A Feedback Thread
So I've finally got Skyfin now, and am looking for feedback on how I portrayed him, especially during Kidnapped.

Lately I've been playing Versich and Merica.

Do you guys like my events?

Don't hold back, honesty's fine by me so long as you're polite. If I didn't want feedback, I wouldn't have made this thread.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
I loved Skyfin in Kidnapped! He was a very serious but endearing character which you managed to avoid making outright silly.

... and he's really the only character I'm totally familiar with you RPing. :(
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Not enough marauding dwarven motorcycle bandits and dragon attacks.

(Merica's pretty cool, Versich's mopeyness is handled in a way that's interesting and not excessive, and Skyfin is the messiah. Should RP more.)
That was Xigo who made the netherdrake crash into Shattrath? I should've known. I loved that!
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
... Versich's mopeyness is not oppressing in its current state?


I'll have to try harder.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
(06-14-2012, 04:26 PM)Xigo Wrote: ... Versich's mopeyness is not oppressing in its current state?


I'll have to try harder.

I'm pretty sure Merica does a good enough job of depressing people for the both of them.



[Image: tumblr_le4s8kZUbk1qafrh6.gif]

Let's talk.

I wasn't sure whether or not to do the good stuff first and then the bad stuff, or point/counterpoint, because if I did the bad stuff last it'd end on a bad note and /psych101, but I eventually just said
[Image: bill+o%2527reilly+angry.jpg]

And so I did. Just going to crap out ideas on this page as they come to me.

I promise it won't be as messy as it sounds.


You're a blast to RP with. Your characters that I've seen (Merica, Xigo, Skyfin, aaaaannd...that may be it? Not many I've interacted with. Although I always go SSSSSSIIIIINDRRIIIIIIII whenever you log in on her, and I was terribly disappointed when you said you'd never RP with me on Zalth) are all varied and well-RP'd. Merica tends to depress the crap out of me, but that means you're doing it right.
Because you've never heard that before, right?

Your mini-events are (as I've mentioned before) awesome, great ways to liven up a bit of RP, and just so unexpected that this is my excited face when I run into one:
[Image: mvmfy0.gif]

But you know all this. You've gotten tons of feedback about your characters/DMing/whatnot already. So I'll do something different. Something less...mainstream.


In short, Xigo, this is you:
[Image: sqgzn7.gif]
Magical bringer of sunshine, rainbows, and fun.

Except when you're not.
[Image: couragewolf1.jpg]
Whoa, whoa, hey, calm down, you are, it'll be okay. I promise.

You have a tendency to be/you are...extremely blunt, in your posts. Blunt to the point of rudeness. You just come out and say what you feel and seem to not care what people think of it. Don't get me wrong; honesty is good. If you have a problem with someone's ideas/the way they're doing something, bring it up. The way you do it, though, makes you come off like an ass sometimes. But there's more tactful ways of saying things that won't alienate people. You can tell someone you don't like their idea without sounding like "This is stupid and you're stupid."

I used to be the same way, way back when. It was easier/quicker/I didn't have the time/desire to spend explaining myself. It was simpler to just give a flat "No" or be snarky/biting. It's not. It hurts more than it helps.

I remember a GM a while back (not pointing fingers, and if you know who I'm talking about by reading this, I apologize, but it's a good point) that was pretty rude/curt/short with people. I'd never interacted with them, never RP'd with them, only read their posts, and I saw them as a rude, nasty person who I felt was not representing the staff well by acting like that. Then they'd come along in-game and I'd go "Ohgodit'sXgm"
[Image: downloader.php?file=21kwneo.gif]

It just wasn't good.

Now, that aside...aside, let's go back to you, because I still feel like I'm not explaining myself well. Sure, you can say "No, this idea is terrible and will never work. Stop." Okay, fine, it works. But what've you done with that? 1: Called someone's idea/work stupid. That's hurtful, no matter how detached you are as the idea maker. 2: Probably seeded some feelings of resentment in that person. I know I'd be rather miffed if it were me. 3: Portrayed yourself as curt/debatably rude to the hundred other people who just read that post. Because it's a public forum, and everyone can see just about everything. Maybe you don't care about that, but...maybe you should. People have long memories.

Instead of that outcome...why not try "Okay, I don't think this will work the way it is. Maybe if you changed X and tweaked Y a bit, it'd be workable then. Give it another shot!" Something I've learned in the last two years is the importance of cushioning criticism. When I review someone's writing that is, objectively, terrible, I don't say "This is bad and you should feel bad." That's just hurtful, and it kills their motivation. I've seen people just stop writing/doing whatever they were working on because of overly harsh criticism. What I do instead is "So I liked X and Y, though I think Z could use a bit of work. Maybe if you tried..." And so on. Cushioning. Empathy. If you make someone feel good about something else in their work, the bite from the rest of the "your idea is bad" isn't so bad. Again, maybe it doesn't matter to you how you come off to people. But eh.

Wow, that got a bit long winded, didn't it? MOVING ON.

On the flipside, you're wonderful to talk to in skype/in game and whatnot. It's just when you're the faceless Xigo GM Sunbro poster that you come off as rude. When I'm chatting with you directly, you're great. You do have a tendency to use ellipses a lot, though, and it makes me feel like I'm not getting something and you're going
[Image: downloader.php?file=you_dense_motherfucker.png]
in your head. Maybe that's not the case (hopefully; I like to think of myself as rather clever huehue), but that's how I interpret the '...Well.' Sort of things.

[Image: tumblr_lf1eosdLQ41qzizv5o1_500.jpg]
(thanks hawk, I forgot about this guy)

You've been getting better, but I find the most ANNOYING THING IN THE WOOOOORLD is when you appear out of nowhere with your magical powers and just start RPing. No preface, no hi, just SUDDENLY XIGO.

And I'm all "Hi."

And you're all "Hey."

And I'm all "How's it going?"

And you're all NO RESPONSE.

And I'm all
[Image: okay-face.jpg] (You knew that was coming)

And then we RP.
And then it's over, and I'm typing something like "Was fun!" or "Good to see you again!", and you JUST VANISH.

And I'm generally like this:

[Image: 13330636886841.gif]

You've been better, of late, but that was always the thing that annoyed me the most about our interactions. Its mostly because I can't /who you, so I'm not even sure if you're around, and then boom.

Also I've been trying to fit this image in but couldn't find a place, so you're awesome for liking all the things I like but you're also filthy loyalist scum and here's a picture I like:

[Image: angry%2Bmarine%2Bheresy.png]

Nah, but srs. We've got a lot of similar interests. Do you play ME3 on PC? You should come join Rowgen and I. We've been tearing it up in multiplayer.

Need more Ana/Merica/Jaerin RPz. Tell Lox. (I can't look at her the same ever since she turned green. It's weird. No offense Lox )

You do some hilarious stuff sometimes. I believe your nanosuit is always set to
[Image: fc75019_MAXIMUM_Trolling.jpg]

I do remember when we first started RPing. I was just like "Oh, cool, hi Merica, well that was fun, etc etc" we RP'd a couple of times, then I was like "Huh, who plays her? /wiki"

[Image: VL52gcg7.gif]


Skyfin seems to be your go-to semi-serious troller. I remember him being a really interesting/actual character during Kidnapped, but after that all I've seen is him wandering through random RPs going "Murgle" and then leaving. I dunno.

...I, um.

Think this is long enough, would you agree?

So I'll leave you with this

[Image: YourAwesome.jpg]

Dear lord I've been sitting here for over an hour. Damnit Xigo.

Also Chaos is beeeeeetter.

Alright, this is getting a bit/very spammy. I'm dooooone.

Not even going to proofread it. So there. Enjoy.

I did!

Except the chaos part.

You will pay for that.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
[Image: Oh-Hai---Oh-Hey---Oh-Jei---The-Funny-Bug...Grass-.jpg]

"Post in my feedback thread" he says. "Why not?!" he says.

Hey honeybee! I can't help but notice that you have a lot of characters. I have a lot of characters, too! How do we not RP ever? :( I seem to only catch you peripherally in events or, normally, when you puppet things around me. While that's a lot of fun, I'd really like to meet, know, and appreciate your unique characters. If we don't jive, that's all right, but let's try sometime, maybe.

As for personal feedback -- you're a riot to talk to and when you're not spreading libel and shattering the very core of my existence ( Hug ), you always make me laugh. Really, you've had good timing lately with cheering me up. Thanks for talking me down from some of my "rage" ledges.

Now let's go do something so I can give you more constructive feedback or something!
[Image: 0f084241-4e8f-4ebc-9f46-e942e4c544a8_zps7e42bd8f.jpg]
Come Cataclysm™, I intend on dropping a good number of my older characters to make way for newer ones. I feel as though these character's stories have been told, and there's little going for them besides their established personalities. While I like them, and will remember them, I want to move on from them.

This doesn't mean that they no longer exist, and I might hop on one just to bring them back for a moment. But they will be seen less often.


Arianna Dawnbreaker - Yeeep. This is sort of the rough one for me. Ari has been one of my favorite characters when I actually did RP her, but I just don't have as much of a drive anymore. Her life is settled, she has no IC desire to unsettle it, and just wants to be a happy mother. Which she is.

Paota Blackaxe - The woman who brought me into roleplay on CotH, coincidentally another mother. She just doesn't get much RP, especially with Tauren RP in general being dead.

Xigo - Not playing my namesake anymore. Not until Mists of Pandaria. Then he'll come back as a panda samurai. Should be fun.

Castella Dawnsend - I just don't do much with her anymore. She's settled.

Melline - Once more, I don't do much with her anymore.

Tedia - Just don't do much.

Tyesh - ... Just don't do much. I'm pretty much getting rid of all my BElves besides my Riversongs.

Characters I'm keeping

Versich Devosh - As if there was any doubt. Versich Devosh. The only Death Knight who's actually a good guy. Without a doubt one of my favorite characters, his storyline will come to fruition due to Cataclysm. Should be fun. And sad. Very sad. Guy can't have a happy unlife.

Merica/Eliandros Riversong - Both of these people are part of the same storyline, one I want to finish eventually. Then they'll probably be retired. These two and Versich are my... depressing-character squad.

Mundo/Randok of the Shrub - Peon's awesome, and Randok's just such a fun character to RP.

Ellea - Her roleplay is very fun whenever I get it, and... she's certainly less aggressive than her fellow Night Elves, but in a Night Elven way. I enjoy it.

Sindri - Her roleplay is fun whenever I get it, and... she's certainly more aggressive than her fellow Night Elves, but in a Night Elven way. I enjoy it.

Dagrim - Never getting rid of her. No matter what. She's too awesome to be rid of.

Kil'shi - He's a High Warlord. Cataclysm will be -very- eventful for him.

Duush - He's too fun to get rid of.

Yui - I need to keep at least -one- draenei.

Ara'Gazhi - Still need to do the event chain which involves him. Oh, you didn't know about it? Ahah. ... Ahahaha. AHAHAHAH!

Skyfin - Duh.

New Characters

Grenzi Goldrang - I've actually had this guy make an appearance in a few roleplays, though it's a 'blink and you miss it' moment. Never actually spawned a model for him, people would just see his ship off in the distance or hear of him from goblin NPCs. He's a Bildgewater Cartel Captain. Privateer. And hopefully I'll be able to get some fun piracy RP out of him. No, he won't take everything especially seriously, he's a goblin. But things'll be cool.

Regis Selgore - Gilnean nobleman, good-aligned warlock. Should definitely bring some interesting stuff to the table. Maybe even nobility RP. Though my main intention is to focus on Grenzi's pirate guild. Seeing as all my other characters are fun and happy, he'll be my one who brings the grimdark back to the table. Not a direct transfer, but he does come from another RP. A rather... grimdark heretical RP.

Illia Redwind - Dalaran noblewoman, fire-spec. She's... one of my very few transfers from another RP. I don't usually directly transfer characters, but there you go. She's rather similar to Arianna personality-wise, though there are a good number of differences.

Trusty Sauldo - Because I need a gnome. ... And playing criminals is fun, oddly enough. Heavens, don't let my parents actually read this.

Arianna/Paota's Daughter - Because it should be funny.


Elves are boring (and heavens, you can't play a woman without being hit on by both men and women)

All orcs are staying

Alliance is boring

Tauren/Dwarf RP is dead.

Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
(07-27-2012, 06:39 AM)Xigo Wrote: Come Cataclysm™, I intend on dropping a good number of my older characters to make way for newer ones. I feel as though these character's stories have been told, and there's little going for them besides their established personalities. While I like them, and will remember them, I want to move on from them.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thi-

(07-27-2012, 06:39 AM)Xigo Wrote: Come Cataclysm™


(07-27-2012, 06:39 AM)Xigo Wrote: Come Cataclysm™

[Image: brian-griffin-jaw-drop-o.gif]
Aw, I enjoyed Xigo during Kidnapped 4 and was hoping he'd show up more :(
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Xigo Wrote:Yui - I need to keep at least -one- draenei.

[Image: tumblr_m53xbu6AQY1qcdk6ko1_500.gif]
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
(07-27-2012, 06:39 AM)Xigo Wrote: SHADOWFLAAAAAME FOREVER!

We need to RP, that way I can complain about you :3
In darkness we are born, in shadows we are raised

Uh. Not sure how many of my characters will still be around during Cataclysm. Don't feel much of an urge to roleplay. Feedback would be nice, though.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.

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