Conquest of the Horde

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After breezing through my HUGE screenshot collection to the beat of The Aquabat's Super Rad, my favorite Ska song ever, I was almost at the point of tears on how much i've been through was recalled to my painfully short memory. I picked out the three images I felt summed up my COTH experience from days past.

[Image: 15yjer7.jpg]
This pretty much sums up what Shatterspear used to be, people hanging around, corpses everywhere due to random PVP brawls that would last for hours.

[Image: fm86x4.jpg]
Kretol's little adventures that would take us through Outland as pups.

[Image: 111851s.jpg]
If you don't remember the infamous Face bug, you're new and you missed out. This one, especially with my old friend Valen before his 'departure,' hits hard and reminds me how awesome Shatterspear was.
One awesome moment which I started was sitting on the hill outside the cave of the Horde side of WSG with two characters of mine, multi-boxing. I started off by having them say 'One of us' to anyone who came by and people started to join in. We ended up having around eight to ten people sit there in a line saying 'One of us' one after another in a Mexican-wave style. That made me giggle.

Another awesome moment which I did not start was when we started having a spinning party in WSG with Hawksie (I think it was). Having seven people do the bladestorm animation at the same time is quite fun. Especially when we try to stack everyone up on top of each other.
As far as epic roll moments go, when I was on Awak I was fighting Geezle in the arena, and we both rolled ones. Chat was filled with wtf's and omfg's for like, two minutes straight. xD

I didn't know how to take screen shots with a mac at the time though, so I have no SS's... Cry

There -were- quite a few witnesses though.
Bounty-Hunter Wrote:Another awesome moment which I did not start was when we started having a spinning party in WSG with Hawksie (I think it was). Having seven people do the bladestorm animation at the same time is quite fun. Especially when we try to stack everyone up on top of each other.

Yes, I remember that! Then we went on top of a totem! :B
I got plenty of 'em.

[Image: 21o3ng0.jpg]
Piken was AFK when we needed leader on his Tauren. So I got the idea to kick him. Unfortunately, it was as soon as he got back.

[Image: 2r2n42e.jpg]
For once, my bad rolls prove fruitful. This was the moment Draknir killed two Nerubians in 5 seconds.

[Image: 11j0jeu.jpg]
Green Man is boss.

[Image: o0cxvm.jpg]
Woo Spam!

[Image: 25gq5hw.jpg]
Unfortunately, when my computer broke, I lost all my screenshots of the face bug. Though I managed to get one of Terant's Night Elf.

[Image: 2d702w.jpg]
I got punted by Kretol - and lived to tell the tale. True story.

Bounty-Hunter Wrote:Another awesome moment which I did not start was when we started having a spinning party in WSG with Hawksie (I think it was). Having seven people do the bladestorm animation at the same time is quite fun. Especially when we try to stack everyone up on top of each other.

Yus. That was me.

One moment that I don't have screenshotted was me rolling 100 twice in a row at the second Shipwreck event.
Hawk... Was your leveling macro a pie? LOL
Here's a few from my time, well before a lot of ye!

Quote:The Cultivators surround a single rogue Forsaken, threateningly.
Octaverin: "Poor fellow."
Octaverin: "Ashes to ashes, rot to rot, let's dump him in a lake."

Quote:GM: Alistus was kicked from the server by Alistus. Reason: phail movie quote.

Quote:Server shutting down for a quick update.
[7. Chat] [Malth]: Does Server always have to be this mean?
[SERVER] Shaddup.

Quote:Kretol affected by the nekkid bug! (IE: Without wolf mask)
[Image: ristax.jpg]

Quote:[6. Chat] [Cutathr]: GMs suck. They're all mean and everything. Especially that Grakor guy. Geese!
[6. Chat] [Grakor]: I subsist entirely off of the tears of small children.

Quote:The Lich King is all mine!
[Image: 2vug4k5.jpg]

That's it, ladies!
Hawk Wrote:I got plenty of 'em.
[Image: 25gq5hw.jpg]
Unfortunately, when my computer broke, I lost all my screenshots of the face bug. Though I managed to get one of Terant's Night Elf.

Hey Hawk, look what I found~!

A wicked old PM you sent me, hehe. Yeah, I have to clean out my inbox.

Hawk Wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

Please listen to this song until atleast 5 seconds before opening the spoiler.

[Image: wldusm.jpg]
I've always loved that song, and now, I love it on so many more levels. LOL
Sadly it seems I've lost some of my good screenies, but I have these!

[Image: Rolls.jpg]
The gods do not smile upon Rigley.

[Image: Clovis.jpg]
An example of how the nude bug can change your victories into irrepressible memories.
[Image: WoWScrnShot_050210_224157.jpg]
This was my best moment in the gulch, evar. c:
Yeah. I lost most of my really good ones when my laptop started screwing around.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_112209_132438.jpg] One of the best things to ever come from Franny.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_122809_213007.jpg]
There weirdest bug I ever experience while taking a flight path through Outland.

[Image: ahh.jpg]
My only one left from the days of the face bug.

But yeah. All of my best ones were erased. I had screenies of that one Arathi Event where someone lost to a 2 roll with a 1. Then someone beat a 99 roll with a 100. That was probably the best roll battle ever.
HownDoog Wrote:But yeah. All of my best ones were erased. I had screenies of that one Arathi Event where someone lost to a 2 roll with a 1. Then someone beat a 99 roll with a 100. That was probably the best roll battle ever.
It was MrBubbles who got the 1 and the 99. He lost both of those rolls. XD
Kaghuros what do we have to do to get you to become a GM? Or at least have that creepy draenei child start wreaking havoc again?

Also, my two favorite moments I've been sober enough to remember:

Rince and Gatwazzak (may the both rest IN PIECES) went into the arena for a friendly spar. Well, Gat blasted a wave of ice at Rince. I rolled a 1, and Gat rolled a 100. Needless to say the spar ended right there.

The second is rather recent. Vol and the Bloodsworn were in Nagrand at a bridge. We were fighting a fel orc dragon rider, who swooped down at Vol. Brutal rolled a 49 out of 50. I rolled a 50 out of 50.

I need to set up a screenshot button on my laptop.
Jason Wrote:Mr. Bubbles went to a trial for treason.

And declared it a wedding.

That is all.

I gave MrBubbles the idea for that. I had no idea he would execute it so brilliantly.

Nimboya <3

Beltharean Wrote:Hawk... Was your leveling macro a pie? LOL

Yes. Yes it was. For there is no greater gift than pie.


And to add to the moments, here is a conversation between Rensin's druid Orlan and Hawk about women from a year or so ago:

Quote:Orlan: They have to have a good rack.
Hawk: Aye, I hear ya!
Orlan:I mean, small horns just don't do it. Ya know?
Hawk: Err... Aye... I get ya...
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