Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Elves officially evolved from Trolls
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With the release of WoW's fifth magazine there is an article of interest to us which explain the origin of some of warcaft's more well-known species.


Quote:Trolls --> Zandalari --> Ice Trolls --> Drakkari "Mostly dead now. Tryin' tae eat yer gods will do that." --> Frostmane
--> Winterax
--> Jungle Trolls --> Sand Trolls* --> Sand Fury
--> Gurubashi --> Hakkari "Still tryin' tae find out Hakkar's origin. No records in titan archives. Plenty o' records mention a demon called "Hakkar the Houndmaster," but looks like a different beast." --> Atal'ai
--> Darkspear/Blodscalp/Skullsplitter/Shatterspear
--> Forest Trolls --> Amani --> Mossflayer
--> Shadowglen
--> Witherbark
--> Firetree
--> Smolderthorn
--> Vilebranch
--> Shadowpine
--> Raventusk
--> Dark Trolls --> Shadowtooth "Twilight's Hammer wiped 'em out, it seems. Waitin' fer the mess in Hyjal tae sort iself out before checkin' those caves."
--> Kaldorei** --> Highborne*** --> Naga
--> Satyrs
--> Quel'dorei --> Sin'dorei

*"Look tae be from when the Great Sundering isolated 'em from the rest o' the Gurubashi Empire."

**"Tribunal o' Ages. Freya. Cenarius. All o' them confirm. This'll ruffle some feathers, tae be sure."

***"Not much o' difference between the Kaldorei 'n Highborne, physically. Pastier, maybe. But they consider themselves different enough."

To note: There should be an indent where the Kaldorei are, then two indents for Satys and Quel'dorei. This means that Night Elves evolved from Dark trolls, then from Night Elves they evolved into High elves, Satyr, and Highborne. From there Highborne evolve into Naga and Quel'dorei evolve into blood elves.
You know, from the moment I saw Dark Trolls in WC3, I thought: "Hell, those are related to Night Elves." Yay for some Blizzard confirmation. :3
I like the Hakkar mention, personally.
Question is.. What IC importance does this have? I think it'll start a war on the Dwarves.. No Elf would want to be called a troll, and vice versa!
Further evidence to support my tedious fanon theories about the pre-Sundering troll empire and Tanaris. *steeples fingers and cackles*

Quote:Dark Trolls --> Kaldorei

EFW (Eltharias' Face When):

[Image: 36ft6g.jpg]
So dwarves even -write- in dwarfspeak?

... Jonoth, how legible are your characters?
Other part of the article Wrote:Ancients --> Malorne (+ Elune) --> Cenarius --> Magnataur "Now THAT was an awkward conversation. Hoo, boy."



... /giggle
Quote: --> Frog? --> Gorlocs --> Murlocs "They're smarter than we think. Smart enough tae nae let anyone know."
Skyfin's intelligence is supported by lore now.

Finally, what we all already knew!

What is odd though is that Blizzard keeps adding evolution to their world but what does that leave the Emerald Dream and the work of the titans and their vaults?
According to the rest of the article, there are certain races who predate the titans. Then there's details of the direct descendence of the titans themselves, and so forth. Brann, who's the character that accomplished the collection of data, also theorised that the Tauren (who predate the Titans, according to this) revered some ancient spirit(s) before the existance of the Emerald Dream.

... Man, so much stuff.
>mfw Blizzard actually gives us some good lore for once
>mfw Blizzard didn't forget/retcon/rewrite the Dark Trolls

Oh my god.

Ogres -----> Orcs

Actually, Blizzard is being very savvy in saying that all of this information comes from a character within the game rather than outright saying it themselves. It allows them the wiggle room in the future to contradict that if necessary, since they can claim it was miscommunication or character perception.
I TOLD YOU SO. There. I can now leave after digging this up.

[Image: Sargeras_Good.jpg]

Sargeras's uncorrupted form.
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