Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Special, and Prestige?
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Is it the same thing? If so then have they re-opened!

If they have then I'm gonna be a very happy... uhh... dude with a mohawk. What did you think I was going to say bunny?! LOL
I don't think they have re-opened... I am sure there would be something in the server news feed... O.o
If that is so, then I think Special is different to Prestige.
It is, I've been reading the wiki.. but it's quite vague, I find anyway. Specials are "out of the norm" characters. One page says you need to train to get a special profile, the other says it's races and classes which are not normally in game. So.. how does one train to become a non-standard race?
Special is indeed different then prestige, special profiles are generally profiles which.. require additional attention and supervision..

The only example I really know of are "Noble" characters such as the Nobles of Stormwind, which have a degree of power and influence. ;3 For the rest, I don't really know myself.
Hmm.. I wonder if I could make a high elf.
High Elves have been, currently are, and likely will remain, out of the question.
muhaha8 Wrote:High Elves have been, currently are, and likely will remain, out of the question.
Not necessarily true, with the custom model submissions. I mean, if we have people playing Doomguards and Nerubians and such... High Elves are about as harmless as it gets.
I believe, however, that it was implied that High Elves were to remain off-limits, even with the Custom Model Characters. Not saying I like or agree with that, just stating what I know.
All I have to say is, why would High Elves be off limits? I mean, it's basically a any Quel'dorei who wasn't in Silvermoon when the Scourge attacked.
The server has a stance against them. You might've noticed.
The server also used to have a stance against Death Knights, Prestiges, and anything that wasn't one of the 10 playable races. Things change. If you ask nicely and have a decent proposal, it's possible.
Special profiles don't really have anything to do with a character's class. You can find a list of all prestiges on WoWWiki. They have more to do with status, or perhaps history.
I think Terant's referring to how Death Knights were first unplayable here, then became special profiles, then became generally accepted.

Otherwise the assessment's correct. Bear in mind that the two can overlap heavily: for example, several non-standard races were submitted through the Special Profiles section. Needless to say, that's not recommended now.

Edit: Wuvvums got to it before me. You need GM permission for most Special Profiles.

I invite you to go ahead and try making a Helf. There's no harm in trying. Remember though, that since there are already two elven races which are playable in WoW, that a Helf won't be very high on anyone's priority list.
Yeah, specials are things you normally can't play without a GM's permission if I recall. They've included things from nobles, to ghouls, though I think they stopped requiring special profiles for some things, like Wildhammer dwarves.
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