Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Did you say tsunami?
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Tigers, dolphins and traditional tattoo.

Yup, Thailand for two weeks.
Wait. Are you leaving, or.. are you the victim of a tsunami? Or do you have some sort of tattoo infection? ...Or is it that you were mauled by a dolphin/tiger.

Whatever happened, good luck. And... congrats?
While getting a tiger tatto at the local parlour in Thailand a tsunami struck which flooded the entire city and gave dolphins the chance to finally pay back for all the years of being forced to jump through hoops.

I would wish you good luck, but in this case I'm vouching for the dolphins. They've suffered enough!
That sounds terrible! We should start a fund for poor Bovel! I'll call it Bovel2012, I think I'll make a half an hour long video for it.
This sounds like it should have a poster... Hmmm.
I never understood why Swedes love to go to Thailand, but do have fun.
My vote goes to Nostra on this one... and is totally waiting for a poster about it when I get back!

Yeah, I've never really gotten the fixation with going to the same place everyone else goes... comfort? Anyhows this time we'll be living where the thai people live rather than thick tourism areas.
For once, I agree with Nostra.

(Have fun!)
And just when Kidnapped is ending, Sivak will miss Riael. Have fun in Thailand and don't let your viking instinct to pillage take over. Cya when you get back Bovelnub :)
Have fun :)
(04-13-2012, 08:37 PM)Bovel Wrote: [ -> ]My vote goes to Nostra on this one... and is totally waiting for a poster about it when I get back!

Yeah, I've never really gotten the fixation with going to the same place everyone else goes... comfort? Anyhows this time we'll be living where the thai people live rather than thick tourism areas.

You better watch yourself. I've heard some nasty stories from friends who did the same.
(04-14-2012, 07:31 AM)Hawk Wrote: [ -> ]For once, I agree with Nostra.

(Have fun!)

Pfft. Don't think I'm not on to you!

Agreeing? Pfft and double pfft.
I survived! Mainly cause there never came a tsunami.

I've seen tigers but sadly they were drugged and severly misstreated. Instead I got to see live arapaimas and see them get fed, twas awesome!

And I got tao reuan sak yant on my shoulder, aka a really nice turtle which I will post when I get a pic of it.

Riael is in need of intimacy!!
Yay! Welcome back Bovelnub :)
Bovel! <3

You and me and Immy need to set up a RP date with your broken so Diwaata can have a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF SELF REALIZATION. I'll bring the 80s music.
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