Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Feedback/Questions re: Custom-model characters/NPCs
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A few questions for the experts out there :3

I have been reading up on the Vrykul lately, a real treat to those who enjoy Norse mythology. I've pondered over if role playing as one would even be possible without a massive restriction of where one would be able to go.
Then it hit me, given the their former relation to the lich king, there must surely be Vrykul death knights. Sure enough, I found a brief article* to enforce the theory. Although scarce, would playing as a Vrykul DK be plausible if used for events, and with careful digression?

I've come across an NPC in Gurubashi arena by the named of "Karsa" as well, who happens to be an imprisoned Vrykul.
Is there any chance of playing one at all, can it be supported by lore and a well thought out back story?

Ideas are greatly appreciated.

Don't you think that the persistent ones should be special profiles?
Persistant ones, if they're level 80 expecially, should involve a (special) profile on their application.
The Vrykul in in Gurubashi is a custom NPC for the arena, he's an enslaved gladiator who happens to be current champion there. My idea was that one could hold regular events there and the gladiator NPCs found around the area could be used as opponents to player participants. Sadly I vanished before it was put in motion, heh.

OT: I think this is a great idea and hope to see a lot of interesting characters come from it, mostly in the form of temporary event characters that can add some spice to our roleplay. I think many of the exotic persistant characters will end up never being used due to restrictions that could be put over them in RP (might not be as free to move as a standard character would, for an example), while the temporary character presumably would have a stated goal and would be RP'd to full effect during that limited time. I could be wrong and do hope I am. It'd be awsome to RP with some of the characters already submitted, hehe.
So far what I have seen from the submissions... I get a sense of worry. (Note I am aware nothing has been approved yet.) Things will clash, more drama will come forth due to this but as long as we prevail and handle it maturily we will have enriched CotH further!
Danalthar Wrote:Don't you think that the persistent ones should be special profiles?

Yup, currently it's seems to be used as work around for the entire special profile board. ;> I vote this.
But in all fairness, some PCs who go by the Special Profiles method wouldn't get the model edit. And the Special Profile section takes longer than most sections to be cleared out.

I'm going to agree that persistent characters need profiles. A profile forces you to think about your character's personality and how you'll play it. Furthermore, if there were no requirements except Gruntship, getting an uncommon, easily misportrayed character would be easier than getting your run-of-the-mill human/elf/whatever. That just doesn't sound right.
Ppl in this thread Wrote:Persistent = Special profile


Alternately, a notice like "Admin: Go ahead and post Profile." after looking at the initial proposal could work.

So that you don't write a good epic Dragon profile, that's really good but that won't be useful because Dragons are in themselves out of the questions. You'd thus get the deny before doing the bulk of the work.

Edit: Etmos comes up with a very valid point in the next post! Stay tuned!
The list of accepted/accepted but unlikely/unaccepted races are a WIP by Kretol in that forum. Alternately, you could also check Bounty Hunter's post to the same effect here. It looks pretty commonsense. I'd rather make people read up than give more work to the mods.
I don't think every custom model edit needs a special profile, I do believe it depends on how it's being used. For example, if you made a model that was persistent, but only used for a specific kind of rp like night elf rp, then there's already a hindrance to that custom ID character as opposed to normal characters.

What separates the custom ID characters, in my opinion, is that they are treated as NPCs and are created for a specific purpose. I do not think they can deviate from that purpose too much without asking the GMs first, and to add to that they also can't muck around OOCly on GMI or other places. Even if they are persistent, they don't get the same level of OOC freedom as normal characters do.
I agree that all persistent character should have a profile, I assumed this was the case only that you wrote it up after you're approved in the model change area.
I thought this was the case aswell or atleast hoped it to be after seeing the may persistant characters people applied for.
Jacula Wrote:A few questions for the experts out there :3

I have been reading up on the Vrykul lately, a real treat to those who enjoy Norse mythology. I've pondered over if role playing as one would even be possible without a massive restriction of where one would be able to go.
Then it hit me, given the their former relation to the lich king, there must surely be Vrykul death knights. Sure enough, I found a brief article* to enforce the theory. Although scarce, would playing as a Vrykul DK be plausible if used for events, and with careful digression?

I've come across an NPC in Gurubashi arena by the named of "Karsa" as well, who happens to be an imprisoned Vrykul.
Is there any chance of playing one at all, can it be supported by lore and a well thought out back story?

Ideas are greatly appreciated.


I'm sure you could try, as Vrykul joined in 3rd gen territory, but the main problem I would see is who would roleplay with him? I doubt they would take a Vrykul to Acherus, and the majority of people want Vrykul completely deader now.
I got a question. Last night I got an inspiration for creating and roleplaying a parrot (stereotypes, come at me!). He would basicly learn to talk by just listening and repeating the words he have heard.

However, as I took a view at the list of un-wanted and less-likely to be approved races, I noticed beasts and critters. However, parrot could pretty much attend alot of RP situations, which include talking and interacting with others. Of course, he may later be owned by someone if needed.

So, would my idea have any hope for approving?

According to that thread, your answer is no. Unless I'm blind and/or misreading.
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