Conquest of the Horde

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One of my favorite moments on CotH. We had a.... discussion about ERP and the conditions under which you may do it.

Don't worry, it's not dirty at all. Read it and laugh.

Also, Kretol -loves- burritos. I have proof.
I'd say one of the most epic recent moments would be when my friend's ticket got answered, but I got the token and item removed. I am Calleda, he is Calandil.. are their names really that similar?

[Image: WoWScrnShot_062710_001522.jpg?t=1277683328]
The most epic moment of my time on this server had to be when C'Thun ate Ognor.
Fff, Kag. I was one of the people that GOADED you into messing with Hart's Crew that day, I even stood watch and told you when he was coming.

Original plan was to fill the room with dead cats, which we did.

Then there was the time Mikain and I took Topper McNab, put him in Cutthroat, gave him a literal cardboard cutout of a house, had him sitting in a lounge chair, with a grill surrounded by mice, upon which sat a dead cat.

As much as I love cats I've sure instigated the deaths on lots of their virtual substitutes.

There was also that time I set Stormwind on fire and filled it with zombies. And yes, that did happen.

And the time(s) Rensin fought/blew shit up/got drunk with Rofupi. And Jean. And Rofupi.

And that time my Elf went all demon and single-handedly beat the shat out of Jid and his crew of five people, before getting knocked out by a kick from a single Gnome.

And Glistening. And the logic behind Falo'Shano. Qaza's death Trolls. Boat fights. Boat Wrecks. As Azeroth Turns. The Shakesperian Roleplay. -Anything- that Mikain made. The crazy crap Oleander did. My "The Slave" thread. Any of Siv's old threads. Interacting with Krent as Broadhorn. Interacting with Krent as Anshel. Interacting with freakin' Krent period. Trying to find a way to incorporate Tauren into... everything. Making Tauren news broadcasts (Which were lost, dernit. Stupid half-assed sharing site). Doing my SI:7 guild. Raging at my guildmates within that guild.

Hell, half the storylines I tried to come up with as a GM... never took off. I'd love to someday actually dedicate some time to that crap, most likely by trying to get things goin' as a player.

But the most epic out of all of this? I really don't know. On the GM end a lot of it felt like work, except the instances of dead cats and playing around with people to give them a taste of humor. I love it when I make people laugh with roleplay, or slightly witty-nerdlette phrases that can be incorporated in this sort of thing.

Probably the most fun I had? Playing my Tauren Broadhorn, back when it -wasn't- a foepaw for people to play a big arse dim witted Tauren who wanted to hug and pet people. For some reason, people -flocked- to it, and those who were logically disturbed by his dim-witted-ness accompanied by his immense strength... well, they were outright ostricized for not understanding him!

People don't get it when I troll around. I do it often, but usually the point is for me to point out how rediculous things can -get- if people let go of their safety harness that really shouldn't -exist- in a fantasy RP setting. One thing I hate is when I become predictable. I'm not saying I'm going to be a half naked Orc Riding a Zerva while trying to raid Stormwind with nothing but a pole-arm and good intentions, but I will say don't expect me to do massive adventures involving the epic of epicness that involves epic.

Sometimes, shit happens, and your character shouldn't always be cool, eh?

Anyhow, the point is, lots of epic happens. Will happen. Shall happen. But man, we need to beef it up a lot. Cause boy... we don't feel as creative as we used to be. And yes, I'm shaking my cane at you lot.
QuantumLegacy Wrote:The most epic moment of my time on this server had to be when C'Thun ate Ognor.

Ah, another good moment for me was when QuantumLegacy returned to CoTH. Mhm.
Hm. I do have a lot of them, buuuuut they're rude. As in, really rude. And the person who keeps making verbal slipups would be embarrassed if ousted.

I did love back when Sanya was hanging around at the Ratchet Arena and kept going into epic frenzies of fighting. Just barely kept her from eating people.
Also, the zeppelin takeover. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we're encountering severe turbulence wheeeeeeeeeeeee *CRASH*

The ninja game. 8)
I had so much fun just.. using it to mess with people's minds. Once I had a full raid group playing it. They.. dropped like flies. And it was awesome.

Two words: Victorian undergarments. Judgernaut, you are a horrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Grinding in the Halls of Lightning in a three (later two, without healer)-person group. We killed everything, then found out we were trapped inside the instance. There was a lot of desperate running for the portal, followed by the realization that we were trapped in there forever. (Unless we wanted to log out. :P ) So we told horrible jokes and did all of our party tricks. And I believe someone mooned a golem.
Hawk Wrote:
Jason Wrote:Mr. Bubbles went to a trial for treason.

And declared it a wedding.

That is all.

I gave MrBubbles the idea for that. I had no idea he would execute it so brilliantly.

Nimboya <3

Undoubtedly one of my most memorable moments. Good times. Man, I need to start playing him again.
Scout Wrote:One of my favorite moments was in a battle in Arathi, during the big war type thing, where Vangriff managed to roll a 1 to someone else's 2.

[Image: Picture10.png]

Perhaps the most epic fail in the history of CotH.

In the same battle, someone rolled a 100 against my 99. :(

Let's see else what I've got here...

The first is an uncanny roll prediction, the second is when our farming raid to Black Temple went... awry.
Oh man, I remember that raid... I was spammed with

<name> has got the achievement: "I've got my mind on the money!"

Everyone was like "what" then when they saw their inventory they were like $.$

EDIT: Am I the only one who doesn't have auto attack on their actionbar? :|
Hawk Wrote:EDIT: Am I the only one who doesn't have auto attack on their actionbar? :|

I don't. It's stupid.
...I find it sad, with myself included, that most of our "Awesome Moments" are OOC junk that is just slightly funny, or that seems to be extremely inside.
Nexi Wrote:
QuantumLegacy Wrote:The most epic moment of my time on this server had to be when C'Thun ate Ognor.

Ah, another good moment for me was when QuantumLegacy returned to CoTH. Mhm.

o.- I am contemplating doing it. I do drop by every now and then to see what you lot are doing. Though I am surprised anyone really remembers me.
I remember you of course. Ognor was the first char who taught me how to fight.

I also was apart of the People's Militia. Good fun, also was in The Clash Company.

Most of my most awesome moments, were from story lines and awesome exploits of adventure.

Raph and Lexi getting high outside Drunken Muffin may take the cake for one of the funniest moments I've ever experienced here.

Maku and Balgarn adventure was epic, loved the Far Wolves.

I enjoyed the Sin'Sholai event, and I look forward to the future CoTH exclusive story arcs.

Oh And the Island event, I thought was awesome.
I have a lot of IC hilarious pictures. However, my flavor-of-the-day will be my beloved AWESOMEPUNCH. The hit & crit.

..There's also the time Sanya swallowed someone's arm whole, buuuut I'm going to save it for later.
Skaar Wrote:
Hawk Wrote:EDIT: Am I the only one who doesn't have auto attack on their actionbar? :|

I don't. It's stupid.

Me neither. Well, at least there's -three- PR0FFVESHUNALZ on the server. /nod
Jason Wrote:Mr. Bubbles went to a trial for treason.

And declared it a wedding.

That is all.

^ That.. Most awesome moment no doubt, had me rolling on the floor for five minutes straight, which made it very hard for my character to act pissed off regarding it.

Still makes me smile.. good times.
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