Conquest of the Horde

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Yes, yes, another absence thread. My bad! D:

Anyways! As some might know, I spent the majority of my winter break overseas in Asia(Hong Kong specifically). Now, most of the time was spent chillaxing and relaxing (hurr, I forced a rhyme. I am so clever.) with my cousins and relatives. Unluckily for me, I never really got the time to er... keep in shape, and exercise regularly. Thus! I have gained approximately... 10lb, in a span of 2 weeks. Scary, I know, but the food there is JUST SO FREAKING GOOD!

So! In response to the soon-to-start hellish practises that I will have to attend, I will now take some time off CotH to start making up for exercise that I never got to do while on break. Not that it's not a good thing, I guess I got the rest and relaxation I needed while on break heh. But for now, I leave you the rule that I will have to live by for now, and a temporary see you later.

If you don't drop sweat today, you will drop tears tomorrow - SlayerS_MMA

... A quote from a pro-gamer, but oh how I look up to him. :'D
Good luck with all that, bro'. :3 See you when you come around again.
Best of luck, Vyndoose!Hug