Put yer Komodo feedback 'ere!
Holy crap, I've been here a little over a year, that flew by pretty fast but I guess that's what happens when you're having fun right? Go ahead and leave your feedback for either individual characters or me as a player. Go ahead and be brutally honest, I'm not gonna learn anything if you're beating around the bush!

My characters:

Tykeral "Morty" Kerickson - It's funny to see how much Tyke has changed since I rolled him. From stereotypical eye-patch 2edgy throat ripping mercenary to a sort of normal guy who talks with everyone, you wouldn't know he's a mercenary from talking to him. Most recently I've been playing him a bit different after joining the Order of Virtue and I have an idea of where I want him to end up. What do you guys think about my main (virtual) man (Worgen)?

Sarvi Gorehide - Sarvi was made for no other reason than I wanted to join in at Tol'Barad and the horde were severely out numbered that certain event day. "I'll make a Tauren Death Knight, that's not so hard with lore right?" Sarvi has been my character that I have the hardest time RPing because I can't find out how/why to play him. Drop me some feedback on this guy if you have actually RP'd with him since he's the one I'd like to improve the most.

Takoda Skychaser - If I didn't main Tykeral, I'd definitely main Takoda. Like Tykeral, when I started Takoda, he was nothing more than just a one emotion character that filled one little niche. I like the way he's come out but he's got a bit to go before I feel like he's really where I want him. He should get a bit closer after some RP he's got coming up. I've really enjoyed my time with him in the Earthworks. Let me know what you guys think about my grumpy Tauren Alchemist.

Corday Lorden- I like the RP I have with Corday. I can develop him more but I'm happy where he is. He's my least played character but I really like him. Drop some feedback on my Worgen Medic!

Character graveyard (in case you were wondering what happened to that one character):

Koel Shiverbite- really bland and had no idea what to do with him. I -may- revive this Death Knight for the sake of having a Worgen Death Knight.

Hank- Hank was a part of Tol'Barad with an event involving a couple prisoners escaping the prison. I had some people say they liked his cockiness/accent but I honestly didn't like him.

Tyzurius- I wouldn't mention Tyzurius but he was my very first character here. I made so many blunders and crap on him, I just forgot about him.

Thanks ya much CotH-ians!
"I wanted to help the Horde in Tol'Barad so I decided to make a character that would scare the piss out of the puny Alliance. " How is that working out for him now!?!? Anyways, I've gotten a chance to RP with most of these characters, mostly Tykeral. I'll say you are a solid RPer man and you are a chill dude to joke around with on OOC channels.
"Leave now, mortal! The likes of you are forbidden in this land. You, who are powerless, are not worthy to set foot here." - Cerberus
Just a tidbit from yesterday's RP with Koel and Ydir.

I noticed how you RP'd Koel getting exhausted after freezing the serpent, as a Death Knight. Death Knights, since they are dead, don't get tired like that. Instead, they exhaust their runes, which requires to let the runes regenerate their magical power before doing another spell of that type. For RP in general though, you're pretty good. That was just the largest gripe I've had from our minimal interaction.
(02-21-2014, 09:37 AM)FlyingSquirrel Wrote: Just a tidbit from yesterday's RP with Koel and Ydir.

I noticed how you RP'd Koel getting exhausted after freezing the serpent, as a Death Knight. Death Knights, since they are dead, don't get tired like that. Instead, they exhaust their runes, which requires to let the runes regenerate their magical power before doing another spell of that type. For RP in general though, you're pretty good. That was just the largest gripe I've had from our minimal interaction.

I was told after the event the same thing, I'm still learning and all. In the future, I would love it if you (or anyone else who notices something wrong) whispered me or just said it in raid so I can make it more immersive for others and I can play my characters right!
He keeps being a derp in the Skype group. /vouchban :P

Not sure though, haven't encountered you yet :c

[Image: awesome-mario-gif.gif]

Have you hugged a dwarf today?
(02-27-2014, 03:40 AM)Holynexus Wrote: He keeps being a derp in the Skype group. /vouchban :P

I know this, It's not hard to tell whenever I'll say something and suddenly people stop typing. :D

If any of my characters are online, just PM me for RP. I almost never say no.
So far I've only really had room to RP with Koel and Tykeral, Koel was a bit lacking of any interaction with other people besides the occasional sniffing and glaring - I did however like the concept of Koel, and think that another character like him would be a great addition to CoTH if it was better thought out and given more room to develop!

Other than that all experiences I've had with you have been more than enjoyable and I do look forward to RPing with you in the future once I'm more active.
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
I updated the main post since it's been nearly a year since I started this thread. A lot has happened in that time and I'd like to hear what you guys think of my RPing and such.
Not enough cashew. Needs more peanut. And cowbell. Especially cowbell.

We haven't RP'd in a while, so I cannot give legitimate feedback until that day comes. Poke me on skype and that day shall come.
I RP with you when I can, Tky tky. I love it! I mean, it is fun to RP with you and with Tky in general, cause well, he is like that cool buddy you had in high school that was really into all that dangerous extreme activities. Everyone likes talking to him, even though he is a tad drunk and doesn't have an eye.
(01-05-2015, 08:25 PM)Zenethen Wrote: Not enough cashew. Needs more peanut. And cowbell. Especially cowbell.

We haven't RP'd in a while, so I cannot give legitimate feedback until that day comes. Poke me on skype and that day shall come.

It has been awhile since War in the Highlands huh? I'll definitely poke you then, maybe for some more Corday/Dalikan but off the battlefield stuff. Maybe some Tykeral/Rhord since the two just -love- each other so much.

(01-06-2015, 12:49 AM)Stealthscout Wrote: I RP with you when I can, Tky tky. I love it! I mean, it is fun to RP with you and with Tky in general, cause well, he is like that cool buddy you had in high school that was really into all that dangerous extreme activities. Everyone likes talking to him, even though he is a tad drunk and doesn't have an eye.

Our time-zones are so off with the other's, I either have to get up super early or you have to stay up super late. Either way, I love RP with Celen since Tyke doesn't really have too many other characters he can just sit and talk about life in general with. I hope the two can do something more exciting soon... like walk -AND- talk.
You are one of the -friendliest- people I know. Always happy to do stuff with you, Komodo. You're characters are fun to interact with, and you're just a plain joy to be around.

Not really much in the way of feedback I suppose, but... really I can't think of anything that's like "You need to change that buddy." You're really a cool dudebroguy.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Hey'a Komodo!

Unfortunately I don't have too much I can say here just yet. Not in the matters of RP, at least, because I haven't had much in the good fortune of running into your characters. However what I can say from just talking OOCly is that you're a solid person all around. The good sort that keep our lil' community kicking even when it should long be gone. Keep being great!
Sorry, wanted to respond earlier but I guess it just slipped my mind until now.

(01-07-2015, 02:17 PM)Harmonic Wrote: You are one of the -friendliest- people I know. Always happy to do stuff with you, Komodo. You're characters are fun to interact with, and you're just a plain joy to be around.

Not really much in the way of feedback I suppose, but... really I can't think of anything that's like "You need to change that buddy." You're really a cool dudebroguy.

I could honestly say the exact same to you Mr. Rensin. You have this awesome quality of making any situation fun and lighthearted, puts a smile on my face. Thanks for being so welcoming when I first started here and thanks for the feedback!

(01-12-2015, 08:34 AM)Krilari Wrote: Hey'a Komodo!

Unfortunately I don't have too much I can say here just yet. Not in the matters of RP, at least, because I haven't had much in the good fortune of running into your characters. However what I can say from just talking OOCly is that you're a solid person all around. The good sort that keep our lil' community kicking even when it should long be gone. Keep being great!

Will do! I plan on sticking around for awhile and I would rather be beneficial to CotH than a pain to it.
As for the RP, I'm open to RPing just about everywhere and anything (except for -that-) so just hit me up if you're looking for RP!
Thanks for the feedback!

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