Conquest of the Horde

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OK, FIIINE, I like romance too.
B-but Zunaj... What about meeee? D:
Hah, we're all suckers to luuuuuuuuuuuv.
So, ch'ya, ehh? Had to go with "No Particular Favorite", but not 'cause I dislike any of them. Quite the contrary, I love them all! ALL OF THEM! And ANYONE who says otherwise will get... A very firm talking to.

But back to the point, it's all fun, and I need a dosage of all of it to feel fulfilled, otherwise the RP gets too lopsided. All must have perfect balance, yush.
They should make a "We love them all!" option.
I myself prefer romance:
a cold night together in front of the fire where you break the silence with a single rose and a kiss. Or give your Draenei wife the tail ring she's been looking at for months. Maybe give your special someone a nice juicy bloody steak covered in the blood of your enemies and boar fat (we all know a lady can't resist that). Sometimes a neatly carved mask and a bottle of rage potion is all you need to make the night last forever with your troll sweetheart.
I'd have to say exploration, well I prefer day-to-day but exploration is a real excuse to walk around and hit anything you see with anything you got for no real reason execept to blow off some stam and pretend the thing you just hit was about to strike. (but to be honest i prefer Day-to-day)
if my person were to die in an epic battle, is there a way to revive him? Cry
I rather enjoy romance and exploration. Romance because.. Well, for all the reasons y'all said, mostly. Exploration because I love RPing the awe/disgust/horror/happiness of someone discovering something new in the world. For instance, if someone discovered Icecrown and had an empty, hopeless feeling inside of 'em after seeing what has happened.
It definitely is Day-to-Day for me. I like to feel like my character is a real person and a working cog inside a living community.

Romance is next. Love does bad things to good people. And by bad, I mean secksy and naughty.
This was a tricky one. But not too tricky, so I can answer with mah tricked skills.
I'd reckon that exploration is my cup of that lovely, lovely tea.. Lovely. I'm not too much into romance and such, and fighting RP.. Well, that depends on the mood. And I'm usually on the mood to sit down, catch some fish, and then find out new lands and such. So, exploration all the way! :D
And now for something completely different.
"I am the son of the wind and rain,
Thunder beckons and I heed the call.
And if I die upon this day,
in battle I will fall.
Hear me brothers gather up the wolves,
To battle we will ride!
War drums echo the beating hearth,
pounding from inside."

Battle/conflict Rp ftw.
There ain't nothing like an imaginative plot to overthrow the hierarchy, and implant your own corrupt regime. Quietly gaining the trust of those you so despise, a painted smile guarding your true intentions.... In the end, you are found to be a rather incomprehensible traitor, having spent years working towards the agenda of your allies before abandoning them to a miserable death just as they needed you most.

Hell, what RPer doesn't like the subtle nuances of political genius? They don't even have to know it's there to appreciate it.
Exploration, because it can be all of the others, but on a more epic scale if done right.
Jeff Wrote:Exploration, because it can be all of the others, but on a more epic scale if done right.
I feel the same exact way.

Right after exploration though, I'd have to go with romance.
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