Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Orcs - Subtle lore from the novels
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Here's a link to a guide that's absolutely amazing. I wish I would have had a pen and paper next to me when I read the books, and this person had the foresight to do as much. S/he's taken all the neat little tidbits of lore from the Warcraft novels, and compiled them into one tidy source.

The Link

It's a bit contradicting between authors, since obviously no two people can think the same way, and will inevitably slip up in their logic. That being said, not all of this can be taken as canon despite Blizzard having said in the past that it is. A notable example would be that there's contradictions in the role of women. Cycle of Hatred says that women aren't, or at least weren't, considered equal. Rise of the Horde says otherwise. Rise of the Horde fits better into more conventional lore in many more ways as well however, so if there are any pieces that conflict one another, I would personally take it as the defining did bit.
*Thumbs up* Great guide, it'll definitely help me RP Daichi better.
Excellent find!
This is absolutely fantastic. My next orc will be using quite a bit of these, I don't mind saying!
Someone teach me how to make an orc.
This is golden.