Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Anyone -not- excited for Cata?
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Give it to meeeeee <3
Sell that shit, lol
Meh. I'm pretty sure I don't even HAVE a retail account any more.

Wouldn't be able to pay for it for very long anyways. /poorfaise :B
I'm just in it for the rp. I'm more impressed with what players do than with that Blizzard does. It will be interesting to check it out if Coth ever upgrades to it, but aside from that I'm not interested enough to try it on a non-rp or low-standards-rp server.
I the same thing i say everytime people say wow is bad. Your right, if the game were an offline single player, it would be so bad i would utternly dispise it. But I adore it so much because im playing with people, bonding with them and enjoying the experiences in the game together, or working towards improving myself. Guess its kind of vain, but i enjoy the grind knowing i will get encouragement from people in game, and praise when i reach my target. :)
Wuvvums Wrote:It's not that I don't like you, it's just I've seen so many posts from you that are pretty much about how the game sucks, yet you still steal it. And even though you say it's because of the Stormshade, you're still using their product and loathing it.

You could think of it from the social standpoint that a lot of people are brought together by the game and have fun with it. Also I've played many free MMOs and I must say that WoW just blew most of these out of the water. I don't think $15 a month is so outrageous for what you get, but that is your decision not to buy it.

How much of the game mechanics do I actually use in one rp session? None of the skinner box properties that I hate about it. And belive you me, if I could convince people to leave WoW behind for ever I would but such would infringe on their right to choose where they want to spend their money. I also wouldn't want to try and rob Coth of so many of their great players so I wouldn't have to steal WoW to interact with them. In some ways I suppose I could say I'm a victim of circumstance but I honestly don't believe that. Also try anarchy online or guild wars. Both are free to play and offer more than Wow. Granted AO is old as time itself but somehow it is still good. Even though the macdonals commercial on the jumbo tron is quite laughable in the middle of game play it doesn't ruin the good experience. ( I think if you pay them you stop seeing ooc commercials on the jumbo trons and start seeing some for in game stuff. kinda cool but you don't have to pay for most features I believe. It's been a while since I played them.)

Though I understand where you're coming from with the social stand point I still am firmly rooted in the fact that Wow is a skinner box. Just because it has 12 million people in it doesn't change the fact that it is still a skinner box. Blizzard has done some good things, their opener theme song has a strong melody, and they have successfully made a game where two factions oocly loathe each other. AO cant even boast that. Story wise the politics are solid (for the most part) and well thats all I got. XD This is likely just going to be something we agree to disagree on. For me its just not worth the 15 dollars a month, even for some of the fun things I do like about WoW, by paying them I feel I'm only encouraging the trend of skinner box games. Among my friends I'm the one that plays the not popular mmo's. ( And with blizzard's hold on the market right now, the not popular mmo's are anything not wow.)

And if you are wondering what I mean by skinner box uhhh here. A video ... kinner-Box
Just a quick note: I tried Guild Wars. Whoever invented the morale system needs to be shot.

I heard that Guild Wars II won't have it. That makes me happy. Also while I don't use the OOC abilities in rp, I still have a lot of fun with some of the zany stuff that can be pulled off. Raids that I've had with Hawk for example were pretty fun during rp downtime.
I'll be buying it, eventually. Not enough time right now, but maybe after December passes.
I've played the new stuff that's been implemented, and watched more of my friends play it, and it's just so much better than vanilla WoW. The quests are actually fun, and there's a story to it all beyond 'go here, get me five boar brains, and not every boar drops a brain'.
Everyone and their grandmother rolled a troll druid, for some reason. For those who haven't, the new troll starting area is a great example of what I'm talking about. You feel like you're actually doing something with all the quests, not just farming animal parts. The story advances as you play, and there is phasing everywhere.
Troll starter zone spoilers.
And it's not like you're going up to kill the most powerful guys (who turn out to be just an elite monster). You're just an aspiring hero at this point. Right now, you guard the real heroes' backs while they kill them, do special things (extinguish braziers the boss draws power from) to weaken the boss, all this indirect stuff for now. The boss of the troll area has something like 300k health.
Good luck with that one.
What I liked the most, though, would have to be Zuni. Zuni is your troll friend. He's an NPC, and he quests with you. He'll appear every so often on quests, trash talk the mobs, throw some extra DPS around, and generally just be a really cool guy.
How cool is that?
I haven't had an active subscription since clearing ICC a few times almost a year ago. Raiding was never really my thing; I liked the quests, the story behind them, rather than grouping with a bunch of people I hardly knew and going to kill the Lich King for the eighth time just so I would have a chance with 25 over people at that trinket that has a 12% drop rate (Damn you Saurfang!).
But this is going to get me back into the game. This is how vanilla WoW should have been, but they did it right this time around.

Wuvvums Wrote:Just a quick note: I tried Guild Wars. Whoever invented the morale system needs to be shot.

I loved Guild Wars. You're making me sad.
And I bet you loved running around with -60% buffs too? ;)
I was an assassin. I never died!
...But on the rest of my toons not so much.
I heard it was better when you had hero units or whatever, but by then I couldn't bear to invest anymore in the game.
Yeah. It cut out on all the annoying "LF M/Me Don't suck" stuff, when you could design your NPC's classes, skills, gear, and tactics. Nightfall was great, and Eye of the North was awesome.
I used them as little as possible, though, because I was playing a multiplayer game for a reason, and I'd group with anyone who wasn't a moron.
Anyway. Thread derailed. My bad.
My bad too.
So, back on topic...
I did enjoy the new hairstyles someone leaked.
But then, I like anything that lets me play dress-up, and hairstyles aren't gonna have me camping out at midnight on the 7th. :mrgreen:

...So, which one of you are planning to get Cata right at midnight? I know there's gotta be people here who are gonna do it.
I'm mixed about it... for one, I'm very excited for the new and more effective questing system, the improved graphics, revamped talents, more armor and weapon models, and, to an extent, the new race/class combinations... However, I'm a bit wary about the Cataclysm itself. While it will give us plenty of new Roleplaying event possibilities, I'll miss, and a lot, the old world, especially because the new Azeroth will be kinda like Draenor (Outlands). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it will be a carbon copy; instead I'm stating that our beloved Azeroth will be destroyed, with lava and war everywhere (or almost). And to be frank, those are not my favourite sceneries... It's a really sticky situation for me.
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