Conquest of the Horde

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A Death Knight can kill many a person before they die, this is why they should be special profiles and why Blizzard gave them a level requirement to play. In the end, to not add anything new or interesting, why did the DK's stop being special profiles? They really are -much- more powerful is all.
As much as people say "this class is powerful, blrgh kfksfks." I don't buy into that. A DK can be level 85, a Warrior can be 85, a mage can be 85, a mage can be 85. If there's a class you can be, it can be level 85. If you don't buy into the "Death Knights start at level 55 (or 50, I forget)" or the "You need a level 60" to make one (That was obviously just a perk to encourage people to come back that were sick of the level 70 bracket PvP/PvE, but not have to start all over again), then look at this.
All classes can be powerful regardless if you're a prestiege class, normal class, or whatever. Broxxigar, a warrior, wounded Sargeras and killed like an entire army of demons, Lothar butched many-a-Orc in his time. Gul'dan was just a warlock, but he rose islands, had personal contact with Kil'Jaeden (also just a warlock), and pretty much killed anyone who opposed him. Hemet Nessingwary just kind of goes around the world killing legendary creatures for fun, and he's just a hunter. Alexandros Mograine could just wade through undead all day, and he was a paladin. Velen is just a priest, and he, like Faol was, can make direct contact with the light and leads a massive ammount of people. Vancleef, a real badass in Lore, who leads badasses that can kill guards 1v1 no problem is just a rogue. Shaman and Mage are the only 2 classes that have a "unique title" for their badasses in lore.

We'll never be as powerful as lore characters on CotH. These characters are well beyond any of ours in a fair one on one fight. So why do people insist on ever stating "This class is super powerful, and thus needs (insert some sort of special rule)," I think it's from our natural human tendancy to over-exaggerate things.

X class can beat any class. Any class can beat X class.
Power was never the issue with a lot of us, it was the complexity in their character that some people are failing to grasp.
Well there's that too I guess, I was just saying the level thing because, well just say what a DK is.

Once Scourge, Shock Trooper.
You can argue complexity of all classes. All classes, as well, have their roles. Why is being a shocktrooper of the scourge more worthy of a special profile than being a pillar of the light (paladin), or a vanguard of combat (prot warrior)? Or why is the Death Knight's backstory too hard for the masses (even though we all have acess to lore) that it requires a special profile, but not a druid or a mage? Etc.

No classs we can naturally roll should require a special profile.

I understand many people feel strongly about Death Knights, and seeing a lot of people playing them makes you a little ticked off, but you or I don't own the class. You or I don't mandate the entire (to be honest) vague personality traits they have. Individuals are individuals for reasons.
I'm going to post a compromise here. . .

Living Death Knights should be Special Profiles.

That is all.
I believe they would hunt them because they ruin the Ebon Blade's reputation. DKs are already socially hated for being undead in general. The last thing the blades need are DKs running around, showing other people how they can't control their own already lacking forces. How long do you think it would take for the Paladins of both factions to realize the DKs have outlived their usefulness? After Arthas is killed, they're undead and nothing more. It'd be nothing but trouble for the blades if some of their troops had been running around and ruining their already lacking rep.

They -do- have reason to hunt rogues.
Why would a group focused on killing Arthas care about peoples opinion, in Cata they all go back to the Horde/Alliance. That means that hunting "rogues" would be hunting the neutrals. This is all just my speculation, I don't see why the Blades, who are literally all (except their base) in Northrend, would give a damn about chaos in Azeroth's other states.
Because chaos there results in chaos in Northrend. The Forsaken bombing everyone at the Wrath Gate resulted in the Varian refusing to ally with the Horde in Ulduar. You're saying that in cata they return to their factions like it's a sure thing. Like I said, their purpose was to kill Arthas, and that was the -only- reason Paladins didn't just kill them for being undead. Come cata, they've outlived their purpose. ICly it wouldn't take long for them to be killed. The better they can make themselves look now, the better a chance they have of surviving later.

Besieging Archerus would take an obnoxious amount of manpower, that I think neither faction is actually up to doing.
Comparing that to taking down the might of the Scourge, Deathwing, the Old Horde, the Burning Legion; it's not as much hard as a matter of determination. If the two factions want to, half of either the full might of the Alliance or the Horde alone, perhaps even just the 800,000 worshippers of the Holy Light, can swarm the already-diminished Ebon Blades with spittle alone.

It's not that they can't. But why would they bother to? I would be more afraid of the Warlock summoning Infernals from the sky with a glowing rock than some dispossessed Death Knights who sworn to my King, and whom my own King (remember this is partially medieval, the people really, really, respects the King with absolute power) had accepted.

And in Cataclysm, with Deathwing around; if I am the king, I will happily accept Death Knights then have to contend with a flying necropolis that I will have to waste a few armies to destroy in a costly siege.
(03-27-2011, 11:39 PM)BountyHunter Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to post a compromise here. . .

Living Death Knights should be Special Profiles.

That is all.

-This- is basically what I said in the Living DK thread Pt.2. It's the only thing that would seem the best fitting for both sides of this thread, and any other related one.

DK's are just as powerful as anyone else, and technically training and fancy armor is not always the battle. There has been times in human history where the seemingly more feeble side won the war in the end. Now, as that may not be as much as a factor for Warcraft considering magic, and technology that seems to be a bit too futuristic to be swinging swords, but there isn't much to point at now.
Try not to bump old topics, Purgatoryduck.
There's a date under each poster's avatar to see when they posted.

But yes, I agree with BountyHunter's quote there.
Eh. I changed this into a poll to see what people would like. Go.
(03-24-2011, 06:40 PM)muhaha8 Wrote: [ -> ]No living death knights anymore. Bam, done. Gone forever. The concept, whilst possible, is unlikely as all get-out, and we have unimaginably more living than dead. While the ritual doesn't -involve- yourndeath, you'd likely be killed in order to keep you from struggling. Therefore, I say we slash living DKs as a possibility. Or, alternatively, run them as Specials, I don't know.

Quoted for truth.

I disapprove that 'living' death knights is even an -option-. It seems to go against all lore surrounding them and just does not make seance at all to me. Its like having a living vampire from mythology. It just does not make sense.

I would like to see a pole that argues if living death knights should exist at all because that is different from if deathnkights, as a whole, should be up for permission. Deathknights are like roleplaying most other undead.

'living' death knights shouldn't exist because then they are, defacto, not -death-knights. By the same factor that you cant be a forsaken if your character doesn't pass the prerequisite of being, you know, dead.

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