Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A Personal Restart
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So CotH, I recently came back from a period of inactivity and I was trying to find the motivation to RP, but I had a little problem. I couldn't figure out why, but I just couldn't find the will to RP any of my characters. I took it upon myself to read over their profiles to get a sense for them again, but I noted something. They almost all have the same personality! They're all proud, with short fuses, they hold grudges but they're honorable blah blah blah. So I've been writing crap characters all along. So, to remedy this problem I say,


Yes CotH, I'm having my own personal restart. I'm either wiping, or revamping my characters.

To be revamped:
(These two's profiles can be removed, as I will be re-posting them when I have completed their re-writing.)

To be wiped:
Aiorez (I will however, keep him around in-game. I plan on recycling his name eventually.)
(Both of those are characters from my old account that I am no longer going to play. Their profiles can be removed permanently.)

Maurus (Blood Elf Death Knight, in the works)
Thalion (Blood elf Rogue, in the works)
Ilzidor (Draenei Shaman, in the works)

If anybody is interested in drumming up some RP to help me work out my concepts, post here or send me a PM.

Cheers to future RP.