Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Abput the pre-restart profiles
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Last week I came back to the server, and I re-submitted one of my previous character profiles. I rencently also remade my main alt, Drakmian but i couldn't seem to find that forum, where you could see the pre-restart profiles, or even the forum post with his profile on the "My own posts" option of the CP... Were those profiles finally erased? Or am I unable to see them for some reason?
They were placed back in the archives. If they were approved in the past, you should still be able to go on the Wiki and do a search for them.
Hmm... Must search...
Ok, i found it =). So I still have to re-post it, right? Cause' it's on the "Blood elf-Old archive.
Yes. If the profile has not yet been reapproved you will need to repost it. However, you can mention that it was previously approved and list any changes that you may have made to make it easier for the staff when they review it.