Conquest of the Horde

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My oh my...I'm sure that grabbed your attention, didn't it?


Now then. Let us get to the heart of the matter. With the timely retirement of my character Marianna and the nearing end of the Jungle Fever event I am left with an uncertain Role-playing future. I have ample characters and ample time. Yet partners! My dear friend, for want of partners I am nothing!

So here, in a pleasantly arranged alphabet, are all my characters that I would wish to see RP happen with. See someone you'd like for a guild? For a best budy? For a hated enemy? Then let's chat! Any RP is good RP, in my book.

A passionate paladin, Magdalena is as much a zealot as one can be. A human paladin from Redridge, she is narrow-minded, xenophobic and exceedingly pious. She views all Horde members and races that worship religions other then the Light as either evil or just backwards.

She is currently kicking around the Eastern Kingdom, trying to find a way to put her wicked pole-arm to good use.

The oldest recoreded Belf on the server, the nasty magician Marjora is old, grumpy and -possibly- drunk. Described as the 'Gregory House' of the Arcane world, Marjora is snarky, veign, elitist and obsessive. She is currently working on ways to perfect her Body Alteration Suit ("The broth! It keeps me pretty!") and ways to finish her work in transmutation, alchemy and divination research.

She's currently in Silvermoon, bumming around looking for money.

A naive and sweet-hearted Draenei, Paleran of the Artificers is an engineering buff who is just a bit too nerdy for her own good. Still with her thick accent and an aching lack of social skills, she'll smile and quirk her way through most social situations. She is still working on her research into radiation and crystals. So far, only a few people have lost sterility from her work!

She is currently back at the Exodar, stocking up on radiation crystals for a new form of generator she is -haplessly- experimenting upon.

Scereza is much like Paleran. A human apprentice mage in Dalaran, she is studying architectural magic and applied math at the wizarding school. Secretly the hard-nosed Scereza hopes to one day create a magical equation that will end war, poverty and misery. Such idealistic dreams, however, are proving harder then she though.

Dutifully following her calling, the Kirin Tor apprentice is using her free time to track across Azeroth to collect the hard data needed to complete her research.

Tani Tacklebolt! She is, it seems, the Michael Weston of my collection. She is a little gnomish spy with a cynical comedy about her. Witty and hungry to serve Gnomeregan, she has dedicated her life to honing her skills and talents so that one day she could return to help with its re-capture.

She is currently in Ironforge looking for contracts that a super-spy of her 'caliber' deserve.



Valira valira valira....

The first character I ever made on this server, Confessor Valira von Rosenstiel is everything that I enjoy in a character. She is purely amoral and self-centered, a vile narcissist who changes her morals and beliefs to fit every situation. She is like a parasite: Latching onto someone, she will test the waters, determining what sort of perfect friend they crave before filling that roll. When her prey has fallen haplessly for her she will begin to show her true colors, pushing and prodding them until they are her vehicle towards fame and fortune.

Her motivations have left her wandering Stormwind a penniless hasbeen who now must subsist on the meager stippend that the Argent Crusade gives a Confessor and what money she can bring in conning and working as a maid. She is very much at the lowest of the low level. But she has dreams of climbing to the top once more.


Ha! Wouldn't you like to know?
Geezle and Veretta already are enemies and they are both arms dealers, I think I can see something quasi interesting coming out of that.
Huh, never expected Marianna to die.
- Perhaps.. I could have my Draenei assist her in her crazy schemes and ideas. I really made my character out of the simple fact that I didn't have a single Draenei, so off he was created.

I don't have a serious back-ground or plot to him, so... Perhaps a simple aid? He is a shaman, and would seek to help cleanse the land... Thoughts?

- The Scryers are always recruiting! I think Vath would love to pick on the old lady, until she does some funky curse spell stuff to him!

As for your humans.. Well.. Redis can always create another enemy/undead minion.
JackofBlades Wrote:Huh, never expected Marianna to die.

Wa just her time to go. I had achieved everything I had needed from her as a character.

She may return. But until then, there are other characters out there!

Also, I am more then willing to -make- characters if another needs a friend in need. Of course, those characters will have my spin attached...But that's half the fun in meeting new people, no?
Mmh... Paleran. Want to chill with the (I believe) record oldest Draenei on the server? With the end of Jungle Fever, I'm at a loss for his current location, but he's likely to be found wherever the Shrike Force can be found. Just look around for us.

Mmh... I have the perfect friend for Valira. Does she desire power? Power beyond her wildest imagination? The power to do whatever she wants, whenever she does? Is she willing to delegate herself willingly to servitude to get this power? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, come talk to me in-game.
I'd say Saraya could use some enlightenment after her recent capturing by the Bloodsail. Believe she's on route to the Cathedral at least, back once more. So Valira, in that sense can either break or make her. Having a history of killing and murdering, surely she can be used as a pawn to some things.

Same would go for Kylianne actually, I'm sure Valira has something about her that makes Kyl hunt her of sorts, but once she had enough Kyl is bound to leave. Or just.. Rob and leave straight after.

Jaide, my huntress could possibly join with Screreza for the exploration. Though caring little for artifacts and data, if it means exploring the world and seeing new sights, she's generally up for it. She needs a travel buddy.

For the rest, I don't really know. ^.~ Maybe this sounds interesting.

Edit: Turned Defias into Bloodsail.. Fail.
Sounds wonderful, Psychyn. Find me in-game (.gm ingame is such a wonderful function.) sometime and we can get down to a story.

Also, the above post reminded me:

Valira is a very good 'shrink' character. Got a bit of mental baggage? Some worries? A bit of an emotional black hole? Through her magic or words she can help most people through the dark parts of their life...And only for a nominal fee!

I'm still looking.
Hm, Keak has died three times. He came back this time to find his wife committed suicide, one of his closest friends is a Felblood addict and he's lost the physical capability to do what most of his life has relied on, -fight-. I'd say this middle-aged Ex Paladin could use some mental help!
Rosencrat Wrote:Sounds wonderful, Psychyn. Find me in-game (.gm ingame is such a wonderful function.) sometime and we can get down to a story.

Also, the above post reminded me:

Valira is a very good 'shrink' character. Got a bit of mental baggage? Some worries? A bit of an emotional black hole? Through her magic or words she can help most people through the dark parts of their life...And only for a nominal fee!

I'm still looking.

I.. sadly have to decline on my offer. Shortly after the rock of real life flung against my head and I won't be online for a (what I can only imagine to be) a very long time.

If you are still around when I return, with any of the above characters, I'll gladly seek you out.. With any of my still living characters.

Apologies. I will be back and all, promised. *High fives*
Rosencrat Wrote:Valira is a very good 'shrink' character. Got a bit of mental baggage? Some worries? A bit of an emotional black hole? Through her magic or words she can help most people through the dark parts of their life...And only for a nominal fee!

I'm still looking.

That's actually.. Interesting.

Calia Dorance was my character that attended the Scarlet Crusade storyline hosted a while back, and needless to say, it was a very emotional experience for her. I'm not sure how much coin a Priestess of the Church could offer, but she would love someone to talk to about the whole ordeal.
Marjora and her wonderful mask! I could bring the Shadow Priest Ronae back from the deleted-character-graveyard. He was one of the original founders of Aula Arcanum, and was... Well, completely obsessed with the massive amount of knowledge Marjora had.

Also, he saw under the mask...
Beltharean Wrote:Also, he saw under the mask...

And that is why he is in the graveyard.

"You no take mask!"

Also, Marjora's origional involvment in Aula Arcanum has been retconned pre-restart. She is still a teacher and still has all her quirky traits, but she no longer has the pride of being a headmistress under her belt.
Tani can RP with Spark... As long as she doesn't mind explosions. Lots and lots of explosions.
Hm... I could bring Hantin Wiltonsteel back from the void of pre-restart RP and have some good old fashioned scheming and investing with Valira.
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