Conquest of the Horde

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Coupla things I need to get off my chest here.

First of all: [youtube][/youtube]

There. That's done.

Next, we must reminisce! I remember meeting you and thinking "Huh. This seems like the kind of cool guy i'll never be broish with." Then you asked me to RP. We RP'd. Now we're bros, and OMGYOU'RELEAVINGNOWALLOFMYRAGESADNESSANDSOMEOTHERTHIRDTHING.

Whew. That felt good.

You have always been one of the coolest people i've had the pleasure of knowing here (Don't you fret, you're all cool. This guy here is just cooler to me personally.) and you're one of my best-internet-friends (A worthier title there has never been! Obviously.) I will miss you dearly, and beat you over the head if you exceed a three month absence. I WILL FIND YOU AND END YOU, HEATHEN. /sad face

Now that that's out of the way, there is only one thing left to do.

Oh yes. You and I both know where this is going.

No special mention
I feel so forlorn!
Check again.
Aahhh, will be missed!
Not really.

Regardless, take as long as you need. I only can hope that you'll return someday, and the RP that day shall be glorious.
I don't think I've ever RPed with you, but I did enjoy the occasional chats we had in GMI/OOCC.

Nevertheless, I fully understand the need to step down in order to focus on real life. Good luck to you and best of regards, Uthie. I hope you and your business prosper :D.

[Image: tunkar-no.png]


Good luck with your endeavors and don't be a stranger!

You've been good to me. You've been a fantastic friend, a guy I can rant at relentlessly and let you go off right back towards me without any feelings of misfortune towards each other. We were able to get many things off of each others' chests, and not to mention you're just an incredibly interesting person all around. Your knowledge of psychology and your unique sense of humor has always made me excited to see you come online. You've been a wonderful person, and it saddens me deeply to see you go. As Reese elegantly put, I can't smile without you! With that aside, I want to thank you. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for the mention. Thank you for making me feel wanted in the community, thank you for talking to me when I was severely depressed, thank you for bringing me up when I'm down, thanks for the great ideas for storylines, thanks for the RP, and thank you for being... you. I don't think you get enough credit for being as awesome as you are.

See you on the flip side, Gabe. You will be sorely missed (until you hopefully return)!

Take care of yourself. If you ever want to talk, you have me Skype name. But I will be waiting for your return. Oh yes. I will bide my ebil time below the oceans. Yeeeees.

Hah, so that's where you got off to. There was me thinking you'd just gotten carried away with Skyrim. This is slightly more productive! xD

I'm really glad to hear everything's going well for ya, mate. Sorry to see you leave, admittedly, but this sort of thing needs to come first! I always enjoyed RPing with and talking to you and I'll be glad to see you pop up on the server again if you ever choose to! Until then, I'll make do. (Check your skype contact requests.) :P

Take it easy bud, and good luck!

I have no idea who you are, you have no idea who I am.

All I have to say is -good luck- to your life.

As it seems you're a big loss (?) of this server. I really wish you would stay more so I meet you, you look like a cool person that I'd always love to talk with and you seem my type, but who says that? I don't even know you..

I know I am not so familiar yet with any of you, but at least I am trying to get into this "community" any way I can.

I wish you the best mate, I hope your business will go well in these hard times the whole world lives in and that you'll be a successful businessman! ;)

We all have to know that important things come first, then comes games/fun/friends etc. First you must survive and then have the fun, because you survived. Good luck again with anything you do and I hope everything goes well in your life..!

P.S Imagine if I knew you how many things I would write. :O
Well. I haven't gotten to meet you a lot, but this does sound productive and I am sure it will eventually pay off. :)

Best wishes :D
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