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I know I asked for feedback not even a month ago, but I felt like I needed to post this after today's events for me.
(Warning, this is slightly religious, so if you easily take offense, I suggest sheilding your eyes)
Today is Ash Wensday, a day within multiple religions that is seen as a day of atonement for past sins. It's a day marked of redeeming grevious sins and performing service to make right for it.
I see this as prevelent in that I want to make recompense fro mistakes I've made in the past as a GM. I'm requesting Constructive Criticism about my job, attitude, and whatever you may want to say about me being a GM. I'm looking to improve myself but I can't do it on my own.
EDIT: I know about my lack of forum work. I want more feedback on how I act. Thank you.
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Well I'll just go out of the way and state that you're fairly liked by the playerbase of CotH, and there's little I can personally say that I have against the way you GM.
You've never really done anything grievously wrong as a GM in my eyes.
Simply keep doing what you do. And don't become corrupt.
With Love,
The Playerbase
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
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You know, Duron, was one of the first characters I RPed with, when I joined. I remember being scared because some idiot told me that Azshara Crater was GM only or something, and then you invited me to play with you in the Horde camp there.
To be honest, I kinda miss it. I don't think there is anything bad to say about you, and there is no way we could ask you to take more time out of your private life for CotH. If someone said that to me I'd probably sketch out on them.
I've felt a cold wave while talking to a few GMs, but you are not one of them. Let's be honest, perhaps you aren't the best, I dunno, I am not one to judge, but you sure are one to be high up on the friendly list. ^^
From Krarosh Gorescree, if you need a memo boost of who I was.
muhaha, now approve my character!
"Even a stopped clock, tells the right time twice a day."
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A brief 2 ![:s :s]( ilver:, Kril:
If I may make a quick and harmless suggestion, good sir, you should make an effort to not multi-box two RP sessions at any given time.
When one tries to multitask and juggle the personalities and actions and dialogues of so many characters at a single time, what happens is RP slows down for all parties, which breaks immersion.
And, oftentimes, dividing your attention between two or more individuals when one or more of those individuals has given you their full and undivided attention is a bit off-putting.
You can't please all of the people all of the time! Sometimes you need to pick and choose.
And I've nothing else to comment on at the moment.
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Aye, thank you Bubbles.
It's been a pretty bad habit of mine, so I'll try to watch it now.
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Bump, because I can.
Hit me with your best shot~
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Updated my chracter list for the restart, as well more feedback is always nice :3
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Feedback Appriciated!
You made a typo there.
That's my feedback.
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Spruced up the first post a bit, added some of my newer characters for feedback.
Have at me, CotH!
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So, Kril, Kril, Kril... I can't say as how there's much bad to say. Other than... WORK ON YOUR GRAMMER AND SPELLING, DANGIT.
... Now that I have that out of my system...
I enjoy the way you RP a lot of your characters. With Go'ren, I feel as though you mix in humility with his obvious power. He seems more human to me (hurr, see what I did there?) than just a mindless killing machine, that mental image I tend to get when I think of a lot of Demon Hunters. He both takes and gives advice from and to Gorioth often, and I feel like that's a friendship I can see lasting for a long while.
As for your namesake, I've had little chance to RP with him, but I still enjoy the little RP I have had. He seems, as Go'ren, down to earth and mellow, while at the same time, able to take his job seriously. Both able to kid, and work hard, maybe at the same time. /shrug. Time shall tell, there!
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Gif me feedbacks, please.
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You spelled "gief" wrong.
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Or he means GIF him a feedback. :3
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Now that I've RPed with a few more of your characters, I've felt the need to bestow further feedbacks upon thee!
Krilari Dawnsend - For a good portion of my time on CoTH I was wondering what this character was like, having only seen him in OOC zones. Recently, I finally got to interact with him as part of the Argent Crusade, and it was worth the wait. Krilari is a very realistic commander, one who commands respect, but at the same time shows signs of wear and tear from the intersection of battle and personal life. I still miss Thaim from the Regiment, but it appears no matter which one of your characters is in charge, I can expect a solid leadership figure to interact with. Also, OOCly your mob rolls on Krilari are too high. From now on you /roll 10, dammit! XD
Duron Bloodaxe - I had one very profound moment with this character, testing the values of my Draenei due to his Shamanistic beliefs. I had hoped to have a follow up between the two at some point. But the meeting was pre-restart, so it depends on how much Duron has changed/if he has changed.
Everana Prancingstar - I've only done battle by her side during the plague event, but didn't get a negative vibe from her.
Go'ren whiteclan - The one that started the non-Elf DH craze. And sadly one of it's first casualties. I've told you a few times now, and while I respect and stand by your decision to end this character in light of recent developments, I don't feel like I'm exaggerating when I say that the server is losing an awesome character, one which has worked it's way wonderfully into the Demon Hunter mythos. He embodied the strength and honor of his race, while keeping sight of the sacrifice of his chosen path. A truly great character that will be sorely missed.
Sareen and 'Squirrel' - As I stated before, I thoroughly enjoy this engie-troll. She manages to keep both sides of the equation very plausible, as both a highly inteligent and thoughful tinkerer, and at the same time not coming off as a Gnome with an island accent. A joy every time we meet!
Victoria Bloodbane - Have seen her ICly a few times, and got to RP with her once on my Nun of War in Everlook. A solid addition to the atmosphere of Duskwood as its sort of 'Dark Champion'. I really enjoy her sense of duty.
Krona Thunderfist - Haven't had the opportunity to meet her that I remember. But we must. Perhaps when a certain Greenskin of mine makes his return...
Andra - Generally positive feelings about this character from seeing her in the Draenei Pilgrimage. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to RP with her on Dunkhaan as much as I wished, but nothing negative from my few experiences with her.
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Thank you for the kind words :3