This is... week 2, right? It's not long, but I've been through so much despite being here for a short time. However, the fact that I kept blundering lore (especially draenei lore) in general often gives me the impression of annoyance for my ineptitude. I have been PVPing WoW longer than I have been RPing it, and those of my usual WoW buddies who'd like to RP, they stay away from servers like these like the plague (too restrictive, roll fights are dumb, no applications of being IC while playing the game normally (hearthstones are normal everyday items, resurrection is cheap), and so forth). In general, I think it's quite obvious to many I'm a "nub". Thankfully the character I play is a bumbling idiot, which helps disguise my own blunders in RP.
Also, I notice I tend to blunder reactions to posts aimed at me, resulting in me acting in a way I should not have (someone yells at me, I react like I've been struck when the character never raised a hand ICly). I try to organize my chat windows by separating party chats, general chats, LF chats, and so forth so I can better respond, but still my efforts don't seem to be enough. Any suggestions on how to reduce confusion should I RP in a super busy location (5+ people chatting at once), it'd be absolutely wonderful.
It may be too soon to get any adequate feedback, but I think I've RPed with people enough for them to recognize Kapre. I hope I get some opinions and tips on how to survive in this server soon!
I can tell you're new, but you're also someone who has a lot of potential to be a great RPer. I love Kapre, as a character that was made humbly, but also with a good story and a lot of hidden depths to him.
I do think that you could do to concentrate a little more on keeping things realistic, sometimes ignoring game mechanics as necessary. For example, one can't get drunk within seconds, heheh.
We'll RP some more in the future!
Have you hugged an orc today?
- I am not tech support. Please do not contact me regarding technical issues. -
Bumpadump! Hoping to get more feedback now that I've been around longer. For those who are unsure who my characters are, they are:
Kapre: Derpy draenei matchmaker. My main character, has been around since I arrived in COTH back in May of this year. Has received the most development of my characters while remaining somewhat static (he's still the derpy coward from Day 1). I've received some feedback in OOC talk, but I'd like to know what people really think.
Diwaata: Aloof draenei alchemist shaman. I had problems with her before, but since the Draenei pilgrimage, she's been coming out of her shell. I'm learning to RP her without having to have Kapre be around, though their twin banter often has the lulziest reactions.
Mahen'Tosh: Dirty old warlock orc, and my main Horde character. He hasn't seen much RP since the restart, but what RP he has seen did get some laughs. I aim to develop his character as a former Old Horde orc and a warlock who is trying to get away from the fel, as well as his hopes for Mana'Gal to have a family of her own before he dies.
Kantado: Awkward teen kaldorei druid. He initially had problems (shapeshifted to a bunny, FFFF), mostly from my lack of understanding night elf and druid lore. I'm still learning, but since Skin Thieves, he's been less of a faildrood and more of an awkward teenage lech. I'd especially like to know how I'm doing with him.
Mana'Gal: Bratty teenage orc. Hasn't seen much RP, but she will be appearing in "For Whom the Bell Tolls" event week.
Tibalan: Shy but strong shu'halo. Saw plenty of RP, but I fear his speech patterns would be considered annoying. He's given Kapre's traits but inverted: Kapre's socially strong but combat shy, Tibalan is socially shy but combat strong. Also, Tibs is gay, and I'm kind of scared of RPing his orientation in fear of offending other people (mostly gay/bi players) due to the fact I'm female and RPing among strangers. Suggestions are loved.
Asul'Na: Matronly hunter troll. Hasn't seen enough RP to really have anyone recognize her, but if you do know her, feedback is -greatly- valuable.
Serena: Creepy stalker human. Haven't been able to really RP the "creepy" part, but she does get some lulz in the OOCCavern.
Pulla: Unfunny gnome. I don't expect much feedback here, but suggestions on how to RP her would be great.
Jami: Wealthy and sweet sin'dorei. I have to RP her again, really .
Urameil: Suspicious warlock sin'dorei. My wild card character, intended to keep players guessing on what his intentions are. Yes, he's a very obvious warlock, but as a character he greatly differs from other blood elves, at least in my opinion. Because he is an OC converted to WoW as an RP character (the actual character is a fallen Abrahamic angel capable of shapeshifting and creating golems), feedback on his among that of greatest value.
Blanche: Demented Forsaken trapped in her own little world where everything is beautiful. A new character, but one I don't intend to RP too often. This one I'd like to RP with care, so word on her is great.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand...that's it. I have a lot of chars, yes. I don't expect feedback on all of them, just the ones you know .
Out of the characters of yours I have RPed with (Which is everyone except Asul'na and Blanche), the only one I really dislike is Jami. Perhaps it's because I didn't RP with her much, but she doesn't seem to have much going for her, and is just there so Hrodebert's wife isn't an NPC. Then again, might be because characters who seem too sweet get on my nerves/because I've RPed with her... twice? Probably only two times.
So, yeah, I guess that's it. Enjoy my terrible feedback.
Out of the characters of yours I have RPed with (Which is everyone except Asul'na and Blanche), the only one I really dislike is Jami. Perhaps it's because I didn't RP with her much, but she doesn't seem to have much going for her, and is just there so Hrodebert's wife isn't an NPC. Then again, might be because characters who seem too sweet get on my nerves/because I've RPed with her... twice? Probably only two times.
So, yeah, I guess that's it. Enjoy my terrible feedback.
Not terrible at all. In fact, of all my characters in this lineup, Jami is the one whom I didn't create--she's actually Cappn's character. I simply RP her.
Cappn handed her to me because he didn't want her to be the "token wife" of Robert (OC converted to Hrodebert), so I was given the responsibility of giving her a personality. Analyzing what personalities I already have on my toons, Jami was given the most upbeat and feminine. However, most of the RP she has seen is among Horde, and I don't know if you've seen her since RPs with the Ashrune Pact. However, first impressions are important, so the fact that she came across as overly sweet and annoying, even if I didn't intend it, is highly valued.
I'm pulling Jami out of the Torr storyline so she can get better character development. Thanks for your word!
So I think I've met only our loved sibling bunch and a bit of Kenny, though not enough to really comment on him so I'll focus on Kapre and Dia.
Kapre is awesome, of course, though by draenei customs he got mated and had child really early [As Zenn commented: "in his age I didn't even knew what flowers and butterflies -meant-"] yet he acts a lot on his age, makes me a ponder a bit if it would be serious wouldn't it make him, especially considering he was through war with his family, mature a lot and if it wasn't serious would he grief so much? I actually love Kapre as he is, I wouldn't like him to be more serious, cynical, grumpy and so on, that's why he got friends like Gray [who's old enough to not even remember his puberty... well he actually kinda missed it] but as I said it's what pokes me as bit unrealistic about the character given his past, it worked when he was 2k years old but it doesn't really seems to work now he's around 300.
But what I love about him now, as young as he is is how human-like he is, he's naive and adorable yet perverted as true teenager and he's obviously affected a lot with culture of short-lived races which is great because it really shows his young age and huge cultural shock for Draenei and change their culture goes through right now.
Of course Kapre has some depth beyond beying lovesick puppy but again I love how deep runs his naivity, main reason why Gray accepts it is because Kapre truly doesn't lie to himself and close his eyes to be naive because reality is so scary but be purely and fully believes it and I guess that's what I like about the character most and makes him believable and interesting.
I must say I don't know Dia as well as Kapre, she's definietly interesting character too but I can tell you are still going deep with her and looking for what she should really be, she seems to me like really great character in progress. Of course I love her spats with her brother, every great and deep RP needs comic relief or it turns into could be interesting but it's sooo boring [reason why I believe that Deskworld or King's warhammer series are much better than lord of the rings which is important part of fantasy history with good story but soooo boring] and as well as Gray has his cynical sense of humor those two have their sibling spats, brought to perfection because no matter how heated their arguments become and what they say to each other you can still read between the lines how close their are and sibling love for each other. Separaty they are both great characters but together they complement each other nicely and in very realistic way.
Just for Dia as I said, she's interesting but in progress, I like her because she's young, stubborn, hasty but she has this kind of cocky ladyness in her that I just adore.
"Everyone is hypocrite by nature. Burst their bubble and tell them real truth and they will hate you fiercely, no matter if they are pink or blue." "Gray" Zennshinagas
(10-12-2011, 01:38 PM)Reese777 Wrote: All I can say is...
You will never destroy the Forever Alone Club.
(10-12-2011, 01:55 PM)Wendigo Wrote: Well well well... what we got here. *Evilgrin.*
So I think I've met only our loved sibling bunch and a bit of Kenny, though not enough to really comment on him so I'll focus on Kapre and Dia.
Kapre is awesome, of course, though by draenei customs he got mated and had child really early [As Zenn commented: "in his age I didn't even knew what flowers and butterflies -meant-"] yet he acts a lot on his age, makes me a ponder a bit if it would be serious wouldn't it make him, especially considering he was through war with his family, mature a lot and if it wasn't serious would he grief so much? I actually love Kapre as he is, I wouldn't like him to be more serious, cynical, grumpy and so on, that's why he got friends like Gray [who's old enough to not even remember his puberty... well he actually kinda missed it] but as I said it's what pokes me as bit unrealistic about the character given his past, it worked when he was 2k years old but it doesn't really seems to work now he's around 300.
But what I love about him now, as young as he is is how human-like he is, he's naive and adorable yet perverted as true teenager and he's obviously affected a lot with culture of short-lived races which is great because it really shows his young age and huge cultural shock for Draenei and change their culture goes through right now.
Of course Kapre has some depth beyond beying lovesick puppy but again I love how deep runs his naivity, main reason why Gray accepts it is because Kapre truly doesn't lie to himself and close his eyes to be naive because reality is so scary but be purely and fully believes it and I guess that's what I like about the character most and makes him believable and interesting.
I must say I don't know Dia as well as Kapre, she's definietly interesting character too but I can tell you are still going deep with her and looking for what she should really be, she seems to me like really great character in progress. Of course I love her spats with her brother, every great and deep RP needs comic relief or it turns into could be interesting but it's sooo boring [reason why I believe that Deskworld or King's warhammer series are much better than lord of the rings which is important part of fantasy history with good story but soooo boring] and as well as Gray has his cynical sense of humor those two have their sibling spats, brought to perfection because no matter how heated their arguments become and what they say to each other you can still read between the lines how close their are and sibling love for each other. Separaty they are both great characters but together they complement each other nicely and in very realistic way.
Just for Dia as I said, she's interesting but in progress, I like her because she's young, stubborn, hasty but she has this kind of cocky ladyness in her that I just adore.
I'm very grateful that you've decided upon this interpretation on the twins <3.
There is surely a large contrast between Gray and Kapre, especially in their views in life as per their years and experience. The 2K vs 300 age thing is a bit of an issue to work with as far as realism goes, but really, if you're 2000+, shouldn't you know better than to cling onto a past life? But besides that, I'm glad you can see more in Kapre than being a derpy lovesick puppy; it's a big foil to Gray's grumpy cynicism, and I do emphasize the uncle/nephew relationship they seem to have going on.
Indeed, Dia is a work in progress, but the relationship she has with her brother is something I hope to use as a base for her individuality. I'm quite happy you see her beyond her bitchy and aloof demeanor. I will proudly say that Gray is, by far, the first character whom Dia can branch a relationship with independently from Kapre and Cristovao (my boyfriend's charcter). I am happy for this, and I hope to use this as a means to develop Dia more.
Thank you so very much for the feedback! I look forward to more draenic shenanigans!
I love RPing with you. Your characters are rich, entertaining, and generally original to the point of self loathing and envy. In Character, you're vibrant, attentive, and patient! Out of character you're putting effort, you're caring, and an absolute delight to be around.
Kapre is delightful, funny, and tear jerking. He has untold depth, and rather harsh truths beyond the standard comedy I see. He's a rare character, and I'm glad you play him often.
Kantado is sweet, adorable, and I always laugh my entrails out of my nose when Isolia ends up with dragging him by the ear to sit in a corner. Though not as well developed as Kapre, and I've yet to see his true depth, I hope to see more of him.
Urameil... Oh, Urameil. While I havn't RPed much with this specific face, I've come to enjoy the brief arguing conversation he had with Sangreala. It felt like pitching two completely delusional characters in a strange situation, and the results were very interesting. He's sharp, witty, and I feel bad I didn't get too much RP with him. Soon. Soon...
Mahentohsh... NOT THE BUCKET! Loveable old man, who approves much of Rhozak and Thragash... Not creepy at all... Not the bucket!
Diawaata is a sweet lass, and absolutely hilarious when pitched together with Kapre. The bits of story I caught from her and Cristovao were moving, and were rather delightful. While I do realize she's a new character that needs to come out of her shell, she needs to be a bit less reliant on Kapre to be entertaining.
In general, while we all have much to improve on, and always will, you're a most excellent person. (Dude!) And I hope to increase the emount of RP we share.
Rock on, and lights off.
- That guy outside your window.
12-23-2011, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2011, 10:54 PM by ImagenAshyun.)
I never replied to Psycho? HERESY.
I think we covered it in IM, though. Your feedback is realy appreciative, especially in regards to my individual characters. Moar RP!
Okay! With me now a GM, and the conclusion of Tanaris Fever, this seems to be an appropriate time for me to ask for feedback! However, instead of just character/RP feedback, I also hope for GM/DMing feedback. If I do poorly, or I do well, or just constructive critique, all that is truly appreciative! Hopefully through this, I can improve or maintain good RP experience with all players in the server.
Kapre: Derpy draenei matchmaker. My main character, has been around since I arrived in COTH back in May of this year. Has received the most development of my characters while remaining somewhat static (he's still the derpy coward from Day 1).
As of late, RP with him has lessened, mostly due to concentrating on school and sickness (and thus, avoiding having to do any matchmaking, which is a lot more demanding than I anticipated). In doing so, however, lots of crap occured: business went down again, he misses the birth of his daughters, someone got killed, etc. Poor Kapre can't catch a break.
For feedback on him specifically, I was told by CappnRob a certain someone that I RP him way too much and that more focus should be applied to Diwaata everyone else. In taking active breaks on him, however, crap seems to happen. I really want to know how players feel about this character, however. I tend to get the impression I RP him too much, or too little.
Diwaata: Aloof draenei alchemist shaman. I had problems with her before, but since CappnRob is launching Wanderlust, she may be getting more RP. Do people still care about her besides Cappn, though?
Mahen'Tosh: Dirty old warlock orc, and my main Horde character. He's been getting some RP lately, especially since he migrated from <The Ashrune Pact> and into the <Wildhunt Clan>. He also had some story from the Dear Boss Letters (which I should finish, btw), and he'll be a supporting character for The Path of the Horde. Otherwise fairly unchanged, though now that he has been released from Torr, he's not as afraid to use his warlock powers for good.
Kantado: Awkward teen kaldorei druid. Hasn't seen RP much, to go with Kapre's absence to avoid matchmaking while sick/concentrating on school. I still don't know if the NElf family thing is going on... I'll be disappointed if it is.
Mana'Gal: Bratty teenage orc. Missed "For Whom the Bell Tolls", as I had a week so busy that it didn't allow me RP. However, she will have a storyline completely devoted to her, which will be seen in "The Path of the Horde". She did have some RP, often centered around her reluctance in getting a mate or becoming a shaman, as urged by her grandfather Mahen'Tosh.
Tibalan: Shy but strong shu'halo. Saw some RP, and of my three matchmaker characters, he gets the least matchmaking activity going on (mostly due to his speech patterns, which turns clients off), so I'm not as afraid of RPing him when I wanna go about while avoiding any matchmaking profiling. Has done some adventuring, as he's also the strongest and bravest of my three matchmakers.
Asul'Na: Matronly hunter troll. Hasn't seen enough RP to really have anyone recognize her, but if you do know her, feedback is -greatly- valuable.
Serena: Retired. I created five more humans after her and THEY got far more RP than she did. So you won't be seeing her anymore unless specifically requested back.
Pulla: Semi-retired. I only pull her out if individuals request for her.
Jami: Wealthy and sweet sin'dorei. Has seen some RP since the conclusion of the Dear Boss Letters.
Bastos: Troublemaking rogue sin'dorei. Joined <The Illumitato>, but I've been unable to get to RP with them, as I was often on another alt at the time, or none of the other members are on when I do log on him. Besides that, has been a Butt Monkey for a bit.
If <The Illumitato> disbands, or I am unable to get RP of any sorts there, I'll have Bastos pull out and be my Horde character within <Criminal Underground>. Funny how both my main rogues are also my most active engineers.
Urameil: Suspicious warlock sin'dorei. Though his role in the Dear Boss Letters ended, his story continues in The Song of the Sun, where his death and resurrection becomes a plot point. Also assisted in the investigation in Blood Trail and took on a mentor role for Doran and Larenir, where he is beginning to be pulled into their story (I think). He's definitely my most prominent blood elf, and one whom I believe has the most love and support from other players if not directed at Kapre or Mahen'Tosh.
Blanche: Demented Forsaken trapped in her own little world where everything is beautiful. Some some RP, and I think people like her. I don't know yet, though. She needs more RP buddies.
Awitand Polore: Curious Night Elf Druid of the Grove and endless wandering Draenei Death Knight. Putting them together because they're both from the same original story and converted into WoW RP characters. Haven't seen much RP, but when they do, they're RPed as far more "traditionally heroic" kaldorei/draenei in contrast to Kantado and Kapre (whom both defy typical ones of their race by being fairly weak). The hard part is really taking on the more serious aspects of druid and death knight RP, respectively. Suggestions are loved, if you willing to buddy up with them.
Georgetta: Marianna's older sister, a hedonistic cougar and tart with gambling problems. Surprisingly fun to RP, especially how she banters with Marianna. I only pull her out to be a foil for Marianna when she's online, but you can request her to pop out more often now that she's part of <Argus Wake>.
Kogan: A Stormwind guard, part of <The Law>. Mostly pops up for storyline RP and to make sure things run smoothly in Stormwind. No, he's not meant to be a copy of Gunnar (bring him baaaaaaaaaaack! </3), but Gunnar did inspire me to convert my OC, whom he reminds me of, to WoW. By himself, Kogan's meant to be a guard so devoted to his work, he's become amazingly socially awkward (even more than Kantado, which says something). And I mean very amazingly socially awkward. The guy -sleeps- in his armor, for one...
Aimee: Human little girl thief (she's 18 ) and Dino's daughter. Meant to be a "face of an angel, heart of a devil" type of girl. So far, mostly RPed as Sangreala and Garm's prisoner, whom Dino must present souls in exchange for her freedom and love. She essentially replaced Serena as my pretty-but-creepy girl. Also an OC converted to WoW.
Last, but not least.....
Dino: Listing him last, because he seems to capture the most positive RP experiences in the short time he's existed as a WoW character. Originally rolled him, pre-restart, as Kapre's doctor during the Torr story, but that role was usurped by Angelika when that character was around. Rolled him again to go with McKnighter's Stormwind Gangs, but that seemed to die down too. Has his own storyline now, where he is avoiding Stormwind and Elwynn law after attempted kidnapping of souls to rescue Aimee while under contract of Sangreala. Had a major role in the Tanaris Event as head doctor, researcher, and provider of the cure. Will get his own storyline chain event after the conclusion of "The Path of the Horde", which I hope Aimee would be rescued by then. Besides all these, he's essentially my "badass cripple", seeing how he's not only an accomplished doctor, but an engineer, informant, and spy.
Ho dayum, that's a lot of characters.
In addition to the above feedback.... I am considering giving some characters the "hero development" treatment. This will be going to my weaker, originally non-combat characters. Mana'Gal is already going through this for "Path", but other characters of mine can benefit this. They are:
Kantado: Still heartbroken over [now nameless female blood elf from Skin Thieves], now he's thinking of dating Isolia (or just any love interest). In order to more worthy of a woman, and to impress his family, he hopes to become a strong Druid. He could become a battle-effective Druid of the Wild/Claw if this succeeds.
Jami: Hated feeling trapped and helpless when she was stuck in Mulgore, she's now trying to improve her utilization of arcane magic. Actually already going down this route, so why the hell am I listing her?
Mahen'Tosh: Now that he's freed from Torr, he is no longer worried over succumbing over the fel. I love how he avoids using fel magic as much as possible, but after a couple battles where had no choice but to fight, this could have potential to character development besides being a dirty old man only a few years away from the deathbed. Who knows?
Kapre: Although Diwaata is my more combat-effecient shaman, Kapre has a mate and two daughters whom he must show to be a protector. However, in making him a stronger character, this risks him losing his most defining trait: his derpy cowardice. Do I really want Kapre to lose his derpy cowardice in favor of yet another bland hero? Sorry, Diwaata.
Anyway, it's up to you. Any of these characters can develop to be more badass, but if you think they're more charming/loveable/etc as non-combat characters, I won't bother to take that route in character development.
That's all for now! Damn, this took over an hour to type o__O.
12-23-2011, 10:25 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2011, 10:56 PM by c0rzilla.)
Doctor Dino is a badass, and is now Anna's new badass old man best buddy. She will gladly aid in his rescuing shenanigans. Maybe less soul-stealing, though.
I will gladly edit this post once I'm not dead tired, but had to say that.
I (Aharu) quite enjoyed the short RP session I had with Tibalan a couple weeks ago, amid the only Thunder Bluff RP I've seen in...ages. I don't play my tauren much, and it was nice to be able to do so and not have it feel forced. His speech pattern didn't bother me, IC or OOC (though I'm sure my face twisted bizarrely the first time I saw so many ellipses in one line).
I like his hat, too. I don't know what it is, but that type of hat on tauren just makes me smile.
Anyway, I wish I had something more constructive to contribute, but this is all I've got for now. I haven't RP'd with any of your other characters (though I did see Garm beating Aimee up in the background once!) nor seen you performing any GM magicks. If anything else comes up in the future, I'll edit it in or make a new post.
02-09-2012, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2012, 04:58 PM by ImagenAshyun.)
Thank you all for your lovely feedback. And now I would like to request more.
As we're getting into the middle of "Love Is In The Air", this would be, by far, my first week-long event wherein I'm the main DM/MC (though my first DM week-long event is as Assistant-DM for "Sickness in the Sands" as Dino). I'd like to know how I'm doing by far, as I hope to continue or improve my DMing skills for the rest of the week and for future events.
I'd also like some feedback from my writing, from "The 'Dear Boss' Letters" (which is, admittedly, finished IC only but I need to complete the writing for) to "How the Snake Lost His Legs". "Thirty Days", it's too soon to get adequate feedback, I guess.
Of course, there are my characters. The only new ones added are Alba and Davide, but by far only c0rzilla and Zarquon has met either of them. You can see samples of their characters in "The Serpent and the Fox".
You know I <3 you, and your awesomeness doth shine with the shininess of many suns. I enjoy how you came to the server and immediately meshed with EVERYONE. I would seriously doubt that there is a single person who doesn't recognize thine immense awesomeness. Of course, I can never be sure.
But alas! You are a cruel, cruel Immy to keep yourself from us. D: I've been missing more and more of the Love Is In The Air events because of both your and my inflexibility with our work hours, and it makes me super sad, because I like your events, and your openness to trying new things. I recognize and respect your need to do so, but it doesn't make me any less sadfais.
That's about it, though. I <3 you, you <3 you, and I daresay CoTH <3's you.
And on a semi-unrelated note, needs moar Domenico in Alba/Davide/Dino events.