Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: addrpitem (weapons) idea.
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Seeing as my character is a warrior, it was the first thing to stand out when I used it for a weapon, you can not use any abilities that require a weapon with a command spawn one equipped.

Now I am not asking to add 9001 weapon damage so I can go crazy swinging around a spawned weapon or anything, but I was curious what other thought if the iddrpitem command made an actual weapon for you, with 0.0 DPS and 0-0 Weapon Damage, that way you could use abilities, without actually getting a weapon for using (Or worth using) in actual play. I imagine there is times being able to use a spell or ability would fit in an RP situation.

I worded that horribly I think, since it does spawn a weapon, but I meant a usable one : /
I believe, he is asking to have the .Addrpitem command, give an item that offers the use of your abilities, an example... Rogues with Backstab, using .rpitems, you cannot perform this move, where as Zoldam would like the items that it creates to offer the ability to do your skills. I may of read it wrong however.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to use abilities with custom weapons like that, unless the ID already exists in game files. For example, there are quite a few item IDs that are in the game files that don't actually have items associated with them - the display IDs are simply used for NPCs to wield. If a weapon was made using those IDs, it is possible to use abilities with it (such as the created Moonglaive, as an example).
Regrettably, I have no plans to pore through a list of such items to create random weapons, however.
The best thing I can suggest is find quest weapons, the few green vendor items, and some lower instance drops. I have build a couple characters solely around those types of items and I think it can be fun.
Ah I see thanks.

Special thanks to Kretol to explaining game mechanics, never worked with server (WoW ones anyway), so I know very little about what can and can't be done.