Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Another absence coming up! Hurr.
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Well, I just like to post things ahead of time. I'll be gone during the last weekend of January (29th to 31st) and up until that date I might be slightly inactive in periods since I'm preparing for the EYP in Stockholm (European Youth Parliament of Sweden). Basically, this is a youth organization related to the European Union, and through writing an essay last year together with a few school mates I've been included in my schools team and will be going to said Parliament and be there through a whole weekend, discussing politics together with other teams from 24 other schools across Sweden under supervision of a member of the EU.

This requires some preparation. Mentally. >:

So yeah.
Good luck at the event, Loxy, and be sure to have as much fun as ye can! We'll be here when you get back. :>
Nnnnuh! D: *Holds on to*

Oh well. Enjoy yourself! We'll be waiting for you. <3
I'm kind of excited, because if I do well enough I might be able to convince my Swedish teacher to send me down with another team to Brussels for a larger, international event. :3 I'm the only one in my current team who won't turn 18 before a set date, and thus the only one who would be able to go.
What the-- I'm going to be gone on the same weekend for a slightly similar thing. Hivemind! And good luck! :D
Terant Wrote:What the-- I'm going to be gone on the same weekend for a slightly similar thing. Hivemind! And good luck! :D

... You're starting to scare me, Terant.

Congrats(if even necessary) for your success!

Just remember, if you face a tough place or dont know what to say...

Just kick them in the nuts!!
I just want to bump this for the sake of saying;

I'll be gone from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon! 29th to 31st! So you won't really be seeing me on Sunday either. On Monday, though!
Have a good time Loxxy!
Glad it aint friday yet...*remains calm*

Spoiler is for when Loxy goes away:
LOXY!!! COME BAAACK!!! LEIK NAAAAOOO!!!! pleeeeeease?!?!?
Well, I'm back. A tired Loxy just got back home from a very demanding EYP session. It was great, great fun, though!

Though, I'll probably not join you in-game 'til like... Tomorrow. I need to reinstall EVERYTHING on my computer since it needed to be wiped this weekend. It was the only way I could ever make it start up again, so...

Anyway. Lack of sleep. Yeah. They totally didn't give us enough time to sleep on this thing...





I think I originally had some kind of idea of what I was supposed to write in this post, but I kind of forgot.
Mox. <33333
Wow, that is so cool.
*Hugs Loxmardin*

*Doesn't let go*


*Gets a shovel and starts beating Zunaj till he lets go*


*Gets a dull knife and starts cutting him into pieces slooowly*

*Success with lots of pain for Zunub*

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