Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Bewareoblivionisathand
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Hello CoTH!

Although I've played on this server for a grand total of a week, I've been carefully watching and occasionally posting on the forums. Now, that I've relived the RP of Live, I've been reminded of why I came to a private server, in the first place and how much better the quality of the RP is on this server, compared to others. I am happy to announce my return. As I write, WoW is reinstalling and, hopefully, all will work out. I do have a quick question about this. When I've reinstalled WoTLK, do I just patch up as far as the server is, or is there some sort of specific instruction I should follow? Thanks any who answer/read.

Just keep patching until you reach Cata patch. This one you don't like. /shakes head

Welcome back, on a sidenote!
Welcome back!

You need to patch until you get to 3.3.5a, if you check the technical forums there's a thread talking about how to get there the easiest way.