Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Since I can't keep my fat mouth shut.
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You guys never cease to astound me. Stop bashing the OP.
What was said was/is perfectly legitimate and has many merits to it.
Instead of just slapping your hands over your ears and screaming your lungs out so you can't hear anything like some insolent child, actually try to listen for once, hm?
Obviously, this is not directed at the people that agree with Kiffles.
I'm glad we bring you astoundment.
I think that's a job well done.
I also thank you for calling us insolent children, very sweet.
Oh for crying out loud. Don't start guilt tripping, please. That's just immature.
Is christmas already over?

Come on, you guys must have read it! Can't you try to remember it too?
Actually I had to lol, I mistook which side I was on. And no Immaturity is calling us children to begin with.
Well played, Nostra! Well played! And Moon, there were better words you could have chosen to get your point across. Words that didn't break rule #1: Respect.
If I was being disrespectful, then I apologise.
Binkleheimer Wrote:Right.
So, I see you complaining about how people are RPing.
I see someone basically gave you an idea.
And what did you do with it? Nada.
You're just as bad as the people you complain about.


To end it all, he's right, and the rant posts should be replaced with ideas instead
But Jack, this so called "rant" thread is different from the others. It's not ranting anything about what people are doing. It tells people to simply not be afraid of doing something out of the regular. People are afraid of doing stuff out of their regular scheduling. that's why a lot of people hang in BB. It's their "comfort zone." What Kiffles says in this thread is that there's nothing bad with breaking the pattern, and if you just branch off and go out of the regular, you might be positively surprised and get a new exciting form of RP. I might happen to them as it happened to me and Kiffles. If that's not an idea, I have no idea what an idea is.

A short intermission.

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

My new favorite four rules.
I'd like to direct the majority of the people in this thread to Jason's awesome new guide before this continues. Thank you.

EDIT: I almost reported my own post instead of clicking the edit button.
Uthaniel Wrote:Respect Tolerance Language and Maturity

Indeed. I find it particularly alarming that after so many of things things going up, this is the one where people are losing their cool. If you have an opinion, by all means voice it! Just put it in a compelling and reasonable way, not in one which makes you seem like your degrading the person who's opinion is against your own.

It really is rather strange that I have to say that, honestly.

Uthaniel Wrote:EDIT: I almost reported my own post instead of clicking the edit button.

And yes indeed sir, the ball is most certainly in your court.
The important thing about this topic is that Kiffles is TRYING TO HELP. Even if you disagree with her opinions, it doesn't mean she's trying to bring you down. Even if an attempt to improve RP on the server is slightly misguided, it's still an attempt to improve RP on the server.

Now, back to the actual topic of this thread. I agree that people should branch out more, and I certainly agree that lots of good fun can come from RP that isn't neutral.

I do sort of disagree with the "Playing a race correctly" idea. Obviously, some things are over-the-top outlandish like a Tauren demolitionist or a Blood Elf who worships Elune, but stereotypes can't define our RP any more than anti-stereotypes can. There should be a balance. Not an equal balance by any means, but a balance nonetheless. Still, I understand your point because it -is- frustrating when every Blood Elf or Forsaken tries to be the good guy, and it -is- frustrating when every Human is chatting all friendly-like with Orcs in a tavern.

I agree with most of the suggestion. And remember that it is just that. A suggestion. Kiffles is not trying to impose any rules or make anybody change their style of RP. So chill! :D

Edit: I can certainly agree with how awesome GSF was. It wuz awesomes. Guns, candy addictions, and grilled cheese sammiches.
Kiffles, I love you.

Many people would be able to recognize me as someone that plays a lot of racist characters. Shivala, from what I've seen, is one of the few actively played racist Kal'dorei. This disappoints me as Night Elves, and every race, has such a potential if played correctly as a racist.

Now, I know I could play Shivala a lot better. If everything had gone as I wanted it to have -now-, then she would be played a lot different. A lot different, as in her probably hating one of her best friends. And she would be a lot more racist.

Anyways, off with the wishful thinking. We need more racist characters. Considering what the races of Axeroth have done to eachother, they should not be as buddy-buddy as they are today.
I hope you know that some of you look very ridiculous with your rude behavior. Kiffles is just trying to make this issue known. This is how she feels as she said in her own words. None of you are in a position to bash her thoughts, nobody is.

Back to the topic at hand, I totally agree. I don't like this mindset where everyone has to be unique upon creation. There is such a thing called 'Character Development'. Start off normal, act like a normal human would act. Let the roleplay determine what your character's unique traits are.

And for the RP itself. I'm also in agreement with you. Some of the best RP that happened on this server was in the GSF and even though I wasn't in it for a long time, I saw how great it truly was. They went from a small group of 3-6 gnomes to something like 20-30? They started off in a small basement in Ironforge and eventually moved out to a nice base with 3-4 buildings outside of Gnomeregan and I wasn't here after that but I believe they took it back?

In any event, it may have taken a good couple of months but it was great RP. Those who were involved simply loved it and those who weren't involved probably wish they were.

In short, if you want to have a unique character, start out normal and let roleplay determine the uniqueness of your character.
If you want some good fun RP? Communicate with the GM's, get people interested and do your best to have fun. Don't just sit in an inn all day because 'there is nothing better to do'. There is something better to do, you just have to get off your lazy behind to find it!

That being said, since this post is pretty much dedicated to the formation of good RP. If any of you feel similar to how Kiffles feels.. perhaps come together and try to get an idea rolling? Brainstorm a few plausible events for a storyline and get people interested, talk to the staff to make sure it's plausible. Work OOCly and ICly towards a goal and see it through. Win or lose, you'll enjoy the ride.
I'm reading this thread and I have one thing to say:

Keep this - and other threads like this - civil, or I'll be administering locks and warnings.

Respect, Tolerance, Maturity, Knowing when to quit, folks.

[Image: wheatonslaw.png]
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