Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Problem: Banned, because of Gay RP(not sex)
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I'm kinda new to this server, etc.
Today, I RPed in the Temple of the Moon.
I was on the character, Nadoku (Night Elf Druid, Male)
I RPed, that I ran into the Temple, asked someone for advice, about love(Nadoku is gay IC)
After some time(I dont know... 10 minutes?), I was temporarily banned.
After that, I went into the wiki, clicked on the rules tab, and read them.
I didn't see anything, about, that its against the rules, to RP, that your gay.
I then think: "Hmm... A GM, that maybe could be VERY rasict against gays)
I'm not gay IRL, just so you know.
There have been nothing about sex and all.
I see, if some may see it as "adult", but its not.
I used the name, Jonathan, as a RP IC boyfriend.
I'm sorry, if someone in the game, are named Jonathan, but I wouldn't know.

Can I please get some advice.
I hope there was a legitimate reason to the ban, because I would find it horribly wrong to be banning for something like that.

On that thought, are you really sure it was just that?
Mhmm. I think so.
I didn't talk about "gay-sex" at ALL!
I would actully find that disturbing.
I'm more like that sensitive person IC.
Not like, partyman, alcohol, etc.
According to the banl ist, you were suspended because of violation of rule number 2. Which goes as follow.


We intend to keep this server as friendly and open-minded as possible. For that reason, do not harass other players, and refrain from making comments or jokes that are, or might be seen as, derogatory to a particular race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. This is not acceptable in ANY OOC channel.
Any racist, sexist, or other derogatory OOC chat will lead to disciplinary action, which can include banning. There will be no warnings issued.

It seems as though you were suspended for something you said in an OOC chat channel. Not what you just mentioned.

I can't remember ANYTHING wrong, I said in OOC, that would be wrong...
Considering I, the person that suspended you, am gay, I can promise that it had nothing to do with a GM hating homosexuality.

Rule 2 is quoted above. Your "character" wasn't banned for being gay. It was because you created an over-the-top, camp gay stereotype that can not be seen as anything other than a mean-spirited stab at an unfunny stereotype.
Sorry, I don't understand all those words...
I'm only 13...
Well, I was gonna write something, but it seems as though Grakor beat me to it. With a little more information.
Grakor456 Wrote:Considering I, the person that suspended you, is gay, I can promise that it had nothing to do with a GM hating homosexuality.

Rule 2 is quoted above. Your "character" wasn't banned for being gay. It was because you created an over-the-top, camp gay stereotype that can not be seen as anything other than a mean-spirited stab at an unfunny stereotype.

Yeah I was thinking there was definitely a good reason... that's probably all that needs to be said on the topic.

But since I just saw your post, though I think Grakor can take it over from here.

Not all homosexual people, bisexual people, etc. Act the way you see on TV. On television, they are generally portrayed as a stereotype, a stereotype, in this case being what people BELIEVE, mostly, about a specific group of people and usually try to reinforce.
altairassassin13 Wrote:*confused*
Sorry, I don't understand all those words...
I'm only 13...

Essentially, you were playing the character in a way that was highly offensive to real gay people.

I mean, I didn't try to hurt them.
I'm sorry if I did, but I can't see, how I would've hurt real gays in real life.
altairassassin13 Wrote:How???

I mean, I didn't try to hurt them.
I'm sorry if I did, but I can't see, how I would've hurt real gays in real life.

I feel like I'm about to start trying to give a cat a bath, but here, an example.

I'm latino and almost without err do people always, in a joking manner towards me, try to come off with a "Oh damn you must be a bad ass or something, you must know cholos 'n stuff man" statement

Or even more negative than that would be when people say "Latinos are only good for jumping fences and mowing my lawn"

Do you see the similarities in what you may have been doing, and my examples, albeit mine, (without having seen your RP) are a lot more overt? And if you are 13 and don't know what overt is, I mean to say bold, obvious, in your face.


If your Latino, I think its great. Who doesn't wanna live there?
And, if people do jokes, etc.,about you, its sad.
I'm sorry for that.
I do also have that for gay/homosexuals IRL.
I don't say ANYTHING bad about them.
I just say, that I'm not gay, but I think its great for them, that they have made their own, and the best choice they made.

When my dad, makes racist-comments, about for ex., black people in out country(denmark), I say, "%!#* YOU! Your so racist, dad. Why can't you be more tolerable??!"
I do, accept his meaning, but it is NOT MY opinion.
While you might not intend for there to be any offense with your character, there could have been. And this would have caused drama. We here on CotH tend to avoid drama, and characters who cause drama.
I'm sure you are of some race IRL (otherwise, you're an animal :P), think of the various ways which your race is portrayed by others. Generally it's not super accurate and is insulting to people the stereotype is of.

Anyone can be gay. Or black, or even n-elf! It's a characteristic, not your character.

And is there any lore on the subject or guesses on how others would react to it? I know base lore would probably have nothing on it to avoid people getting angry over the (I'm thinking somewhat likely) chance of a large population being homophobic.
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