Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Battle of the Prestiged
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Tomarrow around 2:30pm server time I will be hosting an arena tournament, it will be happening in one day between all categories of prestiges (1 2 3)

Category 1 - Will be paired up to fight eachother 1v1, depending on how many people attend.

Category 2 - Will be paired up with eachother 1v1, depending on how many people attend.

Category 3 - Will be paired up with eachother 1v1, not sure how many will attend but if we have 2-4 we can continue with them and be quick, if we only get 1 then they will be in with the category 2's.

The pairs may choose if they fight as a roll or a trust, prestiges in training are allowed to attend in whichever category said prestige is part of.

Anyone who wishes to come and watch, place bets, ect may join, I will consider pairing them in with category 1's if they wish to fight. This of course depends on how many people attend.

Feel free to reply with your thoughts on this. :D
Um. Is this a noncanon event? How will it work? I mean, I doubt my necromancer would be welcome.
Totally down for it, still in-training technically despite the fact that I have a hard time finishing up stories due to a variety of reasons. But regardless, I can enter Gwydd as Category 3 - Mountain King prestige. Not sure how you will handle those who are still in-training though.
I think we should allow some in-training prestiges.

I'll join as a category 2 steamwarrior.
Just to make this easier for people such as Necromancers we can do this in Gurubashi or the Tanaris, regardless of if your welcome or not you will be respected as in people shouldn't be flipping out on you. -All- In training or not are allowed, this is supposed to be interesting for all well.. interested. Fel magic will be allowed but obviously no deaths.
No deaths? I'm in, category 2 necromancer.
Shiv, Cat 2, if I'm open.
To repeat the other question, is this going to be non-canon and primarily an out-of-character->in-character kind of event? As in, this will not be official and or carried over to normal RP etc. I ask this out of many reasons, one, why would they all come, and two, for those who are in-training and would not have their full prestige buffs etc. (unless, of course, you are letting all in-training have full on prestige buffs they normally would get)
Those in training will have partial-benefits depending on how far through they are in there training, to answer both your question, this will be IC as it makes 0 sense to take up an IC area for OOC/SEMI-IC reasons, that being said, if you want to come bad enough for some fun, you may make up an IC reason for your character to be in said location and want to participate.
Del Delamore, mid-way Spell Breaker, Might advance him a bit further in his training before the event.
Or leave him as is. :3
I'm happy with this turn-out already :D
If I happen to be online and available at the time, I'll bring Sanya. Steamwarrior DK, Cat 2. This seems like it could be fun.
Can I bring my undead minions if so how many?
Tirius, Category 2, will most probably be there.
The location of said event will be in Tanaris, Gadgetzan, Cage, see Barney to sign up.
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