Alright, alright.. I'll make one.
Moments of aggravating and slightly awkward father-antics over shadowed by those one or two lines of wisdom that actually hits home.

Whatever you're doing with Relshaz, I like it. Don't be a stranger.
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
Alright, fiigured I'd give this a bump!

But, also take the time to thank everyone who's posted so far, for their feedback, comments or RP'ing with me in general, in response I will try to:

- Be more active on the forums (I'll be honest, most of the time it's because I have little to say.)

- Elaborate more on Bennet, actually play Bennet, and play him slightly downtoned.

- Play more Koringar / Tauren in general, or just start some Tauren RP(?)

- Possibly kick Ironraven activity up or something. Family, roll out! (I... Am... I... Am... IRON MAN)

PS: I'm a bro. (But seriously thanks to all so far for posting.)
Feedback Thread.

Common Sense; Questionable, still there.
I haven't, really, RP'd much with you! The times I did, you were on Teztez or Bennet (one or two times), but I can safely say you did your roleplaying marvelously. You don't have many charactes --or don't roleplay them a lot-- from what I know, but they seem to fit perfectly with your style! At least that's how I envision it?

As for your work as a GM, you seem to be so good at it, that you don't point out. Either that, or you don't do your job properly I'm saying this like a good thing! However, as both an entrepreneur-GM and player, you're not so active as most could like; what I mean is you don't seem to start anything or have any initiative of your own.

As for the things you set out to do.. Koringar/tauren RP should, indeed, be spiced up! Especially now that a guild appeared.

In the end, I wish to apologise if I was incorrect in any of my statements, or if I created any kind of discomfort. (Say so and I will explain myself)

PS: We've got to RP more!
Stop being such a scrub.

You did ask me (in a somewhat roundabout way) to post here, waaaaaay back before everyone posted about what a bro you were, though I didn’t, because I didn’t have anything to say that I hadn’t/couldn’t tell you via skype and not in a public forum (which is another reason I don’t really post in these threads much), but I think this sentence has gone on long enough without actually having to play that ‘make the longest grammatically correct sentence possible’ game. I’m just gonna say a few words because good lord this computer science class is dull.

You know how I feel about your RPing. Bueno. Grade-A. Lovin’ it. Always fun. More shop-worn bromides here. No need to go into that. Just try not to spread yourself too thin with all those projects. They’ll all end up suffering. As will our RP/your ME3 manifest/PS2 battle rank/what have you, and I simply won't stand for that.

I’ve been thinking about ‘being active on the forums’, and I really think it’s at least slightly overrated. “Amg I have 1000 posts after a year and 900 of them are in off-topic (or aren’t but should be)!!!!!!” is not really something to be proud of, in my opinion. “I have 300 posts after a year and they’re all useful/helpful on-topic material that actually contributes to the thread’s conversation” is much better. Post where ya need to post. Don’t post just ‘cuz.

Most importantly, however, please stop taking things so personally. When a player tries to do something you disapprove of, it’s really not a personal attack (that I know of), and you shouldn’t get so irritated about. Let things sliiiiide off you. Thick skin.

The restaurant business does wonders for that, I’m noticing.

I think you’ve done a very good job remaining neutral in your interactions with players, that’s not what I’m commenting on. It’s you IRL getting annoyed or angry about things that, really shouldn’t, if you value your sanity. I know we’ve talked about this, but it bears repeating.

My main point with this, which I’m slowly segueing into, is that I really hate seeing you get so down or upset about certain things related to the server. It might be personal. It might be you. It might be them. I really don’t know. All I can say is that, more often than not, problems don’t go away when you let them fester. And if not...hit me up. Talkin’ things out can help. We’ve been through that, and I know you talk about this stuff anyway, but it's worth repeating. Like that line I just reused.

I really wish I’d had something more cheerful, or anything else, really, to discuss here. I just felt kinda guilty about not posting when you asked me the first time, and I actually have critiques now. You didn’t need a bro on the back, bro. Bro bro.

Because you know you’re awesome already, and you’re mah best buddy. S’not what I’m here to tell you. /thumbs up

Also this post would’ve been way better if I’d been at home and had access to my gif library. God damn I would’ve put that post in Xigo’s thread to shame.

Maybe next time.

Catch ya when I get home, amigo.
You're a bro.

We should RP sometime.

Also, JV's a noob. He knows nothing of the 3000 post count and 2000 like score. LIKES MEAN MY POSTS ARE IMPORTANT. THE IMPORTANCE OF A POST IS QUANTIFIED IN THE NUMBER OF LIKES IT RECEIVES.

Anywho. You're awesome Spiky. When I say you are a bro, I mean you are a bro. It's awesome talking to you. I really enjoy our almost daily chats. Were I in Finland with you, I would crash at your place when I'm drunk.

My actual criticism here is that you should be more careful when discussing opinions with others. You win more flies with honey than a sledgehammer, as they say. Because the wind from the oncoming sledgehammer ends up pushing the flies out of the way, leaving you with either swatting air, smashing a wall, or worse, hitting yourself. In any case, it looks embarassing, unless you very slowly press said hammer against a fly while it's on the wall. But even then, you just look like a spaz. Put away the hammer. Here. Take this jar of honey. Have some tea with it.

((Also, when you're getting heated up, don't be afraid to take a step back for a bit and consider your options. It's the internet. You're in no rush. Just wait until you can think straight again.))

You're a bro.

We should RP sometime.

And JV, no feedback will ever be better than the feedback in my thread. Even if I'm afraid to read it.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
you make me weak in the legs
Oh, well in that case! I haven't really RP'd with you, Spiky, but your Horde village idea thing has me really excited. I've been looking for locations for it, and I really think if you pull this off it'll bring some great new roleplay to the server. Stick with it!

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