Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Buruum [Broken][Persistent]
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* Race of character/NPC: Broken Draenei
* Name of character/NPC: Buruum
* modelID: 21105
* Duration that character will be used: Persistent.
* Location the character/NPC will reside: I was thinking of starting out around the Exodar and then work my way around various locations blessed by the Light (Stormwind Cathedral, Northshire Abbey, Uther's Tomb, Light's Hope, etc)
* Level requested (Must be a normal level; 1-80): 80
* Any special equipment needed: No, the model should be able to wear equipment as usual.

* Purpose for the character/NPC: I've never played a draenei before, I thought this was a chance to experience the part of Draenei that I find interesting and compelling. A broken who've recently found himself from a time of madness, unable to reach the light he sets out on a quest to find his faith again, I'm hoping to participate in the light based guilds, Argent Dawn or Lambent Sovereignty, maybe other guilds if those two are inactive currently, heh.
DisplayID = 21105 for Broken who can wear armor.
Aah, thank you! Where did you find it?
I used a site called You make an account there, create an NPC and you can search for DisplayIDs there. The names of the IDs for a race which can wear armor often is called (Race) Illusion. You can play Male and Female Goblins using it too.
Archiving for now (player inactive).