Conquest of the Horde

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This is me gathering information and seeing how much interest there would be in something like this.

Let's say we took an area, either one of the unused Battlegrounds or an area in Outland (in order to draw in RP there.) We then set this aside as an area for the factions to fight over, giving a story and some objectives and then letting you guys go to town with combat RP and the like.

Most likely, such an area would have special rules, in order to further facilitate conflict. One idea we've been bouncing around is a rule that essentially makes it so that instead of death, if you are defeated in combat you are wounded and forced to withdraw, taking you out of the action for that day.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Post.
Something like Stromgarde. Good RP spot. Maybe appeals to some and a hang out place temporarily for some characters. It's a good idea. Open it. It might not be a hit but it would give us players options, so don't go judging it and closing it down just because everyone is not in there. : ) My opinion at least. Since I'm always for more options in my RP experience. There isn't a negative, anyway.
Wintergrasp in Northrend is actually a war-zone in Retail as far as I'm concerned. Since it has a strategic position in Western Northrend, both Alliance and Horde could perhaps fight over said territory. There is also a very noticable lack of NPCs there from what I can tell, so setting up a wartorn place is a little bit easier.

Plus, the mass amount of rubble and destroyed things adds to the atmosphere.

Next suggestion is Shadowmoon Valley. There are two large fortresses there owned by Alliance and Horde, also another good staging area for a conflict RP zone. I would also assume that the Sin'sholai would be interested. The sheer amount of fel-energy in the area is astounding, and could well aid the Sin'dorei.

I think that the whole War/Conflict RP Zone thing is a great idea, and I'd love to see it in effect in the near/far future.
PiesOfGod Wrote:I would also assume that the Sin'sholai would be interested. The sheer amount of fel-energy in the area is astounding, and could well aid the Sin'dorei.

If they were even after it any more.
I was thinking of a non-battleground already and thought Grizzly Hills. Many people are clamoring for it to be opened and most have already plans to go there when it is. Since it does resemble Knothole Glade in Fable, I have been favoring this place myself as a potential RP spot. Why not make it a battlefield?
I'm all for more conflict-based roleplaying. It will give the newer players a more realistic view on the current situation of Azeroth.
Oh yes, please do this! I actually began my server experience in the fires of the Arathi war, and I loved it.

You have my sword!
Netherstorm is a wonderful zone. I wants Netherstorm RP. I'm not exactly sure about how could a place like Netherstorm be used in war RP, but... Yeah... I'm not an idea guy today.

Oh. And YES for conflict RP. I don't exactly have many battle-y characters, but I'm sure I would find somebody. Fun.
For some reason, I say Ashenvale, and I bet the rest of the server who love night elves will agree with me. Sadly, no Sin'sholai activity there.
Rubykuby Wrote:For some reason, I say Ashenvale, and I bet the rest of the server who love night elves will agree with me. Sadly, no Sin'sholai activity there.

Don't you mean despise your suggestion? XD I don't want Ashenvale to be tore apart. QQ (J/k. Sorta.)
dilnikas Wrote:
Rubykuby Wrote:For some reason, I say Ashenvale, and I bet the rest of the server who love night elves will agree with me. Sadly, no Sin'sholai activity there.

Don't you mean despise your suggestion? XD I don't want Ashenvale to be tore apart. QQ (J/k. Sorta.)
Torn* lol nub

Anyway, I think you are right, but, it will be torn apart with cataclysm!
dilnikas Wrote:
Rubykuby Wrote:For some reason, I say Ashenvale, and I bet the rest of the server who love night elves will agree with me. Sadly, no Sin'sholai activity there.

Don't you mean despise your suggestion? XD I don't want Ashenvale to be tore apart. QQ (J/k. Sorta.)

Kaghuros and Gromkai got in and got out on the back of a ballista. Trustory.
I think we should do something like an area no one really goes to, but still has plenty of 'X' reason to fight for.

And Outland RP Could very well happen at some point in the near future!

But I do just wanna say that Ashenvale would be a good place to set up a Warzone. Plenty of Horde and Night Elf Bases all around, would make for some good ol' fashion bonfires methinks.
If there's going to be such a zone, it would have to be in an area everyone can participate in. At the very least, this needs to provide an RP opportunity for the lesser-played factions (Such as Horde.)

What I'm thinking is that it's highly unlikely we'll do it on Azeroth itself. Most likely, it will take place in one of three areas:

1. A Battleground. Isle of Conquest is pretty big and might be suitable for this.

2. Wintergrasp, since it's the PvP zone on Live.

3. An area in Outland, since we aren't doing much with it anyway.

I'm probably not going to do it in Northrend, Wintergrasp excepting, simply because there are other plans for Northrend. Azeroth already has plenty of RP in it, and I don't like messing with the old world.
Alteric Valley! That place is so... awesome! Anyhow, this would be nice. But I'd like to see how the idea played out in the long run. I mean, will there be NPC's there to beat on when the players don't exist?
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