A Feedback Thread
(03-10-2012, 07:31 PM)Xigo Wrote: Well it likely has something to do with the fact I don't have a recurring character. Or a main character. Or a character that I really stick with for roleplay. Honestly, I rarely play the same character more than two times a week. Which is probably... yeah.

I just don't know a concept I would want to roleplay (that wouldn't involve me getting lol'd at) right now.

All of my characters are background characters.

And I feel as though I've roleplayed everything I really want to. Little interests me in Warcraft currently (that I can roleplay within the rules).

It's unfortunate that you feel that way, Xigo. I've mentioned this before, but you're one of my favorite folks around here, and it's always fun to chat with you, play League, pen and paper, etc. You're funny and imaginative, which definitely helps keep things lively when you're around.

We need to RP together more too. I remember having a lot of fun interacting with Dagrim, who I think you played quite well.

You should try to keep your mood up. It feels like you let yourself get depressed or irritated too easy at times. You're a good guy, though, and shouldn't let stuff get to you.
Have you hugged an orc today?
- I am not tech support. Please do not contact me regarding technical issues. -
Quote:I know most of you hated him. But dangit. I miss my Doomguard. He was something different.

... I loved Ara'gazhi...

Needs moar RP. Doesn't have to be WoW.

:C <3
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
Right. Since this is essentially the 'Xigo' thread.

I'll actually be retconning my namesake's involvement with the Shakur, seeing as the guild's dead and I like him enough to not abandon him.

(Also, I'd like feedback on my newer characters. Especially a little murloc.)
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
Shakur's not dead.


Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
No, it's pretty dead IMO. I'd sooner start my own Draenei guild than wait for it to come back.

I'll also be retconning his relationships, as I'd like the guy to be a clean slate again. If you want to know him through some means other than the Sha'kur, then that's cool, just discuss it with me.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
Xigo, I can't recall RPing with you, ever. Heh. That's a sad fact that I either attribute to my very poor memory, or the sad truth that I don't RP with a wide variety of people, especially interesting people.

That aside, what I can comment on is your forum RP, and the way you present yourself OOCly.

First of all, your threads are fun to see. More often than not, I'm impressed by the way you write. The stories are varied, and entertaining, and don't often fall into the severe ego-stroking that some people give themselves while writing. You're able to show characters that have personalities beyond the idea of "I accomplish things, love me!", or the more often seen, "I am not flawed and have many successful adventures... LOVE ME!". Instead, I get the feeling of accomplishment... but through -actual- progression. Your posts show that sometimes things... just don't go right.

Now, with that stated, on to your OOC attitude. I think you are a pretty forward guy. I've got to say, it's refreshing to see someone that's often blunt, and not afraid to state the truth even if it stings. I know from my own experience, it's not easy being that guy. You do it great though, and it's good to see that your often in good spirits (I assume!) over things, and are able to keep yourself active in the process.

The only negative that I can come up with, is when you use sarcasm to show your side of the opinion. I've only seen it twice, so it's -really- not a big issue, but when I have seen you do it, it made me lose interest very fast in what you were trying to say. It's not a tool you use often, as I've stated, and when your a GM it's good that you don't because then people feel like you're belittling them, which can come off...


Don't take that little negative too far though, because I think you are a big part of the reason CoTH is doing so well now. You seem to be a great addition to the team, and it's great to see another cohesive member that's willing to take on so much work.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


It would appear I've neglected to take note of my second year of CotH.

Surely there's things you'd like to say about me chaps, whether criticism or telling me what I'm doing right! C'mon chaps! I don't bite.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
I can only offer one new thing at this point:

Play more Hunted wiff me :(
I want to, I just... it's not a good time as far as school's concerned!
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
(04-19-2012, 01:32 PM)Reigen Wrote: I can only offer one new thing at this point:

Play more Hunted wiff me :(

The Demon's Forge?
[Image: 293D4BE4-7170-4C2A-B8BF-7EA572513EBD.jpg]
[Image: Lazuri65.png]
@Xigo Well then after!

@Roxas Yus! I play the elf chick of course and run around until Xigo tells me what I'm supposed to do x3
I played through that once. I was unaware that the multiplayer is working now. When it was first released, it did not. And really, Elara is so OP that you'd be an idiot not to play her xD
[Image: 293D4BE4-7170-4C2A-B8BF-7EA572513EBD.jpg]
[Image: Lazuri65.png]
I personally enjoy how captivating you can be. Two instances stand out. One was during the Tanaris Fever when you were puppeting. It was funny as hell logical and just all around enjoyable. It also really set the environment with vendors and the like. You seem to make other wise 2-dimensional backgrounds come to life. My favorite example of this however is Tedia. Thalion and Zariel were in the Scryer's library being brothers lulzing and looking for books as Thal made a remark about the outfits or something that the librarians or w/e the half naked elves do there. And you puppeted one logically helping them find what they were looking for and answering questions, to the point where you rolled the character to represent who you puppeted. We went to Nagrand and as the rich boys were just sitting there talking with their new friend Zariel who was the sole Nova at the time offered her a job. Its good to see the character still around, and I love how natural she came to be.

I also was surprised about Skyfin as well because I knew it was your char and I've heard much about his legend while I believe it was represented by the murloc suit or at least htats what I assumed seeing an actual Murloc in Kidnapped I was unsure how you were going to portray him. I was glad ( so glad ) infact that he wasn't mindless comic relief but was what a murloc in captivity ( to my limited knowledge would be ) because someone looked at him like "Wtf when can Murlocs talk" But just because they gurgle doesn't mean their stupid. Just means they speak a different language, which reflects intelligence. They have villages and powers some kind of way so they are sentient. I'm glad that you reflected that. I personally have always enjoyed our interactions when you were in a positive mood. My only issue is, is that you seem to be in the background a lot. I'd really enjoy to see you lead something, shine or have a reoccurring character that -you- loved to play. If that isn't your thing you always have a place in the Novalight storyline if it interests you. Keep up the good work sir, your RPizzle ( yeah I typed it ) is enjoyed. Peace.

P.S. What happend to Xigo or Arianna I enjoyed her. She was awesome. Xigo I only saw in passing really but he was cool for a Draenei ( which aren't my favorite race, sry Bovel )
The Family Tree

TheBook of ThePharaoh

Pharaoh's Colosseum

The Four Suns Inn

"What are we, as role-players, if not authors in real time?" - MrBubbles

"I've always treated Role-play as Collaborative Writing. Co-authoring the stories of your characters, alongside other people." - Flammos200
Xigo... is the name I usually hear after some sweet puppetting action. Last one I recall was with a swarm Makrura. It was kind of nice, not having the only option of killing them. Them taking off with all of Irogh's shiny possessions, instead. His axe still has chew marks on the handle!

Anyway, still need to RP with you proper!
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.

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