Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: an introduction
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Tell us about yourself, as a player
Well my RP career started about seven years back when I recieved a box of warhammer minis for my birthday. these minis really sparked my imagination and soon I became a "nerd." I had always played lots of video games and soon started incorporating ideas from them into what i felt like RPing. As the years went on i got into other things like D&D and a Star Wars roleplaying game. I first heard of WoW about three months prior to launch and bought it the day it came out. from that day on i have enjoyed RPing as three drasticaly different characters that i hope have some success on this server.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
Born and raised in the U.S. of A i have lived several different places throughout my life but currently reside in montana. as would be expected from this information i speak english.

How did you get into Warcraft?
I accidently answered this in the first question but ill say it again. I've played lots of video games my whole life and have always enjoyed blizzard games so WoW came naturaly.

What made you seek our server over others?
The server I was previously playing on recently shut down (I was nearing the climax of an RP story so it kinda ticked me off)
which caused me to look for another RP private server and this one came up so I thought I would give it a whirl.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?
I like to test many different types of RP as well as RP archetypes (wise old man, gruff warrior, etc.) so I can fit with almost any RP depending on the character im playing. (Though i do dislike sex roelplay and try to avoid it)

What is your favorite race/class? Why?
I dont truly have a favorite though if I had to choose one i'd stick with my very first WoW character and that would be my orc warrior Gnorc.

What are your expectations of this server?
From what i've read so far im expecting a pretty friendly and fair RP community.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?
No Mary Sue. (Best rule in my opinion)

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!

Gnorc leaped off of his wolf grabbing his trusty axe and slicing through several of the ghouls infront of him. He looked up to see that a dozen more were scrambling towards him. "Ah... I'm getting too old to get into this type of trouble." he muttered to himself. he lifted his axe again and swung at the approaching ghouls, killing two and wounding a third. One of the ghouls sliced at him with its claw and was able to make a small wound on his arm. Gnorc let out a small grunt before smashing in the ghouls face with his fist. He continued to fight on slaying several of his assailants but slowly began to sustain a more wounds as the ghouls advanced. He prepared to attack the ghoul nearest him when he noticed something had caught their attention. over a couple yards was his old friend Thazreg mowing into the western flank of the ghouls. "Can't keep you away for too long can I old friend" Gnorc said as he continued his attack. "And let you get all the glory? never!" Thazreg said with a chuckle. the two continued to fight but even with their combined might the sheer number of ghouls was becoming harder to handle. "We might be in some trouble old friend" Gnorc yelled as he sliced through another ghoul. "Worry not good Gnorc reinforcements were right behind me they should be here soon!" Thazreg said with another chuckle as he maintained his assault. "Look here they are now" Gnorc said as several horde soldiers rode towards them on their mounts. The two elder orcs fought on with renewed vigour as the soldiers joined the fray. after several minutes the group was able to finaly cut down the last ghoul and the two elder orcs looked at eachother. "I'm dissapointed these undead are far weaker than the ones we faced last wouldnt you say?" Thazreg asked. "It may seem that way but remember this is only the beginning of the campaign" Gnorc said with a smile. the two chuckled then mounted up and prepared to recieve their next orders unaware of the true horrors that dwelled in Northrend.
(sorry if that was too long)

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?
I've RPed as my three main characters for a long time and have slowly progressed them to the ranks they are in now in their respective orders will i have to start that over again?
Wee. I also love the Orc Warrior.

If I would be a GM, I'd let you in.
Good luck!