Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Nia Sunstone's Debut Party (DATE PUSHED TO SUNDAY)
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A fancy written letter on pale cream and lavender stationary is sent to the mailboxes of every Who's Who in Sin'Dorei society.

[Image: debut.jpg]

OOC: I'm holding an event at Lord Saltheril's Haven to celebrate the belated debut party for Nia. A debut is a "coming of age" party that parents would hold for their daughters when they finished their educated and were old enough to enter the marriage market; basically it's a debutante party. Male and female Belfs are invited to RP next Saturday (the 16th) at 6pm server time! "RSVP" by replying to this thread, or just show up saying you RSVP'd. XD If you haven't done the The Party Never Ends quest to be able to partake of Saltheril's food and bloodthistle, let me know and I'll just use my invitation to get you the ability to do so! It's an easy quest, though.

Hope to see you guys there!

EDIT: Since I have been placed in a position that I cannot get out of, I have to push the date of the party from Saturday to Sunday. Still 6pm server time.
Hey, I can actually join this, how surprising. Would The General by any chance be invited?
The General being there would be so hilarious. Yes!
A letter is sent to every participant that was at her debut party, including the Orc and Troll guests that arrived toward the end. It is written in stationary of somewhat muted colors. Included with the letter is a small arrangement of flowers, hopefully still in good condition when the recipient gets them.


Thank you for honoring me with your presence at my debut. I hope that you enjoyed yourself! Without you, the party would not have been as much of a success as it was. I hope that you are doing well, and perhaps we can come together again at another function.


Nia Sunstone

OOC: I didn't think so many people were gonna show! Thanks a ton for coming guys. :D My very first run event was a huge success! <3
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I didn't get it even though I came...
And yes if The General were there we would all have a good laugh.