Conquest of the Horde

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Kaelvan Wrote:I hope you know that some of you look very ridiculous with your rude behavior.

Not to pick on you Kaelvan, but while it isn't great to come in here to sling insults and such around, that doesn't really mean that people need to keep calling them out on it for doing so. Keep it civil, simply.

I noticed that, while I posted earlier, I didn't really address too many of the issues brought up here.

That's because I'm Rigley, and that is evidently the way I roll.

Regarding the whole interfaction and interracial romance stuff, I hardly really have room to talk. I am, to the best of my knowledge at the moment, the pioneer and likely the sole person with a character (or two) that have a Human/Gnome relationship.


Yeah. But, as is my policy with almost any romance or friendship between races, if it makes sense for the character, do it. I just echo the gripe of many others that when the rarities become the norm, they no longer are an interesting concept- Instead, they're just strange and, in most cases, an unwelcome oddity to those who aren't participating.

As for RP in different places, I'm a hard proponent of that. I have characters such as Jovana and Rigley who, on retail, had RP that mostly consisted of them dragging people out into the wilderness to romp around, or at least attempting to. I have a general love the scenery in WoW, and because of this lots of my characters have a wanderlust to them.

Unfortunately, on retail, the stuff I did with Rigley and Jovana was with, at most, like three guys, including myself. And, guess what? RP like that does happen. With two or three people. Its just one of those things where you might have a hard time getting it to feel right or work with a group, or so on. Because it tends to be secluded groups doing that sort of RP, most people will rather congregate where they know they can find people, and-

To be honest, I'm just explaining stuff we all know. Herp. Derp. Rigley likes to prattle.

Clovis Wrote:I'm reading this thread and I have one thing to say:

Keep this - and other threads like this - civil, or I'll be administering locks and warnings.

Respect, Tolerance, Maturity, Knowing when to quit, folks.

[Image: wheatonslaw.png]

...the only thing I have to add is...
Who's Wil?
Rigley Wrote:Not to pick on you Kaelvan, but while it isn't great to come in here to sling insults and such around, that doesn't really mean that people need to keep calling them out on it for doing so. Keep it civil, simply.
While I felt the way I stated my point was genuinely civil I will keep that in mind for next time. Apologies my good sir!
Clovis Wrote:I'm reading this thread and I have one thing to say:

Keep this - and other threads like this - civil, or I'll be administering locks and warnings.

Respect, Tolerance, Maturity, Knowing when to quit, folks.

[Image: wheatonslaw.png]

You beat me to it.

I had the page loaded and everything.
I hate you now.
I hate you so much.
Just kidding.

And, lastly, for Kaelvan, well, there's some characters that have indeed "evolved" on their own. I had a human hardcore paladin that on his -very first RP- had his whole morals shattered because the RP led it that way.

In the same way, my first character (who my forum name is named after), although not as racists as other elves from the get go, he only actively started approaching humans after a whole campaign in which he ended up saving the life of one to track down a particular villain - And befriended two humans in the process. He'd later end up working under a human in Aula Arcanum, giving him little choice but to obey, and getting along with Hebry somewhat nicely over time - even now his elven flaws strike through from time to time, and he more than once has acted superior to his human colleagues. This may seem like me defending myself, but I'm this is basically my point - This is my particular case. Maybe there are others that aren't like that. But maybe there are. We don't know.

And in the end, honestly, I don't see why it's -so- important. What Rigley said couldn't stand more true to me.

Rigley Wrote:If it makes sense for the character, do it

Unless it's something involving being a super cat-man with powers over time that can shoot laser beams.
I like to RP elsewhere. Unfortunately my timezone dictates that I can only ever find RP in the popular zones, such as booty bay, without organising something each time I login.
I'd like to RP elsewhere. But elsewhere is generally deserted when I get online. If someone organises events, I love to go, and branch out. If the "popular zone" changes, Ill be neither happy nor sad. Ill move on and RP there, probably appreciate the change for a while.

Point being, I only have a small group of friends in the community. And generally they log on right as I log off. There are many reasons for people RP'ing where they RP, and its not just stubbornness. For me, its necessity, as I either have to put a ton of work into making events every time I login, when im just here to have fun, and would only like to do this occasionally, or I can go RP with the small number of people in the bay, or otherwise, and enjoy it.

To add, this all seems a little...well...For an example, the NIMBY principle can be applied (Not in my back yard.) What i mean is, lot's and lots of people are complaining there is no RP other than the kind of Neutral Booty bay Rp. Yet the people complaining never seem to be the ones actually making things elsewhere, they want the change, but they want -soneone else- to make the change for them, so they can join in. But no-one is more passionate about a cause you believe in than yourself, and if your unwilling to do something about it, no-one else will be. Like people say, Make RP, and people will flock. Make enough RP, and people will choose it over Neutral Bay RP.

Me? Well Im happy with whatever RP I can get. So no, it's unlikely im going to make events solely so people can stop complaining about booty bay. But im more than happy to join in if someone makes it. Booty bay isnt cursed. If your a good RP'r, the RP can be good there.
Just to point..there's more in Azeroth than Booty Bay. Hell, I've led roleplays in Mulgore, Winterspring, Nagrand and Darnassus, and even the Exodar, so I know it can be possible. Try to leave your little comfort and be daring enough to participate in interesting events. Cause right now you are in a huge black hole, when there are so much kinds of RP that could be led.

You could simply organize a smallish RP event, as in "Mulgore RP! Bring your Taurens in Bloodhoof Village!" or "Need high-quality explosives? Then come visit Random_Gnome in Random_Neutral_Place" or even "Your <race> is looking for adventure? A small raid is about to storm some ruins south of Auberdine! (Opposants welcome)". That's easy to organize, doesn't involve lots of people, takes five minutes to gather, and is overally a great alternative. It shouldn't be a great deal of work - you have a fun RP idea, you quickly put it in motion, and off we go. It's not so hard to propose people to play a Tauren in Thunder Bluff, I believe, even if it's just going to be something smallish.

But, once again, nobody is really forcing. It'd just be a nice idea to roleplay in other places than Booty Bay. You know, we could as well put everything there, and forbid access to the other zones elsehow.
Lynoa06 Wrote:Just to point..there's more in Azeroth than Booty Bay. Hell, I've led roleplays in Mulgore, Winterspring, Nagrand and Darnassus, and even the Exodar.

You lie!
Lynoa06 Wrote:Just to point..there's more in Azeroth than Booty Bay. Hell, I've led roleplays in Mulgore, Winterspring, Nagrand and Darnassus, and even the Exodar.

Ay. I've been trying, when I have the time, to get RP in any Night Elven lands. So far, nogo.
Danalthar Wrote:
Lynoa06 Wrote:Just to point..there's more in Azeroth than Booty Bay. Hell, I've led roleplays in Mulgore, Winterspring, Nagrand and Darnassus, and even the Exodar.

Ay. I've been trying, when I have the time, to get RP in any Night Elven lands. So far, nogo.

I can relate to that, been shouting all night last night for some NElf RP, ended up with 4 at the start. 1 was exiled and couldn't be around in Darnassus, aka left. The other got dragged away by a guildmate so within three minutes of the start, we were with just the two of us. Later a dual-boxing RPer joined and in the end it was quite fun, but heck, NElves get little love.

Not complaining or anything, just recognising it. I don't mind the two players had other plans, that's their choice and hope they had fun. ^^
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