Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Hello Everyone! An intro by Necria
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

-Well to start off I have been playing video games for a long time. Some of my earliest memories include me sitting in front of the T.V. playing Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., etc. Anyway, I am a very sociable player who loves helping out other people with their RP. I love coming home (or waking up on days I have off) and logging into to find some nice RP to jump right into. I like to keep a good respectable environment for my RP so that other people also find it comfortable and we can keep things going for prolonged periods of time.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:

-I was born in the United States in December of 1990 (That means I'm 18!) and still reside here. My primary language is English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:

-My father bought Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided way back in the day. After watching him play it I became interested and asked if I could try. Long story short, I fell in love with MMORPG's and have played very many to this day. Being the gamer that I am I stayed updated with video game releases and I happened to hear about a new MMORPG called World of Warcraft. I entered the closed beta as soon as I could so I could try this exciting sounding game. I've been an active player in retail and private servers since.

What made you seek our server over others?:

-I just began seeking a new server today because my old one apparently is gone forever. (AniNetwork) Without talking bad about it a whole lot, the community there was a bit immature and I felt a bit out of place from most of the population. I mostly remained there just because of the friendships I had formed. I am choosing to play on your server however because it looks like it really cares about its RP and keeps a fun and respectful environment. After all, how many servers ask you to fill out such an elaborate application? Hehe.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:

-Well for the short story, I enjoy good ones. I am not too partial about what I roleplay, I would say it is more about who I am with that makes or breaks the roleplay. Some people just don't have a good dynamic togethor. In my past though I really enjoyed exploration, guild relations, and military-style preparations for war.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

-As cliche as this may seem, I was drawn to Night Elves at first, but my focus seems to have shifted towards Blood Elves. I enjoyed the Night Elves because of their mannerisms and how attuned they were to nature. Over time though I was drawn to Blood Elves because of their struggle for survival. It takes a strong race to be completely outcast and almost wiped out to remain proud and strong. As such, I have a lot of respect for Blood Elves and all they have gone through. Not to mention their personalities are fun to RP as.

As far as classes go, I enjoy Rogues, Paladins, and as much as I hate to say it due to the stereo type, Death Knights. I enjoy being able to RP someone who has a strong sense of the Light such as a Paladin. Rogues are also fun in their own manner as spies, scouts, and the such. Though I tend to stray away from things like Assassins. Death Knights I love just for the fact that it opens a completely new world open for back story for a character. In addition to what a normal class may have, my Death Knight can have that plus all of his/her new escapades.

What are your expectations of this server?:

-I have really high expectations for this server to be honest. I expect a high population of very nice people, and most if not all of the RP to be done well.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

-Respect appeals to me most because without respect everything goes downhill fast. Although no God Modding is a life saver because I cannot tell you how many times I have seen RP be ruined by a God Moding player.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

-Well, I have a definite established background of a character I enjoy to RP, but I would rather save that for in-game. So here is something I made up on the spot:

He took a long look at the sun, shielding his eyes from its bright rays with his palm. "It's definitely a hot one out today Zelaris. I wish I didn't have to carry all of this heavy equipment with me." Zelaris looked at his brother with a scowl, "This is not the time to be complaining Zaxis. We were assigned to patrol the road East of Silvermoon City, and so we shall patrol until our feet fall off!"

Zaxis sighed and continued walking onward, for there was nothing else he could do. Zelaris could feel the sadness emanating from his brother. "Don't worry, when all this is over, the drinks are on me. Until then, make sure you drink plenty of this so you don't get dehydrated." Zelaris carefully tossed a to his brother, which was directly on target and easily caught.

Zaxis pulled the cap off and drank hastily. "Not too quickly now, or it will all be gone before we know it", exclaimed Zaxis." Zelaris stopped at his brothers request, recapped the canteen, and threw it back. The two brothers marched onward towards the coast, when something over head caught their attention.

"Was that..." "Yes Zaxis, it was a gargoyle. More likely than not part of the Scourge. We have to get back to Silvermoon and let them know."
The two High Elves began running as fast as they could towards home. The sun beat down upon them, forcing sweat from their brows. Their heavy breaths meshed into the rushing wind as it passed. But it was not their destiny to make it back, for more than a few ghouls and abominations were obstructing their path...

Well, that's all for now I suppose. It's getting late and I'm a bit tired so I hope this does for now ^_^

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

-Not really I suppose, just to let everyone know that I hope to see them soon and can't wait to begin roleplaying.

Although, now that I think about it, is it shunned upon to play more than one character? (Not at the same time of course) I don't really like being all that limited to just one personality.