Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Shadowcast's Introduction, Greetings
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
OOC: As I read your introduction example it made me think about something. I myself have never been much of a follower or a leader for that matter. As far as my roleplaying has every gone my chars are more like Anarchists going where the wind takes them, and doing as they will. There are times when they will ally themselves with those they choose to care for, but at the same time wouldn't hesitate to throw them under the bus if those allys ever betrayed them. I started rolepaying online using nothing but text and occaisionally a picture strung up to them to give some kind of visage as to what they would look like. Also I like to play those that are the riteous dogooders, and the completely heartless characters. I suppose I go more to the call of the wind than my little creations do as it were. I started playing wow not too long after The Burning Crusade came out. At the time it was something that an ex lover of mine played, and eventually I got curious. Well too say the least fate got ahold of me, or at least a really good online roleplaying game. Sometime passed and rp on the retail lines just didn't quite cut it like it used to. RP servers were filling up with a bunch of raiders and pvpers not surprisingly, and it became difficult to RP without being ridiculed or playing twenty questions with someone just trying to be a pest.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:

I was born in the south in NC in the U.S.A. in 1988, I am afraid I only speak english with a few words of Japanese, and Spanish thrown in, but not fluent by any means in those two.

How did you get into Warcraft?:

Though it has been awhile Diablo, Starcraft, and The Warcraft strategy games got me hooked to the company and the world itself. For the brief period I got to own these they were great. That ex lover I spoke of those is the only that hooked me onto World of Warcraft though. For some time I had been studying it watching as it swooped up popularity, and well curiosity killed the cat so the saying goes.

What made you seek our server over others?:

A friend recommended conquest of the horde to me just bragging about the level of roleplay he witnessed here. So I hoped to check it out and so far with the detail I am very pleased.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:

I like many types. With my diverse characters from other roleplays I have participated in have been nothing short of the same. It can be a hard core storyline or playing by ear. As long as it is roleplay I will go with just about anything. At one point I had chatroom that was actually for videogame based rp. I had setup some of the greats. Legend of Zelda, Devil May Cry, even HALO which really needed some more story clarity. *chuckle* At that time though World of Warcraft did not yet exist, or you could just bet that would have been there. *smiles slightly*

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

My I don't think I can pick just one, however I can pick three. I like the Draenei their will to drive on even after such hard times is admirable. Shows they are strong, riteous, and want to change the world with the very strength needed to do it. Night Elves because of their understanding of nature, their closeness to it, and need to work with it. They are smart, but they too are a troubled race yet they have learned from their past mistakes moving on with their thriving existance. Blood Elves their dark and chaotic mannerisms, they are manipulative and intelligent using their gifts for only them and when it benefits them to share with others. Liars, deceitful, being welcomed into the halls of their newfound horde brethren, and still putting them down behind their back and sometimes to their face. Out for their own hides and no one elses. On a side note I only like to play the female versions. The male model in the game has always been unappealing to me male that I am their models feel to glorified and outrageously uneven.

What are your expectations of this server?:

I don't think I can put it any other way but I want to roleplay. Vague I know, but it is something that has been lost. Not just in Warcraft but other RPGS and roleplaying sites all over players are losing their drive. This is something that I used to enjoy and I want to feel that enjoyment from it again. I feel as though here is a place that I can.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

Respect is most assuredly the greatest. Too many times I see people ridiculed in our world for what religion they are, or what politics they believe, the colour of their skin or what there culture is. Our world now is breaking into pieces and now more than ever it should be as it should have always been. Everyone deserves a fair chance at this place and everyone deserves their peace and equality.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Some time had passed since the Death Knights of the Litch King had overthrown him and became The Knights of the Ebon Blade. One of those such Death Knights lingers in the home she had settled for herself. Far from the Ebon Hold or the Shadow Vault in Icecrown. In the homeland of her proud people of before. Silvermoon the land of her proud people. Lunaros Vatielle lies in her home in the inn by Murder Row.

*A lady bloodelf decends the stairs her grey colored skin, ghost white hair, and frost colored eyes decend upon the bottum floor. She walks her way to the first barstool she sees. It is early and the tavern nearly empty right now. Just the old bartender who she had made good friends with these last few months. Jadek was his name. A bit of an eccentric fellow with a passion for wines and rums. A kind man at heart and Lunaros was quite fond of him.*

"Good morning Luna you are up early. Care for a drink? Finest Ale in Silvermoon you know." *uttered the quirky barkeep*

*Lunaros threw a sarcastic grin his way* "Oh but Jadek it is just sunrise. *a smirk and a short pause happens* So of course I will have a glass. *she and Jadek chuckled slightly at her comment, and Jadek kind soul he was poured the mugs full.* "A toast to you Luna, Though only a few months you have been here you have given me a friendship like none before." *jadek raises his glass to Lunaros*

*Lunaros raised her glass to him as well* "A kind friend you have been too Jadek." *she smiles but with a dark almost gloomy look on her face. She was reminising about her arrival. After the Kings hold on her vanished mere bits and pieces of her memories came back. With the ability of emotions again she realized what had happened and missed what was left behind. Years of backed up torment and anguish came over her. She saw then her hands being used as tools of destruction. The life she left and that which she is trying to establish again is that of a doctor. For a long time she used her hands to heal the injured and treat the sick. The memories of that and the skills for it still remained in tact. A very tormenting twist of fate. She does what she can for people now utilizing both her skills of battle when they are needed, but tries to spend her time healing those who need her both from that inn in Silvermoon and when she goes off to one of her travels.*

"Thank you my friend for the drink. Today though you know is the day I head to the Outlands to Falcon watch in the Hellfire Peninsula. They need a pair of hands there to help rebuild still and heal some of those that are still recovering from the past events." *she smiled as she picked up her bags and turned for the door*

*Jadek smiles at her warmly* "Yes I know it will be lonely in this town without you. Be safe dear friend and just don't forget to come home." *he smiles and waves goodbye as Lunaros heads on her way*
Shadowcast Wrote:Night Elves because of their understanding of nature, their closeness to it, and need to work with it. They are smart, but they too are a troubled race yet they have learned from their past mistakes moving on with their thriving existance.

I love you.

*cough* Anyway.

That was an awesome introduction, in my opinion. :D

Welcome to the server!

You know, we have a super cool channel of super cool awesomeness! That is the place for all sorts of chat. So, remember to /join chat when you're in game! :D Also, feel free to PM me if you have -any- questions! :D


Have fun and enjoy your stay here! Welcome to our big and happy family! :D
Well thank you for the kind words. ^_^ I hope that I do enjoy a nice long stay here. It will be nice to do without the griefing or ganking in the middle of nowhere. Cute dragon piccy there by the way. For what ever reason the lil fellow is in danger I would assuredly help to save him. :D
Shadowcast Wrote:Well thank you for the kind words. ^_^ I hope that I do enjoy a nice long stay here. It will be nice to do without the griefing or ganking in the middle of nowhere. Cute dragon piccy there by the way. For what ever reason the lil fellow is in danger I would assuredly help to save him. :D

Oh, that, lawl. I guess I should change the text, she's all grown up now. XD
Welcome to the server, and good luck.