Krilari's Feedback
Needs more Anthrion! As that's all I can think off from your list of characters. How you manage the sortie of women around him is inspiring.

/fangurl off
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
Ohaaaaaaaaaaaaai. So, yeah. Anthrion.

He's developed very nicely from that background NPC type character you mentioned starting him as. The stress and fragile image he possesses as a male Warden is well played, especially the obsession over the armor. Interesting to see him give it less attention now that he has Nuadon, however. The parental dynamic with Nuadon about Kalah is interesting as well. The uncertainty about certain things beneath the armored shell is well done too*. I'm quite looking forward to the more frightening aspects of Warden training between these two.

...Did I do feedback right? D:

[Image: tumblr_m5d7mvg3J71r5dcc4.gif]
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
Alright, Ladies and gents... The Ember of Life has finally come and gone, growing into a massive blaze before burning out in a three hour final event...


- Storyline, how was it? Did it make sense? Did you guys like it?

- DMing, How can I improve? What did I do good, what did I do wrong?

- Dragons, How did I do RPing Tera? Her children? Suggestions for better RP?

- Bronze Dragons, My next intent for events. Any suggestions for Bronze Dragon events?
Storyline I can't comment on because like an idiot, I missed half the events.

DMing, you set up good scenarios, but they tend to drag a bit. Maybe find a way to make boss fights seem more intuitive?

You're great at RPing durgens, no problems there.

As for the Bronze dragons... idk... I'll need time to think there.
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Bronze dragons: Go back in time and KILL ANDUIN LOTHAR.
Who is better than Anduin Lothar, you say? Llane Wrynn.
Matthew says: Shut your filthy heretic mouth.
The few Ember of Life events I did attend seemed very smooth, with a very clear ojective to each. This added a very militaristic feel to the engagements, and as a result really created an immersion as to what was going on. Tera was very well executed, and her injuries early on added a sense of urgency as well as helped her scale (get it? XD) back from being too Mary Sueish. Heck, she resisted Remyl's advances, so she's clearly an imperfect creature XD

Joking aside, my only regret is not attending more of these. Keep up the good work!
Characters: Anthrion has come a long way hm? Perhaps just as Kalah has from her starting role as a rank-and-file soldier? He has little quirks such as flicking ears (becoming popular it seems), pride in his race, duties and those under him. It is refreshing to see some pride in one's race again. The little brother+sister RP is quite endearing, coming from a brother to three sisters. I require more sibling RP.

Adget: I've never seen a Enchanted Warrior roleplayed before. Looking forward to meeting more of this character! On that note; Dang bro you got lots of alts!

GMery: You're probably the GM I RP with the most, recently anyway. You've helped me feel a little better about bugging the staff (they're people too) with what I see as trivial requests, questions and random OOC banter (points to Ironraven Skype). May or may not be a good thing. I hardly ever see a GM request RP. I've seen you ask once or twice, (usually I'm quicker to invite glomp you), and that's about it. We normal people don't bite!

On a different, yet slightly similar note; It's nice to see you take a step back and participate in us wee-folk events. It's encouraging not to get beat-down by the awesome presence and lore-wizardry that is a Game Master. Not that I ever had, mind you. My point is to say, thanks for hanging out and just bein' one of the bros! (And quit apologizing for running off to actually do GM stuff. We completely understand)

Events: Ah events, the great deal-breaker. The last Ember of Life? Epic. Epic-ly LONG. But you knew that. How you guys run your massive events is beyond me. I do like the threshold rolls, and multiple people going at the same time. I loved all the different sorts of attacks, either from the monster itself, other players (hello DK domination), or the environment itself! OOC chatter/spam bothers me, as it does with everyone else. Not your problem. The small events you run are much more interesting and allow for more flexibility. Both have the same outcome for me; follow-up RP and plot-lines. Those are what I want to see more of out of events.
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.

Before you were promoted one day, I hadn't even heard of you. I didn't know your characters, I didn't know a damn thing about you. The only thing I did know was that you were with that Piroska woman who kept making me feel jelly at her ability to do everything. But then you came onto the staff, and we inevitably chatted a little OOC. I may have helped with something, my memory's fuzzy. We only really became friends, I think, from when you joined the Goresight (or was it Bloodsworn first? I hate my memory capacity!) and we started tearin' **** up Horde style.

Since that day, I haven't really seen you lose your cool. The most I've seen you get on a scale of 1-10 is something like a 5. You haven't directly been an ass to anyone (that I've seen, but even thinking about it seems highly out of place), and you've been doing your voluntary job for a long time now. Sure, you've hit a few bumps, but you've pimp slapped them in the face and told them whose boss for the most part. You're always polite, you answer people's questions, and to say it simply you're probably one of the best around.

As a friend, you let people rant about their problems to you. You give plenty of damns about your friends, and that's awesome. From the top of my head I really can't think of a bad thing to say about you. Not one. All I'll say is, for all the good times: Thanks. And remember, if you have troubles on your mind, I'm always around to return the favour.

Stay classy, bro.*

*Anyone know how to make this into a .gif?

EDIT: Goddamit, the video doesn't work. Just use your imagination!
"I am more afraid of one hundred sheep led by a lion than one hundred lions led by a sheep."
Heyo. I'm flammie. Sylvandre/Yulia usually in your events.

Here's a bit of feedback that I've long-promised for ya'.

About the Embers of Life: AWESOME! - Let me put it this way, it was exceptionally good combat. I've only got a couple of complaints:

~One: Slowness. Basically, turns were taking ages to turn over. Sure, it can be due to the way there were a number of players there, but I'm sure you can find strategies to help out(Like letting more people act in one turn) with the speed of the event.

~Two: Rewards. When the Red Dragonflight says they're in your debt, and give thanks and whatnot, and you walk off with ten gold and a non-magical necklace, something feels missing. What if you decide to call in on that debt, that favor? Wishes would've been nice, or at least dialogue. These are Dragons. Don't be afraid to have their hordes keep gajillions of magical artifacts with who-knows-what powers to them! That's what Dragons are for - to bring about the magic that mere mortals can't. Every character has some want or wish, and in some small part, I'm sure you could've fulfilled that, without upsetting balance any.

Keep that in mind, particularly since the Bronze, the next Flight you're going for with events, have artifacts from all time-periods(Even the future!), some that predate the Sundering, and have incredible magical properties and such. Make stuff interesting for the players, beyond cash and pretty objects. Heck, offer the players that've consistently been to the events the chance to go Dragonsworn, for their aid. Working with Dragons is like, one of the most amazing things you can do in Warcraft. Have it be meaningful and special.

About the Ash Wardens events: I've been to a couple, with mixed results!

First off, the defense of the keep in Warsong Gulch. It started out shakily, unsteadily, but then it went into pure awesomeness, as combat grew way more fluid, and everyone basically knew what to do. I commend you for the use of Horde Assassins, like I told you before - it was an excellent choice, as well as the realistic portrayal of the Orcs in the event. I couldn't approve more. And the Demolisher and Bring-The-Roof-Down bits were cherries on the cake. Masterfully done.

Now, the second one I've been to, CTF, started out fine, though near the beginning it did have a hitch - more on that later. It was tons of fun, being led 'round, and just seeing the NPCs be -people- rather than faceless soldiers. The two Tauren were epic at this, as were the Orcs in the Auction, and the slave-driver, and everything. Delicious, absolutely delicious. Overall, the event was fun, but for the reasons that follow, there was a bitter aftertaste. In the order in which they appeared:

~One: Irreverence. Now, right at the start, Lyria headed over to the war-table, and asked what she could do. I should mention, she's a Warden - the same people that answer only to Tyrande. They are the law. Peeving one is not a good idea, no matter who or where you are. All Wardens are of the same rank, and what happened could be likened to a Corporal talking back to a General. You'd get court-martialed. Hard. I fully realize that you did it to keep the event going and that she was being an arse, but Lore's Lore, and arses happen. These people are essentially SPECTREs, they're the Inquisition, they're the Secret Police, they're the people that don't need warrants to do the things they do. And nobody talks back to one, unless they happen to either A) Be a Warden, or B) Be Tyrande. Not without consequences. Yes, that can steer events and storylines off the rails, but you're the DM. You should be prepared for that, and with your wisdom, lead them carefully, and non-brusquely back to the line you've got in mind for them.

~Two: Orcus Invulnerabilus. Remember that Champion that took a fel of a beating from a buncha' people? That should've put him out of his misery. Pulling runified armor(He's a Warrior, not a Death Knight) that forms an Anti-Magic Shell on him is a little over-the-top, for an otherwise nameless Orc, fighting against the Badass Adventurers that the World of Warcraft has you be. At least if he'd have been given some sort of extra portrayal, or if we had a reason to care about him or think him more than your average nameless Grunt who happened to be a cut above the rest'n get the Champion title, it would've made sense. In my opinion, he should've been treated no differently from the two Tauren. It seemed Railroad-y, much like the previous point.

~Three: Reception. I will admit to not knowing a ton of history. And I will admit that my knowledge of Warcraft's Lore is nowhere near comprehensive. But there's one thing I love reading about: Battles. And in those battles, capturing the enemy flag is something incredible, something heroic, something people give their lives to do. Poems and songs are written about brave soldiers who tear down the enemy flag, or who raise their own in a hail of gunfire. It's the same in the World of Warcraft, as shown by the actual CTF-ness of Warsong Gulch.

In the Independence Wars, and World Wars alike, flags were a major point of a battle, the capturing of one being a massive blow for the morale of the loser, and a huge boon for that of the victor. In Warcraft, things work very much the same way. It's not just a gameplay mechanic for videogames. Capturing the Flag is a very real thing, done in real warfare. And it's one of the ways heroes are made and medals are earned, and battles are won. A flag is not just a piece of cloth.

This image comes to mind:
[Image: 495-4.jpg]
I believe the reception to the players returning with the flag was poorly portrayed. I hold a lot of respect for you, Kril, and as such, I believe you can shoulder my honesty in this. Despite running back with their tails between their legs, the Players did a damn-near super-heroic effort, and should've been treated as such.

The event was otherwise quite enjoyable, if I do say so myself. I love the dedication you put into events in general, and how you struggle to keep up with everyone. Maybe a turn order - with more players acting in one turn - would help you out a little. You could still keep things Trust-based and keep better control of the way things proceed. Sound like a good idea?

Anyhow, thank you very much for hosting them thar events, as they have been a blast to go through, with the good and the bad alike, and I expect nothing but the best from ya' in the future.

Good luck!
[Image: 2hhkp3k.gif]
Recommended reads: Divine and Arcane. Also, elves.
Wanna refer me in Tribes: Ascend? Clickies!
I...well, I agree with generally everything Flammos says besides the "reception" point. Having players play things that only answer to a huge lore figure is, well--a very bad idea, no matter what lore says.

Moving on, not wanting to debate that here...

I expressed my distaste to you, but I'll trust where this is going with your elaboration.

Great work, over all.

And, yes. I highly, highly recommend a turn order with our trust fighting. Oh, Hawk and his elation with no rolls.
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
You have my utmost thanks, Flam, and unfortunately I only have time to one thing that did bug me a bit a DM.

The reason for Orcus Invulnerabilus. Myself, Kretol, and Reigen were all watching. This was supposed to be the big huge boss fight.. Yet keeping count, people were hit all of.. Three times?

The orcs nearing the end were actually more powerful than the boss i had spawned, and I was not the one to spawn them, but Kretol did because he believed that the group was not taking it as they should've...

I might have time to reach the other points later, but once again I thank you dearly for the feedback!
(07-22-2012, 05:53 PM)Krilari Wrote: The reason for Orcus Invulnerabilus. Myself, Kretol, and Reigen were all watching. This was supposed to be the big huge boss fight.. Yet keeping count, people were hit all of.. Three times?

You've got a point. That lack of serious opposition made me wonder - though I thought it was intentional, at least at first. /nod. Smack the Players with some AoE, or have more, weaker NPCs around so they can damage more Players. I remember Syl basically not being attacked. It was strange. I always like taking at least some damage in events.

(07-22-2012, 05:50 PM)c0rzilla Wrote: Having players play things that only answer to a huge lore figure is, well--a very bad idea, no matter what lore says.

While I hate to say it, I would be inclined to agree. It's why I try my best at playing it down on Syl, and basically just treat it like someone would treat a Horde Warlord, which are also played by Players.

Anyhow. You're very welcome for the feedback, Kril. /thumbs-up. And stay classy, my friend.
[Image: 2hhkp3k.gif]
Recommended reads: Divine and Arcane. Also, elves.
Wanna refer me in Tribes: Ascend? Clickies!
To add on to Flam's feedback: (I'm Lyria)

The bit about the table, I agree with. As I emoted before the sentinel came and gave us a task, I felt proper to go along with it- I had no plans to derail the event or anything, but the whole "Go away, welp" was a bit awkward for me as it put me in a bit of a spot. I didn't want to waste any time with the debauchery of threatening a demotion or something along those lines. I'd recommend just a small respectful flavour text like "situation's good, they are strong in the east bla bla." I think that was a bit of a dual mess up, and for making things more difficult, I apologize. Wasn't my intention.

I really really enjoyed the section from the auction to the flag. It gave a nice way for me to portray Lyria as she is and was a bunch of fun with walking boxes. Keep that up, especially the excellent puppeting of NPCs (also, thanks to Reigen for that as well) as it was truly awesome.

I have to agree with the Champion complaint. At first he was fine, and I liked the dynamic he had with Kelia. (?) But as we progressed he seemed to be a bit like this but without the medic. I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad but I think it could have been better. Perhaps have some kind of weakness that is revealed over the course of the fight. /shrug

Overall, excellent event. I mirror Flammos' issues and praise as well as adding that the thing with the two Tauren gave Lyria some awesome development there and I thank you for it.
[Image: RtK7PiZ.png]

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