Conquest of the Horde

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No, I haven't organized the portfolio yet, but it seems I'll be leaving for San Diego today. Again. This time, I'm singing for a party my dad has a music gig for. Seriously, my family has to stop these last-minute announcements.

I'm told we'll only be there for one day but I have to bring an extra pair of clothing just in case.

Don't worry, Cappy. Even if I come home late on Sunday, we'll still see Brave.
Immy's internet has been unplugged with an unknown ETA for when it is coming back, so everyone just stay calm and cool and stuff, yo.
(07-25-2012, 02:25 PM)CappnRob Wrote: [ -> ]Immy's internet has been unplugged with an unknown ETA for when it is coming back, so everyone just stay calm and cool and stuff, yo.

[Image: rageface.jpg]
I'm posting this from work.

An explanation as to why we were unplugged: We stopped gluing ourselves to cable TV some time ago (we still watch local TV, though), so to save money, we cancelled our cable plan. Herp, derp, that apparantly included internet service. 30 minutes after I was already late in attending the Red Stormwind event yesterday, Dad dropped the news that we're unplugging. I tried to send a message, but it didn't go through, so I had to call Cappn to make the message for me.

Neither Dad nor Stepmom can give me a date to when we'll have internet again. Stepmom told me we'll have no internet at all home, but given her personality and relationship with me, I don't know if she's joking, spiting me, or being serious.

I still intend to have the Sports Fair, but I have to do it at Mom's house. Otherwise, expect my activity to drop like a rock until I get something affirmative concerning home internet.
My original reaction image to this news remains appropriate.
My displeasure is positively sensational. :I
Come over to the East Coast and steal from my internet.
With Dad trying to repair our internet, we not only got one signal back, we somehow got two. So if one goes down, the other would stay up.

Um... yay!

\ ovo /
(07-27-2012, 10:45 AM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]With Dad trying to repair our internet, we not only got one signal back, we somehow got two. So if one goes down, the other would stay up.

I SO take that back.

One connection doesn't work at all, and the other is extremely weak and prone to hiccups and full-blown disconnections. On top of that, my computer tends to switch connections out of the blue, so I'd be one the weak-but-working one a minute, then the next, I'm suddenly on the dead one.

To put the icing on the cake, when I come in-game, WoW will not stay stable at all. The reason I had to delay the Sports Fair is simply because the Fair itself is not ready--all of my efforts in trying to build and spawn have been foiled because of this connection. Codes are punched but cannot go through, and scales and items would not appear for me. Add this to family drama going on lately, stress from work, and trying to find a second job, and essentially, you will get a very viciously grumpy Immy.

I'll be taking an in-game COTH break until the Sports Fair, and even then, I may stay on break until at least we get this internet fixed. Sports Fair is still happening, albeit at my Mom's house, as said previously. I'm still up for RP, but only in Skype. If you need any GM help in-game, I'll be currently the last one you'd call for. I'll just stick around the forums until my life is back in order and I stop the urge to rip my pillows to shreds with my teeth.
Family's going to a wake tomorrow in San Diego. And I'm coming with.

I'm likely gone all day Saturday. I'm fairly certain we'll be back the same day, but I might be too tired to stay up and talk/RP. A shame, because I wanted to do some storyline RP.

Have fun.
A note left here as I'm away from home doing paperwork for work.

Since yesterday, my ISP has experienced an outage in my area, resulting in no internet whatsoever. I called this morning to ask what's up, they told me everything should be fixed in a couple hours. Four hours later, it's still down.

I'm rather frustrated with this. My family has left for the Philippines, but I cannot make use of my newfound 3-week freedom to do anything such as lay out Gnomeregan, RG events, and TLE dates. My only source of connection at home is through a data plan on my iPhone, but we were only able to save up on a 2G-a-month bundle. I've only had this phone for 1 week and I used up half of my monthly plan, so I'm saving up the rest for any other emergency.

Until I get internet back, I'm likely only going to my mom's house to share the laptop with Cappn again. No worries folks. I'm not entirely gone. I'm taking advantage of no internet at home to catch up on projects such as commissions. If there is a way I can use Skype on my phone without eating my data plan, I'll probably do that too.

Anyway, that's that. Have fun, guys.
Delayed, but now I'm back. Problem is, the internet signal is really weak, so I'm prone to DCing.

But that's old news.
Very literally, just now, I'm told I'm going to Arizona over the weekend. I won't be back until Monday. I at least have my phone so RP can happen on Skype.

So much for weekend job hunting.

Have fun.

@_@ Have a safe trip, honeybee!

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