Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Feeling a bit alone.
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Well seeming as though it's mostly my own fault for, at least from my point of veiw, being so hostile towards some, I've been feeling rather alone. (Both here and RL, but thats another story) I do not know why, but I havn't really tried to make friends with anyone here, so I guess this would be a small, but it still counts (I guess), attempt at reaching out to my fellow COTH members.

Hello, I an known as Kyle and I love to draw. I also love vidoe games, (Outside of WoW) and the great out doors. No really I do (Even though I'm inside all the time.) Anyway, I've been thinking of a rather odd book to write and I have been to no avail, I keep running out of ideas, or at least sence I've been gone from playing for awhile.

Still trying to figure out what else to say, and I'm rather unsure of me posting it here other than I am still absent and will be until my computar gets fixed, which sadly is taking forever. v_V
Cute in a way.
What other games do you play?
Hi. ;D
Lots of first person shooters like halo and COD, and hello.
Do you like assassins?
Assassins are great, cant wait to get brotherhood, Oh and Kingdom hearts is the best game ever ^_^
Hi nice to meetcha. Hope we get to play in game sometime :)
As do I.