Conquest of the Horde

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I am pretty new to the server and I do not wish to change its nature or purpose or something, but from what I have noticed we could add something to the game.

Many other WOW private servers have bugged quests, on this server I did over 30 quests and spotted only one bugged, why shouldn't we use it?

Ofcourse main purpose of the server is IC RP, but!....
Some people (although there aren't many of them) like to do ingame quests.

Maybe we could make a topic for people who would like to do wow in-game quests?

It is difficult to do them alone, and still some people want do them. I posted few times on main chat for people who would like to do quests, and few characters teamed up with me. Maybe it could be useful for someone.

How do you think? Maybe we could make a separate topic, for people, to sign up with declarations that they are willing to do OOC quests. Through this, others can add them to friends list, make special friends group of them and team up when they want to roam around WOW realms in order to perform in game quests.

Most of people focus only on rp events, however, I met few characters who wanted to do quests but just as me, were a bit to weak to face them all alone.

If mighty Kretol approves it maybe somwehere on the forum we could make a section for guilds or simply signle people who would like to do OOC stuff related with in-game quests.

If there is such section on forum already then I am sorry for messing around but I didn't notice anyone so far with such idea.
I Thumbs up for that, pretty smart, Samon! Now let's hope the GMs accept it.
Hmmm. Don't we have enough to do OOC? :O I only quest to level my characters before their profiles are sent/accepted and that's to level 40. Solely for item use.

That's personal preference though, I guess.

Theres a restart coming up, so I guess this could be tested out, but I seriously doubt anything like this would be implemented. There are addons already out there to make quests and I've been involved in those myself. Those can be used to set tasks, both IC and OOC from NPCs without a GM input, which is seriously useful!

Really, I don't want to over work our already overworked Team, and this is a great way of doing that. There's coding etc involved. I'm gonna wait for someone to say OOH I CAN DO CODING and thats fantastic, but theres the chance it may f*** things up, so it'd be better if a GM could take entire responsibility for this, and thats extra hassle when people like me come along and think, "Wtf? Quest isn't working?!" and they get a billion tickets from the helpful base informing them of this fact. Yummy, eh?
We can always make a remark that no all OOC quests work and that people are not allwoed to PM GMs to repair the bug.

Complaining about quest bugs no
Doing quests despite that fact yes