Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Taking Stock on April 1st
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Taking Stock -- your CotH source for political and war news in the world of Warcraft!

In Kalimdor, the following changes have taken place:
1) As nobody plays Orcs, the Night Elves have retaken the entirety of Ashenvale Forest! Splintertree post has been burned to the ground. Unfortunately, shortly afterwards, as no Night Elves roleplay in Ashenvale forest, the wild animals reclaimed it.

In the Eastern Kingdoms, the following changes have taken place:
1) Due to the dearth of roleplay in Ironforge, the city has collapsed -- too few people were there to perform the necessary maintenance on the stone edifice.
2) Much to everyone's surprise, the Felsworn have retaken Silvermoon City: all the Blood Elves left it for Ratchet and Booty Bay as soon as the gates opened and never came back, leaving it completely undefended. Rumor has it that one Felsworn died due to complications from an infection stemming from a stubbed toe.
3) As all the humans were too busy having brawl fights in the Stormwind City pubs, the Defias have taken Westfall, Duskwood, Redridge Mountains, and the entirety of Elwynn Forest outside of Stormwind's gates.

That's it for now! Check back next April Fools for more Taking Stock!
Hahaha, good one. Next you're going to tell us that Thermaplugg regained ground in Gnomeregan because Gnomes haven't been...hanging...out...there...

Kiffles Wrote:Hahaha, good one. Next you're going to tell us that Thermaplugg regained ground in Gnomeregan because Gnomes haven't been...hanging...out...there...

I... I was holding back the news. I knew how much it would hurt. I'm so sorry for your loss.
(( It's cool. They're remaking the GSF anyway. :P Thread's in general for anyone who wants to check it out. ))
The human thing is invalid! Noone comes to my pub! D: