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Lok'Tar! Conquest of the Horde was originally a private World of Warcraft RP community that focused primarily on roleplay within the WoW setting. Originally established in September of 2007, CotH enjoyed a healthy reign of over seven years focused on WoW roleplay. On January 22nd of 2015, a DMCA notice was issued, resulting in a halt of the WoW RP focus. Now, the community has expanded to encompass multiple worlds in various games and settings. This community will serve as a hub for members to join like-minded individuals in any game or environment. The community itself will also host a few game worlds of its own after development progresses enough.
While the dust is settling after the revelation of the WoW server closure, feel free to hang out and see how development goes!

  Cyber Monday 2-for-1 deall!
Posted by: Reigen - 12-02-2013, 02:21 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (12)

[Image: 18SL-24SL_new.jpg]

Greetings CotH, Reigen here with a two-for-one special!


New Forum Helpers! for only three easy payments of 19.95*.

First of all, I'd like to announce and welcome two new foot rests for the staff: @Maulbane and @Dilly! In order to make them fit in the rest of the decor, we had to do a bit of reconstructive surgery and a lobotomy or two, so they're now a lovely purple felt. Of course, we've kept their hand well within the reach of a keyboard so they can check profiles. We're not monsters for Kretol's sake.

Be sure to congratulate them while resting your feet on their plush backs. Just remember to take off your shoes first.

*Taxes and fees do not apply, extra costs may apply in your area. Does not include shipping and handling. No refunds provided.

[Image: 137.gif]


Guild Group Sub-forums! unlimited data and service**!

As many know, guild sub-forums have been in limbo due to the frustration over them being made and then ignored. We understand that these were an awesome thing to have and have been brain-storming just how to bring them back without 'wasting our time' so to speak. Thus, the Overseers are proud to present the return of guild sub-forums!

Now with groups.

Now with groups? What does that mean?

We will be opening the sub-forums to organized groups that are not a guild. Examples of this may be a noble house that is spread out over several guilds, or an assassination organization that wants to avoid having an obvious tag over their head. You could request one for a group of bards that travel the world but have some sort of pact. Anything is possible!

Unlimited Data and Service? What's the catch?

**Early termination fees may apply. Please see contact for details.

In order to prevent the forums from becoming cluttered with fifty different sub-forums, in which only five are active, we reserve the first and foremost to deny giving out any sub-forum we feel is unnecessary or too inactive to really deserve one. We will also have 'Screening Periods' to determine if the group is active and using the sub-forum. If we decide the group is not active, they will be added to a public*** list and terminated a week later if they are not proven to be active.

What do we mean by screening periods? Screening periods go from the first of the starting month to the first of the second month after that. New guilds will not be subject to the current period and will be screened the next period. These screenings will be done the first of these months:


***If the group is inactive, they will be put on a list publicly. So be sure to check there at the start of each month to be sure your group is not lined up to have their sub-forum removed. You have a week from that date to appeal for the sub-forum to remain up. The reason the list is public is so that others beyond the guild leader can also make this appeal or point out that the group has been active.

What happens if my sub-forum is removed? Is there any way to get it back?

You can appeal once per leader to have the sub-forum is restored so long as it can be proven that the group is active and will use it. If it is removed after this, it cannot be brought back under the same leader. This may seem a little harsh, but again, we do not want to provide sub-forums to groups that are going to be inactive and hardly ever use them. It's two chances at having one for the group. We understand things happen, which is they the appeal system is set in place not only bi-monthly, but as well as if the forum is removed. Don't worry, all the content will be fine. Just unviewable until restored or moved elsewhere.

If a new leader takes over, they will have to reapply with the normal application in order to have it restored.

Alright, so, how do I apply?

The application form [normally $45.95 but waived one time only!] for the Group Sub-forum is as followed: [There are nine total prompts, so be sure to scroll down to answer them all.]

[b]Group Name:[/b] In the case of guilds, this will be your guild name. In the case of non-guild organization, this would be what your group is primarily known as. [Ex:DarkUnguildedAssassinninja for a secret assassin group or House Genericname for a noble house.]

[b]Group Leader:[/b] Who is the prime organizer for the group? Likey the one who created it unless they have stepped down.

[b]Group’s overall objective/goal:[/b] What does your group do? Are they a noble house? Are they an army? What do they strive for? If you have a forum post explaining all that, include that with a summary here.

[b]How long has the group been active?:[/b] We say active rather than ‘how long have you been around’ as not all active groups have been here for a long time, and not all long-time groups have been active.

[b]What steps will be taken to ensure the group will remain active?:[/b] Simply put, many groups fizzle out and die without solid plans to keep them active, most of all when a leader has to take an extended absence. How will you try to prevent that?

[b]How many players [Not characters] are part of the group?:[/b] Not to devalue groups of low membership, but those who have a larger amount of people in it will likely take priority. Small groups of four-six people might be better off organizing in a single thread or skype. Exceptions may exist.


[b]Why does this group need a sub-forum? What about it cannot be done with a normal post?[/b]: We do not want to give out subforums if they are not going to be used. If the only reason you are applying for one is for the sake of having one, we’d rather not receive an application at all.

[b]Give us an example of some of the threads that will be made:[/b] Easy enough, just list examples of the threads you have in mind. While there is no requirement, more is better.

[b]Closing comments:[/b] Do you have anything else to add to convince us that this group needs a subforum? Questions and concerns are also welcome here.

Post the application in the Private Discussion and you will be notified when the sub-forum is made!

[Image: 92W]

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  Mentor Additions
Posted by: Loxmardin - 12-01-2013, 12:17 AM - Forum: Community News - Replies (19)

Hello CotH!

As you may know, we introduced the Mentor Program a while back and opened up for people to apply to the position of "Mentor".

It's been a while since we opened up applications, but now we've got a few volunteers lined up and awarded with a fancy Frostwolf forum medal.

[Image: mentor.png]

Thank you @Maulbane, @Geoni, @Zhaei and @CappnRob for volunteering.

The application forum will still stay open and we will promote more Mentors as there's a demand, so don't be discouraged if you weren't selected this time. And, to note, there's nothing stopping the rest of you from being extra nice to our new players. ;) Don't need a medal for that!

All the Mentors will be assigned Peons out of those who have signed up for the Program as soon as possible. :)

This thread will be used to announced all future Mentor promotions as well, since they will be happening rather frequently, whenever demand rises! (New people join all the time, after all!) All the current Mentors can always be viewed on the Award page.

Thank you again!

The GM Team

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  Forum Helper applicants, 11/23/2013
Posted by: Loxmardin - 11-23-2013, 06:55 PM - Forum: Community News - No Replies

Hello CotH!

The line's been bumped (see?) and that makes it official that we're looking for a few new Forum Helpers. :) If you already have an application up, just bump it back up above the line and make any needed changes to it, or post up a new application using the template provided in this thread!

Thank you!

/Server Staff

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  Alright, It's Time...
Posted by: Kretol - 11-22-2013, 11:35 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (22)

For quite a few months (if not longer), my activity has been rather unideal. With my focus on work, classes (though those should be over with in the first few months of the new year), and studying for my NCLE, I really haven't had the inclination to be too active on the server. The release of patch 5.4 really didn't help my activity, either. Therefore, I think it's time that I shut dow-

Haha! Just kidding!

No, but seriously. For the past couple months, I've been thinking of assigning a few people to act as interim 'managers' or 'secretaries' for Grak and I, so that certain tasks can still be completed. With neither Grak nor myself really active, GMs can only do so much. Therefore, effective immediately, @Loxmardin and @Reigen will be the acting managers for the server.

Some of their tasks and responsibilities include the following (this may change in the future):

- Possessing the authority to make or approve changes to rules and policies
- Acting as a point of communication for any staff-related disputes (internally and externally)
- Facilitating the recruitment and promotion of new forum helpers and GMs
- Possessing the authority to grant an approval or denial for proposed events (by staff and players)
- Granting permission on the use of lore figures for events
- Forum management (such as guild subforums)
- Ability to make a final call regarding disciplinary action
- Granting forum awards (this is a system we're using for the mentor program, but other awards will probably be created as well)

They will also have a few extra permissions that will likely be detailed later (particularly after I get around to setting them up). Note that they will be acting as a team, and any decisions they make will have to be agreed upon by the both of them. Furthermore, I'll be attempting to keep a close eye on them to ensure they don't destroy everything (and even if they do manage to somehow hit the Big Red Button, I've made backups of everything so the disaster should be kept to a minimum! ;) ).

I suppose we'll see how they do, eh?

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  Changes to the Resurrection System & Character Death Policy
Posted by: Loxmardin - 11-20-2013, 03:56 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (5)

Hello everyone.

The resurrection system has been bouncing back and forth between changes throughout the years in the community with minor details changed a few times and the entire system moving gradually from strict to lenient. Discussions regarding the current resurrection policy have been going on for a long time now in the server's staff but a decision wasn't made until recently where we decided to rework the policy and give it much clearer definition and a bigger part in the server's mechanics.

Starting today, all resurrection posts will follow a specific format and will require GM approval before the resurrected character can be played again. In addition to this, the following changes have been made to the resurrection system:

  • The one-week waiting period is removed. Instead, the GM that looks over and approves the resurrection may impose an additional penalty in the form of a period of unconsciousness depending on how the resurrection was carried out.
  • Each consecutive resurrection after the first will require an additional GM approval.
  • Suicides and self-engineered deaths are no longer prohibited from resurrecting by default. See below for details.
  • Resurrections involving NPCs have been given a specific form and procedure. (See this topic for details.)
  • A character that does not have a resurrection post up should and cannot be played on the server until they have one.
  • If a character who hasn't had their resurrection post approved is found roleplaying on the server, the character will be locked until it has been approved. (You can still visit the OOC zone and go about OOC business, however, up until the point the character is found circumventing this rule.)
  • Drawbacks as a result of resurrection have been redefined to enforce actual consequence on the resurrected character.
  • The GM team can turn a resurrection down if a single character has had too many dates with death. Warning will be given after the character's previous resurrection if it is running out of chances. Death Knights and characters starting as Forsaken do not count their first death, to note.
The following clauses have been written for the new character death/resurrection policy:

Quote:Character "Grand Exits": When you as the player or the character itself decides it's time to die, it generally surrenders their right to a resurrection down the line. If your character heroicly sacrifices himself to save his peers, knowing this will likely see him die, then you would just cheapen the sacrifice by pulling the character back to their feet later and it's doubtful the character runs into that kind of predicament with the attitude that he could just come back around in a while anyway. The same goes if you as a player plan the events out surrounding your character's death. If you start making a big deal out of your character's impending death, they better stay dead or we'll never be able to take these kinds of things seriously. This includes arranging your own funeral.

Quote:Suicides: It's a very big deal to take your own life. Some see it as a last resort to escape from the pain that's haunting them or to get away from the danger that's approaching. Others just see it as the finality they've spent their whole lives searching for. The reasons are many and varied, and the subject of suicide is, in itself, very sensitive. Resurrections after suicides are possible, but such resurrections will be held to higher standards and be examined with extra care to ascertain that the circumstances around the death actually allow you to resurrect after the fact. Approval will depend on how closely the suicide itself falls to the Grand Exit policy. You generally won't get away with numerous suicides, however. If we get a resurrection post for a second suicide by the same character, we will probably declare that character a lost cause.

Quote:Inevitable Deaths: When your character dies as a result of you, as a player, coming to the realization that there's no way your character comes out of it alive but the death itself doesn't actually involve another character, you are still permitted to resurrect. Even if the death itself is all you, circumstance sometimes demands that a player and their character realize their limits. Examples of this could be to succumb to poison you accidentally imbibed, freezing to death in a frozen wasteland, bleeding out on a battlefield because the medic can't get to you in time, drowning because you got caught by a current... Environmental hazards, in short. These can also be as vague as mind ghosts that drive you straight into your demise (those technically fall under "Suicide")... All in all, you can still resurrect even after facing this kind of inevitable death.

Quote:Appealing Your Death: "Sure, I think it'd be good if my character died doing this." It sounded like a really good and fun idea in the heat of the moment, but it didn't seem like such a good idea once the ruse had settled again. Generally, a "Grand Exit" death involves planning and a lot of OOC attention to the death itself. If it's a death that happened in a seemingly random fashion because it "felt fun at the time", you can appeal through the Private Discussion in order to earn yourself a resurrection even if the other rules and guidelines do not allow it. You make a thread in the PD to present your case to the GMs and, if your appeal passes, you post a resurrection thread like normal and it has to go through the same approval process as the rest.

Tread lightly, and be careful out there!

The GM Team

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