Conquest of the Horde

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Greetings Coth players
First off I'd like to apologise if this post is in the wrong category, move it or delete it as you like, if it is.
I've recently stumbled upon this server and it really got my attention. I've long been interested in wow roleplay but I never tried it "professionaly" on a dedicated server. I've tried it a few times on a general private server but as you can imagine it's not nearly the same. This brings me to my question; do you think I would be able to fit into a pure Rp community having no "formal" Rp experience(to say playing on a offical Blizz rp server). I am, in my opinion, mature enough, literate in English and capable of following a set situation. Having played Warcraft since its launch I know a lot about the development of lore. My primary concern is that i lack role-playing experience required to join you. Any sort of feedback would be most welcome, especially tips on where to get experience. If you believe I can start here and get experience as I go any sort of advice or tips would be most welcome.
Also I would like to know how much time this server requires. Since I am still a student I can not afford to dump 5+ hours a day into Wow.
Like i said above any sort of feedback would be welcome

If you feel intimidated by the wall of text here is the tl:dr verison: Want to play Rp wow, never played it before, can i start here?

Best regards
I pretty much started here. It's wierd for the first week or so, then you find your feet. So, yeah, you can start here, and I'd advise it, because you get MUCH less naff RP like on other servers.
P.S: it's in the right place :D
Of course! You're quite welcome here. However, the general population here has a higher-than-average knowledge of lore and Warcraft history, so I would advice learning a bit of it. Particularly, I suggest you read up a bit on the story of the race(s) you plan to play, so you'll know how to fit him/her into the CotH universe. A great tool for such things is

Other than this, just watch people roleplay, watch how emotes are made, and so forth. Don't be afraid to ask questions, I've found that most people are happily willing to answer, and help out less experienced players.

As for time, the server doesn't require any of your time, really. Wether you play 1, 2, or 5 hours a day, or more/less, won't bother anyone. Though, of course, it's an advantage to be online often, if you involve your character with plots or guilds.

Also, be sure to use the /who command, in order to get a list of people online, and where they are. Places with large groups of people might be a good place to start, so you won't have to RP with yourself.

Hope this helps!


Oh how i do appreciate fast replies, I am right now reading up on your own lore. As soon am i'm done i'll start working on my characters backstory. It's unbelievably nice to see people replying to a posted problem so think I'll give it a chance :D
Frankly, CotH was where I first started RPing with hardly any RP experiance at all.

Ben Wrote:It's wierd for the first week or so, then you find your feet.

I couldn't agree more.