues. *Shudders* Friggen Stormwind....
Opening guards also means writing a list of every law for every city. I tried once... yeah. Let's just... not remember that. It's not something too far fetched, but when we did do it, it wasn't done... well, I guess you'd say. It isn't something we'd never do again, but it hasn't exactly been a priority to try and revamp.

As well as finding people that want to rp guards is hard. Since the main rp city fluctuates, as soon as you get your guard all set up, oh no, RP has jumped ship and you can't really use the char until it comes back.
As for the form idea along with people doing screenshots... it's already hard enough to get people to give 'em to us in the first place, so really making -another- thing on our server have to include a "standard" just makes things overcomplicated, and people will absolutely not even do it at that point.

It's easiest just for us to determine what we can from what you send us, heh.
Though maybe we could make it obvious how to do it, maybe add a forum for reports, complaints etc that can be posted in by everyone but only viewed by GMs?