Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: OOC Professions supplementing IC?
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So, here's a poll I've been meaning to post.
Do you believe that people should be able to claim themselves as master leatherworkers/engineers/enchanters/etc. without having the skill OOCly to supplement it? There are arguments for and against it. I have heard folks complain about being unable to use certain things because they don't actually have the skill.

An argument against it would be that it can potentially restrict RP for those that have a character idea revolving around a certain profession but don't have the means to level it up.
An argument supporting needing the OOC skill would be that the OOC work put in could emulate the training ICly, and could prevent people from simply making the claim they're a master *suchandsuch* so flippantly.

What do you think?
I said yes mainly since it would show someone put some effort into it and would be least likely to abandon him or her.
If there wasn't proof of that, anyone could hop on a character and claim the title only to get bored with it.

I know this isn't always the case, and RP is RP, but my motivation for this is that too many people toss aside characters after a day or two. It's not fair for them to claim the title then never play the character. And I wouldn't put it past the majority of people to then get upset if another player tried to become a master in the same profession.
I think that maybe it shouldn't be necessary for them to have 450 in whatever skill their character is supposed to have, but they should at least take it up, and maybe go out of their way every once in a while to fulfill it. For example, a master miner shouldn't have their professions as say, tailoring and enchanting. It's a lot of work to grind a profession to 450, but it's really not that much work to mine some copper or iron every once in a while.

Another idea is not to force migrated characters to grind through progressions for their role, since they already did it.
Not many people are claiming to be master leatherworkers/engineers/etc. to be honest. People have been saying that they are of a certain profession ICly but I don't believe anyone has said that they are masters of a profession. I myself have claimed to be an engineer. Not a master engineer, but an engineer at that.

Personally, I think people should be able to get the skill boosted (if at all possible) OOCly so that they can have the skills ICly. I dunno which one I should press for this opinion, though.
I remember once when I was looking for a spyglass for a character. I went about it ICly, and was recommended to a 'Master Engineer'. When it came down to it, the Engineer in question didn't even have the skill, and so couldn't make the spyglass. It left me in a sticky situation because I wanted the actual item, but the engineer just wanted to RP its creation and receive IC gold for it. I ended up paying some silver for a GHI item, which of course was no use (the actual Ornate Spyglass item allows you to zoom in in-game).

So I voted yes. At least before we had the .addrpitem command, there was a fairly big need for crafters who could make IC clothing for RP, and if you went looking for a tailor ICly, you expected them to be able to make what you were looking for. I think it adds a nice dimension to things when IC skills are backed up OOCly.

A nice medium might be to allow players to apply to GMs for a raise in their skill level, assuming it's an approved character who has a portion of their profile dedicated to the mastery of a particular profession. That way, players don't have to spend a lot of time and money grinding a skill just to fit an IC claim, but they can actually use the skills they claim to have ICly.
I actually raised my skill on Selena when I RPed her as a tailor. And honestly, the effort you put in it can be pretty rewarding. I mean, for older players, Selena became quite known for her tailoring. Hell, I had people coming in to her IC shop all the time to get things made, and when you can actually make it for the people...It is pretty awesome.

Sidenote: Only Grakor and Kretnub can raise skills. The rest of the staff cannot.
That sounds like a sub idea right there, remove profession related armor and weapons from .addrpitem. Just make them all BoE instead.
I think one should put in the necessary effort if they intend their character to be a "master" at something, professions included. Just like you would put OOC effort into making a profile, so should you put effort into being able to make these items OOC'ly. It would just be another hurdle necessary to keep people from claiming to be the best without putting any effort into how or why they should be considered what they are great at.
I agree. I think it makes it more realistic and adds more substance to having the item, which I for one would perfer work. :p
Much like Prestige classes have a proof of effort, so should professional titles. Sure, we can replicate the items in GHI to a degree, but that stops becoming fun quite quickly.

It's also quite safe to say that the 3000 gold we gain when we're boosted WILL suffice for training abilities, spells and the likes, allow us to afford armour, AND afford professional training. While you're training it OOCly, why not claim ICly that you are training?

Actually, if we use an unofficial system sort of like our Prestige system pre-restart, that could work to spark profession-related RP. I am referring to the "newbie learning from an artisan" thing. I for one would quite enjoy such a system, even if it is just an agreement between players and not official.
Just my opinion, as unpopular as it might be...

We give a lot to our players for free. I do think that some things should be worked towards. Professions aren't a big deal in RP terms, but can be a good way for a player to show off their dedication to a character. As professions are completely optional to a character's success, I think it's a fine thing to require players to build up if they want to RP it.
Grakor456 Wrote:Just my opinion, as unpopular as it might be...

We give a lot to our players for free. I do think that some things should be worked towards. Professions aren't a big deal in RP terms, but can be a good way for a player to show off their dedication to a character. As professions are completely optional to a character's success, I think it's a fine thing to require players to build up if they want to RP it.

Cressy Wrote:
Grakor456 Wrote:Just my opinion, as unpopular as it might be...

We give a lot to our players for free. I do think that some things should be worked towards. Professions aren't a big deal in RP terms, but can be a good way for a player to show off their dedication to a character. As professions are completely optional to a character's success, I think it's a fine thing to require players to build up if they want to RP it.


That! It's slightly of similar to what I said, so I approve!
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