Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Ob3y's Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
(Not sure if I should put my real name : So just call me Ob3y XP) I am an 18 year old, white male, stay at home son, I enjoy lots of different movies, ranging from action to drama to comedy, When I'm not playing WoW or am not on my computer, I like to paint Warhammer, read, and draw. My favourite book series right now is Scott Pilgrim (Seriously, awesome series, everyone should go out and buy it). I love tattoos, I already have two of them, and I wanna get at least 4 more.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I'm from Canada, Eh? I speak English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
South Park, No Really, I saw the episode of South Park, Make Love, Not Warcraft. And I was hooked right then and there, I knew of world of warcraft, but I was too much of a Starcraft and Starwars nerd to really pay attetion to it, then I saw the episode and I was like “Woah- this looks awesome, I really wanna play now!”

What made you seek our server over others?:
I really wanted to find a good roleplaying server, as opposed to all the other ones which are either just PVP or battlegrounds or Blizz-like servers... I really wanted a community where I could have a nice long drawn out roleplay in the Warhammer universe and really make it an epic tale!

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
That's a good question, I really can't decide which ones I enjoy... I'd say Tavern and Action/Drama are really two of my favourites.. I really like ones that include lots of Race mingling (Examples – a Dwarf and a Nightelf go to the Scarlet Monastary, find a Human Paladin and they cleanse Azeroth of the Scarlet Crusade) does that make sense? I'd really like to do a roleplay that really takes the player on a journey together where they find out alot about each other and themselves, and no, going on a camping trip to the tirisfall glades doesn't count.

What is your favourite race/class? Why?:
My Favourite races is definitely Dwarf and Human, I'm really and Alliance guy, and plus I love to make vikings!
That being said, I love the Warrior class it's simple and fun, and I really love playing the beserking viking from the North lands.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Medium to High, I wasn't expecting alot of rules and regulations (As opposed to the regular “Don't Swear, don't corpse camp” on PVP servers) but I knew this place was a good choice when you actually screen for good role-players! Some may think its anal, but I think its a clever way to root out the 12 year old's who want Gnome on Gnome action, if you know what I mean.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I believe Humility is the one that appeals to me most... Only because I've been in situations (on a lot of different RP sites) of people who only want the roleplay centred around them, It's kind of a buzz kill when you're trying to do a Vampire Hunter roleplay, and the lead vampire hunter wants to be in all the drama, all the action, and be better at everything than everyone else.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

(Remember how I said I enjoyed Warhammer, Here is some fluff about the Space Wolves of Warhammer 40k)

The Drop-Pod hit the ground with lightning speed, the tremendous thud that shook the ground almost knocked the horde of orks off their feet, the ork's bellowed a horrible cry only to be drowned out by two more pods falling from the fiery sky.

“GIT THEM HUMIES!” The Ork Mad Doc shouted.

The Drop-pods hissed open, all the doors facing towards the horde exploded in a hell fire of Bolter guns firing, the large shells pierced the green skins infront of them. Ragnar Blackmane, the young wolf lord of the Space Wolves emerged from the pod, his Rune etched Chain blade revved in his hand.

“SPACE WOLVES! ATTACK!” He cried out, his Bolt Pistol snapped off a few shots before he charged into the thick of the battle, already his battle brothers had joined the green tide, their chain blades ripping at skin, their Bolters mangling flesh, and the Space Wolves mighty cries filled the air.

Inside Ragnar's helmet, a klaxon went off, he turned his head to the right to see two of the Ork's Killa Kans (Walking Robots) coming over the ridge, heavy shoota's firing from their shoulders.

“Whirlwinds! Lock on my laser sight and fire!” Ragnar shouted into the comm, a static reply came back to him that sounded like “Yes my lord!”, On the side of the Young wolf lords helmet, a laser emerged, and not seconds later over head, missles came flying over the horizon, striking the Killa Kans before they could do any more damage.

“Ragnar! The Green Skins are retreating!” Beigarth, a Grey Hunter, marked with wolf of Ragnar's personal guard.

“Let them Run! Brother's this day is ours!” The air once again filled with the mighty roar of the power Space Wolves Chapter.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I can write fantasy too, not just Sci-Fi. and I also apologize for any spelling errors.
Omnomnomnom... Tattoos. Nothx for me. Nevertheless,
Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!

Enjoy your time here ^^