Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Ultimate Engineer
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So, whossit? Drakus, Rigley, Spiligrack, Piken, or maybe one of you?! How can we resolve this? Any ideas?!
Gundam battle.
There are far to many different engineering styles and perspectives for one to be ultimate. :P
We must build Steam Armors, asap! *was totally already gonna make one*
Actually, not a bad concept, just not with the steam armour. Build robots to fight, like on Robot Wars [did anyone watch that?!] in an area like Dalaran sewers. Roll combat, with the winner taking home nothing, but the honour! This would be a monthly contest I reckon. To win, you obviously destroy the opponents machine, and the winner has time to make repairs, so that his machine is at the same standard as when it started.

Genius! Quite literally! Well, would anybody like to host this until I get back?
Firstly brilliant video.
Secondly, i would think the best way would be a Engineering contest, of course covering different aspects of Engineering (Usefulness, explosives, most creative etc.) and sort it from there.
Actually, yes, that's better. A regulated Gadget Show type thing that goes alongside, the ideas being ensured are not too hi-tec by the GM team, if at all possible, that runs alongside the arena contest! Brilliant!
But, but, what about the guys who are more Tech-magey-ish? Don't they count?
... I want to see the robot wars!

Make event nao!
This seems like a great concept, but how we would go through with it, I'm not sure. You'd have to pick a location, get competitors, ect.
warmonger Wrote:This seems like a great concept, but how we would go through with it, I'm not sure. You'd have to pick a location, get competitors, ect.
I have a sneaky suspicion that finding competitors won't be an issue. There are a lot of engineers on this server who are currently very active in their professions and who are roleplaying it as part of their larger overall stories. Hopefully, something like this would tie in beautifully with their stories.
Engineering Guild should be made. Why fight over the best Engineer when we could all be one! *Holy Music* League of Steam, or something IDK we should though.
I agree with NeighborOfTheBeast. An engineering guild would be good.
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