Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A sudden leave of absence.
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Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

(A day late, however. My apologies.)
A complex one.

GOOD NEWS: I got a job--sorta. I'm working as a respite care provider for my mom during the weeks I am without a steady paycheck. This would look good on my resume as many of the other jobs I'm applying for are similar in nature.

BAD NEWS: It means staying overnight away from home with no access to WoW. The house where I watch the kid does have a computer for me to use when he's not around, but it is not capable of running WoW at all (crappy CPU, too little RAM, and an even worse graphics card than mine).

I can RP on Skype only, it seems, until we're done with this kid and I can come home.
We'll see you ingame once you get back! Good luck with the child.
(Not exactly) BAD NEWS: I'm still here at the respite house. I'm almost done with the first kid's week, and once it's over, the second one will be staying for two more. That's 3 totaly weeks living in the respite house with a crappy computer.

(Big time) GOOD NEWS: I got an opportunity to go home briefly and got my portable hard drive. I copied my WoW folders, my Paint Shop Pro folder, and brought my scanner with me. During hours when the kid(s) are either at school or asleep, I am capable of logging on WoW as long as it's installed in this hard drive.

In other words, I return!
I have three absence threads I use depending on the nature of my drop of activity (burnout, emergencies, and school). This post will cover all three. You'd notice I've just about outright disappeared the past few weeks, only coming on for events. Allow me to explain.

Life in general has just about left me almost little to no option of returning in-game. In addition to a major burnout (I hosted/built for a couple events this past holiday) and general CotH overplanning, life on the other side of the monitor has been less helpful. For one, I am visiting hospitals for not one, not two, but three family members: My older brother (cardiac arrest from an insulin overdose; he's conscious now but still in the ICU), my grandmother (congestive heart failure, though she is recovering after some treatment now), and one of the cats, Galahad (viciously attacked by the dog, suffered major muscular tears requiring surgery. No spinal/nerve/organ damage, thankfully, but he was admitted Saturday and he's not free to go yet).

On top of all this, it turns out I'm short on a few requirements for my Masters that were not noticed until after I graduated spring two years ago. This semester is devoted to taking care of the academic goofs that were not spotted sooner. However, there is a bright star to this dank predicament: While I cannot continue the program with the academic problems I have at current, I can finish a certificate program that I learned I'm only 6 units away from graduating (two more classes), which I can take in one semester. Sadly, neither of those courses are available right now, but I am recommended that I wait until March when more classes will be added and made available, so even if I can't get that Masters yet, I can obtain the certification and enter an agency to begin working in human services. This is a good opportunity for me to find a career I can be far happier in than piddly tutoring and overly stressful behavior respite (which both pay less than I am putting in).

Because of the clusterfluff of stress I am undergoing just to get my life together, I may have to delay the planning for this year's Love Festival, or reduce it to just one week of events (instead of the originally planned two). I have a couple more meetings to attend and hospital visits to make before I can sit down and start planning/building.

I know I did promise a few things to other players, such as giving Mahen'tosh to a bounty hunt and finishing "The Light Casts a Shadow". At current, those two things are the only CotH-related projects I can accomplish in a shorter term, so no worries there. I'm not fully disappeared from CotH, and I can still do GM duties. The circumstances I provided above is moreso an explanation than an excuse as to why nothing has been happening with me lately. Life is looking up, but the storm hasn't passed yet.
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