Mathias' Edited Feedback Title Thread
Hey Mat! Today's event was awesome, I had a fantastic time!

So listen, these are my thoughts.

This event was also straightforward (like the previous one involving an escort), but had more choices that would affect the outcome (and that can be seen in Tip of the Spear's summary of the matter).

For example, whether the lifeboat crew, who escaped the sharks, could join with their sister Alliance ship and fight the good fight, or carry the day by boarding the enemy's vessel -- that was a free will choice for the players involved. We chose the latter, but we could have chose the former, therefore affecting what happened. Not only that, but it was clearly up to the group, who thankfully, were single minded and in agreement. So the presence of choice and not script was a plus to this event. There were other examples of this.

Moreover, I really enjoyed the fact that you didn't give us the answers (which adds onto the previous point). For example, informing us that the Alliance ship could not tell that we were on the formerly Horde-owned ship. The Horde flag was flying -- smoke was everywhere, how could they know they were endangering us?. You did not tell us we could remove it; but we realized we could. Now, this is simple, true, but it is present and requires the players to think and, again, as with the previous point, choose. Something I really like. It adds to the experience.

A roll of the dice if you're new like me (and don't know many people), the players who were involved were great! Not in your control, but the presence of great people having fun with me was a plus, of course!

Now for my critique.

I don't particularly like OOCness in Dungeon Master emotes/raid warnings, since it degrades my immersion. That was present part of the time, HOWEVER, most of the time, your prose and IC/OOC duality was on point/sufficient. Something to work on in my opinion, but that is personal and clearly varies from person to person.

That's all! Overall....awesome event buddy! Thanks for throwing it!


Don't get too cocky...THE HORDE WILL STRIKE BACK! (Tommorow, Sunday, 2PM Server Time -- be there, or be a dirty Alliance loyalist with a knife in his back!)
A lot of what you liked came from Thoradin, my ever trustworthy co-DM (though he could not attend today). Send a PM his way and thank him, too.
I've been here for two years today, so I'm allowed to bump this thread.

Matthew has been getting more RP, Norell has been created and is being pals with everyone, Jof'waz and Garridan need fixing/love. For those of you who have RPed with them, what do you think about them? They okay to be around or does something (or everything) about them annoy you? How am I OOC?
Right, suppose I should say something here.

I always have to give you props for Matthew as a character. Not many folks really go the racist route, especially to the lengths that you have with him. Yet, it's always good to see someone doing so, to really show that, yeah, some folks aren't okay with the factional differences and all. He's humorous in an OOC manner in that it's practically over-the-top how irrational he can be, and that's all good stuff. Yet, he's never come across to me as a villain, just a man with strong, irrational opinions that legitimately believes what he says and thinks it's good and right. That's a very difficult balance to get right, but you've nailed it.

Normally I try to keep my feedback balanced, have some criticism to go with the praise. My main problem right now is that I can't think of any criticism to offer. Maybe Matthew's tendencies make him difficult to interact with on some characters? Maybe I don't see you on your Hordies enough? Maybe the "human supremacy!" jokes when you're at the OOC zone on Matthew can occasionally get a little grating? But those are very minor nitpicks to be honest. You're a cool guy and I'm always pleased to interact with you.

So, to steal an over-used cliche: you're a bro, we should RP more.
Have you hugged an orc today?
- I am not tech support. Please do not contact me regarding technical issues. -
Kidnapped is over. Lot of people got to hang out with Norell. Tell me what I'm doing wrong with him. Bring on the hate!
Norell is a bro.

But no, seriously, I do like how cheerfully optimistic he always seemed, and he struck me as a necessary element for the event to work. That he was constantly trying to think up of ways to escape or strike back at their captors, he really was quite active. I did like his interactions with Surthak as well...he was one of the few people to really ever seriously doubt Surthak and his relationship to Gron, and so it was nice to actually have Surthak have to defend himself in that sense. It was a good bro-ship and a good bit of antagonism over the course of two weeks.

They'll probably be hanging out together again some time in the future.
Have you hugged an orc today?
- I am not tech support. Please do not contact me regarding technical issues. -
This is specifically Kidnapped feedback. I'll drown you in my love another day. If you want hate, I'll just kill off the other Hunters instead. NOW...

Norell was great. I really enjoyed how he engaged with everyone, especially those who shied away at the corners of the island. I also really liked how he remained a ball of energy and cunning even after he was maimed. Nothing could bring this guy down! He was fantastic and very interesting, and he has been fun the whole time. Even when I'm not interacting with Norell, he's still a joy to watch in action.

One thing I especially appreciate is how Norell behaves around Elsamina. Perhaps this due to the fact you helped me write her character, but I am extremely grateful that Norell behaves around her according to the presence she brings: an angry guard of a mom. While others have behaved with indifference, condescension, and mockery as a form of negative IC interaction, Norell acted in caution and even fear. Especially when he outed her pregnancy.

All in all, you're a great sport. You added some story to Kidnapped in lieu of one (through Norell's planning and friendliness with others), engaged the loners, and had people feel like they matter in the RP. All in all, you and Norell were a joy to have in Kidnapped.

Negative feedback? You're still a noob~
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
Matthew- I love how the character seems to have a deep, deep seeded belief in things that are mystic, or occult, because it gives him an extra dimension to the unwavering will to do right by the royal crown. It makes him a bit more well rounded, because it adds to him a fear that not a lot of people pay attention to... that of the unknown. He seems rather paranoid about things, which is a cool twist and seems like it could lead to some interesting developments. He's a good character.

Norell- This is probably the most chill goblin I know. It's funny how he's nice to everyone about everything, to the point where it seems he's emotionally guarded and hides his true feelings well. However, this can both be a boon and a benefit---while it -can- add some depth to the character... a lot of times it makes him hard to read and sometimes a little flat. I might have to RP with you more to get a feel for the Gob's motivations and wants, as I can see he's not the type to wear his heart on his sleeve (Like two of the more loud members... Rensin and Kuzz), but overall he's still a pleasant character that adds a lot of atmosphere to the guild.

As for your GMing? You do stuff. S'cool bro. Don't be so down on yourself about things, every GM always says "Oh I'm the worst GM ever blur blur" when.. I've interacted damn near with every GM on CoTH. -Trust- me, Matt. You're a good GM. Keep at it!
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Can I bump? Think I'll bump. Mostly interested in how people think I'm doing as a GM and how people feel about the Defias story so far, but feedback on my characters is always appreciated.
King Varian would be proud of your noblebright GMing. I constantly see you assisting with player events and actively contribute to discussions both with players and GMs.

Keep it up. And get Matthew married already. It is your duty to the crown.
With the Defias I can really only say a couple of things.

First off: I love the storyline. Defias are something I just enjoy a large amount. It's not the typical human rp I try to avoid. How you ran the meet and greet was good fun. It brought me right in to the point I was cheering for the death of all the nobles (No wait, I do that anyway..)

Not much else to say with above, so we move onto the Second point. Your first event was kind of confusing to me at first. Grant it I figured it out (And messed up on my own) but as you had said in another post somewhere you did make it a bit too hard for stealthy. Open field filled with people for a bunch of newbies, it's surprising anyone made it back alive, let alone got the barn itself. That was sadly the only other event I've been to of yours (I look forward to tomorrows!)

And lastly You keep having the Hunter say "Its my fault for not teaching you." and such. Stop that. What you need to do is start things up at random. Take who ever you can who happens to be online and just do training sessions. The few tiems I do see you on David it's idle rp. Come on man! For a man who wants the group to become a perfect machine you spend a lot of time drinking! Stand up from the fire and kick some rears into shape!

Anyway. I've talked to you a couple times OOCly. Don't know you that well still to be honest. You seem nice, but I'd have to talk to you more often before I can put a stamp on that. Well, that's all I have to say, time to go find more Feedback threads to post on and force the nubs to post on mine back (Oh, you should take a peak at mine after you read this~)

Here, have my hate.

[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]

On the flipside, I think you're a pretty awesome GM. You're modest, and that helps, and you're always willing to propose a compromise if someone's idea is over the top.

Matthew is a gary stu pretty damn well developed character and he offers a tone to Alliance RP that you don't always see. Yes, there are the typical types that are jerkfaises and stuff, but Matthew makes being a jerkfaise actually authentic.
It's very late and I feel that if I write anything substantial I'll be picking spelling errors out of my ears for the next two hours, but I just wanted to say that the initiative you take to support peoples' events is neat + appreciated, as well as how active you are.

Move him into the sun—
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields half-sown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.

Think how it wakes the seeds,—
Woke, once, the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides,
Full-nerved—still warm—too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
—O what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth’s sleep at all?
[Image: 62675bf4fd.jpg] [Image: 0e7357dcfe.jpg]
Presumptions of friendship favoritism aside-

Your work as a GM has been fantastic to the point of insanity. Your diligence to sacrifice your own RP desires to keep storylines and events afloat is admirable, and I dare say disagreeable. You have the right to step back from helping someone and if you want to RP Norell or Jof'waz you should do that sometime!

Beyond that, your accessibility, friendliness, and willingness to assist others in their endeavors, even at the last minute, is something to admire and all GMs should aspire for. You're great at thinking off the bat and you really help bring NPCs alive, even enjoyable (the love-sick goblin, the Protomen quoting worgen...), and you create role play WITH the environment which makes the whole experience feel more alive (for example: the worgen trying to bring Kantado/Ninde/Roux to their side in the last Thornsong event, or when the worgen attacking Cristovao pushed past him to attack Percival when Cristovao looked over at him).

tl;dr you're the best around and no one's ever gonna get you down
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.

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